Tulsi Gabbard wasting no time. Endorses Kari Lake for Governor

Good day all. Recently, Tulsi Gabbard announced that she was leaving the Democrat Party. The responses were interesting. The Republican Party was generally “What took you so long?” and the Democratic Communazis questioned if Ms. Gabbard was really a Democrat. (She was, but old school, not today’s socialist totalitarian party)

After her rather loud repudiation of the current Democrat Party, people wondered what she was going to do next? Was she going to join the Republican party? Run for office? Stay home and bake cookies? Well, we now have an answer. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

Tulsi Gabbard has just endorsed Kari Lake for Governor of Arizona. Gabbard, who left the Democratic Party last week, said that Lake “puts people first, is fighting for border security, energy independence, public safety, and other policies that actually make life better and more affordable for the American people.”

Lake, Gabbard said, “isn’t afraid to call out the warmongering elitist cabal of permanent Washington and the Military Industrial Complex, and their propagandists in the mainstream media.”

I agree with part of that statement, but question the “Military Industrial Complex.” That collapsed shortly after the Soviet Union when defense spending was significantly reduced. However, there are a large number of Uniparty Globalists who are just fine with getting the United States involved in unnecessary wars, such as Iraq.

Gabbard left the Democrats in large part due to the push from the Biden administration toward further engaging in war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine.

“For too long establishment leaders from both parties have sought to enrich themselves, play games, and build up their power while ignoring and even enabling the suffering of millions of hard-working Americans,” Gabbard said.

Part of the problem is the incompetence of the Biden Maladministration. That senile idiot basically told Putin that he was just fine with Russia biting off a few more chunks of the Ukraine. Putin saw that as proof that Biden is a weak, stupid idiot and went for the whole enchilada. He just didn’t take into account that the Ukrainians also get a vote.

When the Ukrainians were able to hold off the Russians, and basically rip them a new one, the west started sending them the tools they need to actually push the Russians out and win the war. The problem here is, as always, Big Mouth Biden. The fool never knows when to shut his pie hole and now people are actually worried that the idiot might get us into WWIII with nukes going off.

I would have to ask Ms. Gabbard if she is ok with letting the Ukrainians have the tools they need, as long as we do not send in troops or otherwise get involved. Basically clarifying her statements. I do agree that there is something very fishy with the amounts of money Dementia Joe is throwing around. There is only so much hardware the Ukrainians can absorb and make use of. Besides, the latest counter attack by the Ukrainians has been using captured Russian weapons, ammunition and fuel.

“Kari Lake is a leader who puts people first, is fighting for border security, energy independence, public safety, and other policies that actually make life better and more affordable for the American people,” Gabbard’s statement read. “Kari Lake isn’t afraid to call out the warmongering elitist cabal of permanent Washington and the Military Industrial Complex, and their propagandists in the mainstream media.”

“I look forward to supporting @KariLake ahead of these critical midterm elections,” Gabbard said.

I agree with pretty much everything Ms. Gabbard said. Two years ago, we had a pretty well secured border, (It was a work in progress, but it was progressing), and we were net energy exporters for the first time in nearly 70 years. Then we were Bidened.

Lake, endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has captured the imagination of many across the US. A former media anchor who supported Obama, Lake has crossed over to the side that bucks against the authoritarian takeover of the US by the Biden admiration and their friends in big tech.

I wasn’t aware that Ms. Lake supported Der Fubar. Well, everyone is entitled to make mistakes. It seems that she has learned from that mistake and has rejected both Obama and the Democrat Party’s goal of wrecking the United States. From what I’ve been reading, it looks like Ms. Lake has a good shot at being the next senator from Arizona. Hopefully, other Democrats in Arizona wake up and do what Ms. Lake and Ms. Gabbard have done. Rejected the totalitarian racists of the Progressive Liberal Democrat party.



I made a mistake with the title. Kari Lake is running for Governor, not Senator. I blame Joe Biden for the error.

~The Angry Webmaster~

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