The Twitter Files Part 7. Twitter an arm of the FBI

Good day all. Part 7 of the Twitter files dropped Friday December 16th, and this is the one I think many people have been waiting for. It shows that the DoJ, FBI and DHS were instructing Twitter to delete tweets and ban users in a flagrant violation of the 1st Amendment.

We have suspected for years that Big Tech was doing whatever the alphabet soup of federal agencies was telling them to do, but we had no hard evidence. Then Twitter managed to piss off someone who could do something about them, and he did. Elon Musk, angered at the banning of the Babylon Bee, bought Twitter.

He’s been cleaning house since then, and also investigating the actions of Twitter version 1.0. This included banning President Trump, suppressing information on the Hunter Biden laptop story, and blocking anything that violated the government’s narrative on Covid-19 and the Great Panicdemic of 2020. Now the latest Twitter files have dropped showing the collusion between Twitter and the Deep State agencies in Washington. Here are the details form Fox News:

Substack writer Matt Taibbi dropped his latest installment of the “Twitter Files” on Friday that detailed the FBI’s ties with the tech giant. 

“The #TwitterFiles are revealing more every day about how the government collects, analyzes, and flags your social media content. Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary,” Taibbi began the thread on Friday. “Between January 2020 and November 2022, there were over 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth… a surprisingly high number are requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts.”

In response to the “Twitter Files,” a spokesperson for the FBI told Fox News Digital, “The FBI regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities. Private sector entities independently make decisions about what, if any, action they take on their platforms and for their customers after the FBI has notified them.”

The FBI’s mandate does NOT include suppression of the 1st Amendment right of Freedom of Speech because someone says something the FBI doesn’t like. (Such as John Edger Hoover liked wearing dresses and giving blowjobs to Clyde Tolson)

Taibbi highlighted the FBI’s social media task force established after the 2016 presidential election that assigned as many as “80 agents” to monitor foreign interference prominently featured in the Twitter Files.

“Do agencies like FBI and DHS do in-house flagging work themselves, or farm it out? ‘You have to prove to me that inside the f—ing government you can do any kind of massive data or AI search,’ says one former intelligence officer,” Taibbi wrote. 

He then shared an email sent to “Twitter contacts” from an FBI official listing multiple Twitter accounts that “may potentially constitute violations of Twitter’s Terms of Service.”

“Twitter personnel in that case went on to look for reasons to suspend all four accounts, including @fromma , whose tweets are almost all jokes (see sample below), including his ‘civic misinformation’ of Nov. 8,” Taibbit tweeted.

Every single one of those agents needs to be fired right now. They have shown that they do not have the good judgment required of a Federal Agent and a complete lack of comprehension of the Constitution of the United States. Their supervisors and all the others involved in instituting this not only need to be fired, they need to be prosecuted, convicted and jailed. Finally, The FBI needs to be disbanded. They have proven themselves to be unworthy of the authority granted to them.

Taibbi highlighted two additional accounts, one he described as being “blue-leaning” whose tweets were clearly joking, writing “Of the six accounts mentioned in the previous two emails, all but two… were suspended.”

HELLO TWITTER CONTACTS”: The master-canine quality of the FBI’s relationship to Twitter comes through in this November 2022 email, in which “FBI San Francisco is notifying you” it wants action on four accounts:

The tweet shows an image. In it are four twitter usernames. Johnathan1wade, madandpissedoff, FromMA and mault_thomas.

14.Twitter personnel in that case went on to look for reasons to suspend all four accounts, including @fromma, whose tweets are almost all jokes (see sample below), including his “civic misinformation” of Nov. 8:

There is an image of what looks like an old fishing boat with a shipping container with the comment “Jokers to the r… I want to remind Republicans to vote tomorrow, Wednesday November 9.”

That is obviously a joke, and one that has been around for a couple of centuries. I’ve used it myself on Twitter, (and got a 24 hour ban for it), aiming at Democrats.

