AOC and other Dems tell Biden to ignore the courts

Good day all. Last week there was a court ruling regarding a drug used to induce abortions. The ruling, from what little I understand about it, basically says that the FDA, when they approved it, didn’t follow their own procedures on safety and effectiveness.

The courts issued an injunction, (Stayed for 7 days to allow appeals), against the approval of the drug. This, as expected, set off the Progressives in Congress. Here are the details from Fox News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called for the Biden administration to ignore a Texas judge who on Friday issued an injunction against the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion pill mifepristone.

Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk on Friday directed the FDA to halt the approval of mifepristone while a lawsuit challenging its safety and approval works its way through court. Kacsmaryk stayed the FDA’s approval of the abortion drug, but gave the federal government seven days to “seek emergency relief from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.”  The Biden administration has announced it will appeal Kacsmaryk’s decision. 

As I mentioned above, I don’t really understand the issues here. I believe what this drug does is cause a miscarriage. Regardless of your stand on abortion, that seems like a bad idea. A miscarriage can and does cause health issues for the woman, in that not everything is expelled from her body. That might be part of the case that is ongoing.

The issue here though, is the Democrats, not giving a damn about the health and safety of anyone else, have said that the Biden Maladministration should just ignore the court.

Democrats are furious with the ruling, and at least two lawmakers including Ocasio-Cortez have urged President Biden against enforcing the injunction as the lawsuit proceeds in court. 

“I believe that the Biden administration should ignore this ruling,” AOC declared on CNN. She said “deeply partisan” judges have “engaged in unprecedented and dramatic erosion of the legitimacy of the courts,” calling the abortion pill ruling “unfounded.” 

“The interesting thing when it comes to a ruling is that it relies on enforcement,” she elaborated. “And it is up to the Biden administration to enforce, to choose whether or not to enforce a ruling.” 

Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon issued a similar statement after the ruling came down. 

“There is no way this decision has a basis in law. It is instead rooted in conservatives’ dangerous and undemocratic takeover of our country’s institutions,” Wyden said. “No matter what happens in seven days, I believe the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to ignore this ruling, which is why I’m again calling on President Biden and the FDA to do just that.”

I wonder what these two blithering idiots would have said if the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump had ignored all the court orders regarding things like illegal aliens coming into the United States, or how, when he tried to reverse an Obama Executive Order, the Obama judges, in blatant disregard for the constitution, issued orders preventing him from doing so? (Trump followed the court orders, unlawful as they were, and appealed them) I think we know the answer to that question. They would have demanded his impeachment, arrest and summery execution.

He, (Wyden), suggests that the FDA, doctors and pharmacies “go about their jobs like nothing has changed and keep mifepristone accessible to women across America.”

So much for your oath of office Wyden. Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is a moron and I expected just this sort of response from her. You, on the other hand, allegedly have some capacity for rational thought. Obviously, I was mistaken.

Doctors and pharmacies currently prescribing and dispensing mifepristone must get a special certification to do so.  The FDA places special restrictions on mifepristone under a safety program that’s intended to minimize the risk of drugs that could be dangerous, but has relaxed restrictions on the drug several times. In January, the FDA allowed certified retail pharmacies to dispense the abortion pill mifepristone.

Again, I don’t fully understand the nuances of this case. It seems that the FDA, in the past, acknowledges that this drug is risky and that it must be carefully controlled and administered. But then they changed the procedures. If they did this without actually following their standard processes for determining safety and effectiveness, I can see why the judge issued the injunction.

Now I freely admit that I do NOT have all the facts in this case and don’t fully understand how this drug works and what it might do to those who take it. I’ve never spoken with a woman who has suffered a miscarriage, although I have read comments from some who had one. (Australian actress Claire Holt lost her first child in a miscarriage and had to go into the hospital to have the remains removed from her body)

Regardless of your position on abortion, I would think you would want to make sure any drug was safe and effective and that all the potential side effects were known and documented. Of course, for the Democrats, it’s not about health, it’s all about politics. Wyden and Occasio-Cortez don’t care about the health and well being of women who use this drug, for them it’s all about using abortion for their own political power.

If you have been following my thought processes on this post, I’ve tried to keep abortion as a political issue out of it. I have, at least in my mind, done my best to remove that issue from this discussion and tried to limit it to the Food and Drug Administration’s apparently not following their own process and procedures. I’ve made my position known. (Find a way to make abortion an obsolete procedure. Women won’t have them because they won’t want or need them)

What I am angry about is that the Democrats are continuing down the path of tearing up the constitution and the rule of law, not thinking about what the outcome would be. We’re already beginning to see the first inklings of this.

There have been a couple of cases of vigilantes taking the law into their own hands because they can’t get any help from their own government. (People going after their stolen cars or other property and confronting the criminals. One dead, one in jail) I don’t expect AOC to have a clue about the trouble her big mouth is going to get is going to get her into.

The older democrats should know better. That they either don’t, or worse, do know but don’t care is what worries me. We are on the cusp of a shooting civil war and we need to start trying to pull back from that precipice. Idiotic remarks like Wyden’s and AOC’s are not helping things.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to AOC and other Dems tell Biden to ignore the courts

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    So much for “follow the science” those protocols exists to ensure safe and effective medication. Agreed it’s not really the fedgovs job (nothing about it in Article 1of the Holy Writ) but they should at least follow their own rules


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