Half of the States have GOP Supermajorities

Good day all. Something very interesting is happening out in Flyover country. The Democrats are slowly becoming irrelevant at the State level. Even Red States that currently have either a Democrat governor or one who is either a RINO or TransRepublican are seeing an interesting shift.

What is happening is the Republican party now has a super majority in the state legislatures in 25 states. What this means is that they now have veto proof majorities, and, depending on their state’s constitutions, the ability to impeach and remove Constitutional officers such as the Governor, Attorney General and others. Here are the details from Breitbart:

Democrat state representatives switching parties and one special election over the last month gave Republicans three new supermajorities in state legislatures, bringing the total to 25 nationwide.

The Democrats who have been switching parties, or those who have become independent but are now voting mostly Republican, has been growing in number since the 2020 Tainted election. One of the “Big Names” to walk away from the Democrat Party is former representative Tulsi Gabbard. There have been a number of others at the state level and Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema left the Democrat party last year and is now an independent.

This week, North Carolina state Rep. Tricia Cotham announced her departure from the Democrat party and effectively changed her party affiliation to the Republican Party, ultimately giving the Republicans in the Tar Heel State a veto-proof supermajority in both the House and Senate.

The party wants to villainize anyone who has free thought, free judgment, has solutions and wants to get to work to better our state,” Cotham said during a press conference announcing her decision to formally leave the Democrat party. “Not just sit in a meeting and have a workshop after a workshop, but really work with individuals to get things done.”

If you don’t do exactly what the Democrats want you to do, they will try to bully you. They will try to cast you aside,” she added.

The modern Democrat Party has gone full Fascist Totalitarian in the last 10 years. It’s always been in favor of total centralized power in Washington, at least since they started, and lost the Civil War. Now they have discarded any pretension that they support the Constitution, The United States or the American people. Several other Democrats are also looking to “Jump the fence.”

Additionally, in mid-March, Louisiana state Rep. Francis Thompson announced his plan to switch party affiliations from the Democrat party to the Republican Party. Like Cotham, Thompson switching parties gave the Louisiana Republicans a supermajority in the state House for the first time ever. Now the Republicans in the Bayou State have a veto-proof supermajority in both the House and Senate.

This is a happy day, but it’s not a decision that was made in a day,” Thompson said in an interview with USA Today. “I’ve struggled with this and have been thinking about it for more than a year when it has become clear that the Republican Party better represents my values and philosophy today.”

These two party switches basically ends the Democrat’s control of North Carolina and Louisiana. Currently both states have Democratic Governors, but as of now, provided the Republican Legislative leadership keeps the new people in line, the Republicans now control the state governments.

We have seen states with Republican majorities passing legislation that most of the state population supports and wants, but doctrinaire Progressive Democrat Governors veto the bills. Since the Democrats tend to be in lockstep with the Party, they will ignore their constituents and uphold the vetos.

Earlier this week, during a special election in Wisconsin, Republican state Rep. Dan Knodl defeated a Democratic attorney, Jodi Habush Sinykin, to win an open Senate seat. The seat became available after longtime Republican incumbent Alberta Darling retired, and the governor called for a special election.

Knodl’s victory gives Senate Republicans a supermajority in the chamber, enough to override a gubernatorial veto in the Senate. However, a successful override takes a two-thirds vote in the Senate and Assembly. In the Assembly, Republicans remain two seats shy of a supermajority.

Considering that Wisconsin is now firmly in the hands of Communists, and the recent election of a Soros judge, who has stated that she won’t follow the laws or the constitutions of Wisconsin and the United States, look for a lot of bad decisions coming down the pike. Wisconsin is well on it’s way to being the next failed state, right after New York and Kalifornistan.

With 25 Republican supermajorities nationwide in state legislative chambers, it’s evident that the American people want principled conservatives to lead while Joe Biden and his Democrat cronies in the states drive our country off a cliff,” Michael Joyce, the communications director for Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), added.

The Democrats have a long history of wrecking everything they touch. Kalifornistan is all but a failed, third world state in everything but name. All the other Democrat controlled states are also in some degree of distress, and have been ramping up taxes and regulations on people and businesses. These people have given up on their states and are voting with their feet. Others are turning from blue purple, and now we have half the states going solid red.

The 2024 election is going to be interesting, and, provided they can do something about Cocaine Mitch McConnell, could see the Red Tide we should have had in 2022. We shall see how things proceed. The Democrats may have finally pushed to far and some of their own members are giving up trying to change thins inside the party.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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