Budweiser demoted to the “Beer of Queens”

Good day all. Budweiser is a beer company that was founded in Saint Louis 150 years ago. It has become one of the best known brands in the world. Then about 10 or so years ago, the company was sold to a European-Brazilian company called InBev. From there, things went down hill and in the last week or so, spectacularly cratered.

Recently, Budweiser went Woke when they decided to make Mr. Dylan Mulvaney as their “Woman of the Year” for Bud Light. Mulvaney is a “transgender” fake female. (in other words, a nut) This has gone over like a solid lead balloon, especially after the Nashville murders by another person claiming to be “transgendered” and the arrest of another mentally ill individual claiming to be transgender female who was planning his own attack on another school.

The blowback against Budweiser’s Woke decision is beginning to hit them in that most important part of a corporation, their bottom line. People are announcing their opinions by not buying any Budweiser products. Here are the details from Fox News:

Anheuser-Busch set social media ablaze when beer juggernaut Bud Light celebrated transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney’s “365 Days of Girlhood” with a polarizing promotion.

The trans activist revealed Saturday that the beer company sent packs of Bud Light featuring the influencer’s face as a way to celebrate a full year of “girlhood” that Mulvaney recently reached. Mulvaney said the cans were her “most prized possession” on Instagram with a post featuring “#budlightpartner.” A video then featured Mulvaney in a bathtub drinking a Bud Light beer as part of the campaign.

This was on April 1st and many people thought it was meant to be a joke. Little did they know that Anheuser-Busch was serious about this.

The announcement was met with significant backlash, with some Twitter users describing the ad campaign as the latest attempt to push gender propaganda. Many people mocked Bud Light over the partnership and even wondered if it was some sort of April Fool’s prank. Conservative singer Kid Rock used several Bud Light cases for target practice in a viral video, and there have been calls to boycott.

“I made a joke that Budweiser has confirmed something I have suspected all along, that Bud Light is a beer made for men who identify as little girls,” competitive skateboarder Taylor Silverman told Fox News Digital.

Now for some due diligence on my part. I am not a heavy partaker of adult beverages especially the distilled variety. I do like an occasional beer, and am a bit of a beer snob. I do not consider any of the products made by Budweiser to be actually, beer. Frankly, it should be run several more times through the Clydesdale it originally came from. The contempt for this woman hater, Mulvaney and for Budweiser has been growing by leaps and bounds.

“It’s disappointing to see someone making a mockery of females be applauded for it. But there is good news, and that is that we vote with our dollar every single day,” Silverman continued. “When companies make it clear that they don’t share our value of respecting women, the best way to handle that is to no longer financially support them by purchasing their products and turn to alternatives.”

However, there are those, usually morons, who think this is a great idea and don’t believe it will affect sales in a negative way.

One of Bud Light’s supporters is Bryan Kramer, an award-winning influencer and brand marketing guru, who believes the transgender community is “marginalized” and Mulvaney is the ideal person to lead a national conversation. 

“She fits the mold and if you’re looking at a marginalized community, the trans world is the community that’s getting hit. So, as a brand, and lots of brands are trying to approach this, I would approach it the same way, as an influencer marketing campaign, sending out something personalized and creating something that creates connection,” Kramer told Fox News Digital. 

This Kramer has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. I did a quick lookup of him and found him on Linkedin. To say that I’m both impressed and unimpressed is an understatement. All he is, is a very good marketing person. However, he is missing the boat on this one. He doesn’t seem to know who Budweiser’s audience is. I think it’s safe to say it isn’t the mentally ill or Progressives. The average Progressive Liberal Democrat doesn’t drink low end beer. They are the Wine and Brie crowd and wouldn’t be caught dead with a can of Bud Light in their hands.

“I think it’s a win for Bud Light and I think it was a win for other brands,” Kramer added, noting that the beer juggernaut essentially served as a guinea pig for corporations who face backlash for similar situations.

A guinea pig? More like the canary in the coal mine and the canary is now lying on the bottom of the cage, gasping for breath.

Kramer doesn’t believe critics of the Mulvaney promotion will hurt Bud Light, and he pointed to a popular fast food restaurant as proof that companies can survive backlash. 

“Chick-Fil-A took a stance as well, and I’ve got to say that their brand is standing up just fine,” he said. “Brands can take a stance on certain things, they can have polarizing issues and yet, they still remain standing.” 

Oh you didn’t go there did you? (Looks again), why yes, you did. The Chick-Fil-A situation is the absolute dead opposite of what Budweiser and Anheuser-Busch is doing. Chick-Fil-A is a family based and oriented company with support from a majority of Americans. They saw the Left trying to destroy to company because they wouldn’t toe the Progressive line and helped them fight back.

Budweiser is already losing support. Several celebrities have made their unhappiness known, one of them Kid Rock. He apparently shot up a case of Bud Lite. Others are canceling their endorsement agreements. Finally, it looks like Anheuser-Busch has taken action with regards to the bright bulbs who dreamed up this idea. Here are a few details from Patriot Party Press:

A rumor recently surfaced online that Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Budweiser, among other popular brands, fired its entire marketing department over the decision to honor a transgender person on a can of the popular Bud Light.

The campaign ended in disaster, with Kid Rock humiliating the company by shooting the crap out of a bunch of beer he had purchased for the occasion. Bud Light sales immediately dropped 80 percent, Augustus Anheuser had to issue a formal apology, and Kid Rock ultimately had the beer banned from his upcoming tour.

I didn’t know that sales had gone down by that much. Now granted, this is apparently a single source, however it appears that the site actually did some work to verify this and the other items, such as firing their entire marketing department.

But did the company fire its entire marketing department over it? Yes, that’s true. The official line from the human resources department was “go woke go broke.”

We looked into the source of the rumor and tracked down the original author, who wishes to remain anonymous. In order to protect our source, we asked an independent auditor to review the piece and check the writer’s credentials, all of which came back to a person with a stellar reputation. Therefore, we stand by our rating having followed the standards of journalistical integrity.

After the 9/11 attack, Budweiser produced a commercial so powerful it only aired once.

What happened to Budweiser? It replaced their marketing team that created that add with a bunch of woke, spoiled brats. If the report by Patriot Party Press is accurate, Budweiser may have corrected a part of that mistake. The next thing they need to do is get rid of Dylan Mulvaney and publicly apologize for being so stupid.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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