15. Just to show the FBI can be hyper-intrusive in both directions, they also asked Twitter to review a blue-leaning account for a different joke, except here it was even more obvious that @clairefosterPHD, who kids a lot, was kidding:

In this one ClairfosterPHD made two tweets regarding vote counting. “I’m a ballot counter in my state. If you are not wearing a mask, I am not counting your vote.” and “For every negative comment on this post, I’m adding another vote for the democrats.”

Now, obviously this is a joke. While there was a lot of fraud in the 2020 election, the fraudsters weren’t posting about it on Twitter, or anywhere else for that matter. Additionally, if clarefosterPHD was a counter, there is no way she could know who was and wasn’t wearing a mask. However, to the FBI, she is a dangerous subversive who was letting the cat out of the Deep State Bag.

Matt Taibbi then showed more screen captures of additional names supplied by the FBI of people they wanted banned. I would suggest you read the Fox Article, or go to Twitter and read all the pertinent details. Almost all of the accounts the FBI wanted shut down were satirical and not to be taken seriously, unless you are the FBI.

“Many of the above accounts were satirical in nature, nearly all (with the exceptions of Baldwin and @RSBNetwork ) were relatively low engagement, and some were suspended, most with a generic, ‘Thanks, Twitter’ letter,” Taibbi reported.

The Substack writer included the reactions to several of the Twitter users whose accounts were flagged by the FBI, many expressing shock at the revelations from the “Twitter Files.”

I haven’t dug into those lists. I know some people who were banned by Twitter and I’ve been hit a few times with the ban hammer myself. Now I’m wondering of the FBI was pushing this. (While I keep my identity private, I can be tracked down and the FBI has the means to do so. As for the rest of you Antifa wannabe’s, I wouldn’t recommend it. I can and will do whatever is needed to protect myself and my family)

Taibbi then revealed a September 2022 exchange between Twitter’s then-legal executive Stacia Cardille and then-deputy general counsel (and former FBI general counsel) Jim Baker, sharing the results from her “soon to be weekly” meeting with law enforcement agencies like FBI, DHS, DOJ, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

“The Twitter exec writes she explicitly asked if there were ‘impediments’ to the sharing of classified information ‘with industry.’ The answer? ‘FBI was adamant no impediments to sharing exist,’” Taibbi reported. “This passage underscores the unique one-big-happy-family vibe between Twitter and the FBI. With what other firm would the FBI blithely agree to ‘no impediments’ to classified information?”

He added, “At the bottom of that letter, she lists a series of ‘escalations’ apparently raised at the meeting, which were already ‘handled.'”

And by handled, we mean people were censored and banned at the behest of the FBI and DoJ.

The thread displayed numerous examples of correspondence between the Twitter and the FBI, mostly pertaining to tweets the FBI had flagged as “possible violative content.”

“FBI in one case sent over so many ‘possible violative content’ reports, Twitter personnel congratulated each other in Slack for the ‘monumental undertaking’ of reviewing them,” Taibbi wrote, showing a screenshot of the exchange.

I suspect that most of these reviews were “You are banned. Have a nice day!” Matt Taibbi then went into a number of state governments that also sent in ban demands. There were so many that people inside Twitter appeared to be getting confused on who these agencies were and who they represented. (Easy. It wasn’t the American people!)

Taibbi wrapped up his thread by telling his followers, “The takeaway: what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless.”

“Instead of chasing child sex predators or terrorists, the FBI has agents — lots of them — analyzing and mass-flagging social media posts. Not as part of any criminal investigation, but as a permanent, end-in-itself surveillance operation. People should not be okay with this,” Taibbi added. 

Well I’m certainly not ok with this, and there are a lot of members of congress who are also not ok with this. This is a clear cut case of abuse of power by the “premier” law enforcement agency on Earth. There is a reason that a majority of the people think the FBI has long since outlived it’s usefulness and is now an active threat to the American people.

I have no idea what criminal charges can be brought, but I do see the potential of hundreds if not thousands of massive lawsuits being brought. I wonder if there is a judge out there who has the balls to “Do the needful” and strip the FBI of their powers of arrest? Frankly, I doubt it. I think it’s time for people on both sides of the political aisle to start leaning on their alleged “Representatives” and demand that actions be taken and now.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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