Things aren’t looking so good for Adam Schiffhead

Good day all. The Durham Report has been released, and among the things in it was information on our old pal, serial liar Representative Adam Schiffhead. There is already a resolution to remove Schiffhead from congress, and it appears that Speaker of the House McCarthy may be considering it.

To recap the evil that is Adam Schiffhead, he lead the Intelligence Committee under the “leadership” of San Fran Nan Pelosi. He was instrumental in pushing the fake Russia file accusing the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump of being a Russian agent. He was constantly lying about having “Hard Evidence” about “Russian Collusion.” He continued pushing this garbage even after it came out that the whole thing was cooked up by Felonia von Pantsuit.

When the Republicans retook the House, one of the first things that Speaker McCarthy did was boot Schiffhead from his seat on the Intelligence committee. Now that the Durham Report has been released, one of the tings it appears to be doing is showing just how dangerously corrupt Schiffhead was. This has led Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna to introduce a resolution to remove Adam Schiffhead from the House of Representatives. Here are a few details on this from the Daily Caller:

Republican Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna introduced a resolution Wednesday that would remove Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff from the U.S. House of Representatives.

Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives,” Paulina Luna said in a statement.

The Durham Report makes clear that the Russian Collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country,” she added.

Normally, this resolution would go nowhere fast. While Schiffhead is guilty of the accusations, to remove a member from the House of Representatives requires a 2/3rd majority, and it’s highly doubtful that the Democrats will bounce Schiffhead, no matter how corrupt he is.

This brings us to the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy. While he has removed Schiffhead from the intelligence committee, there is some question on his willingness to move forward with booting that pencil-necked geek from the House of Representatives. Here are some of those details from the Washington Examiner:

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has remained noncommittal on House Republicans‘ calls to remove Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) from Congress following the release of the Durham report.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) filed a motion on Wednesday to expel Schiff after the report cast doubt on whether the FBI should have investigated connections between former President Donald Trump and Russia. Many Republicans have deemed the investigation into Trump a political stunt and “weaponization” of the federal government.

However, McCarthy hesitated to firmly stand with the Florida Republican on calls for Schiff’s impeachment on Thursday, saying he’d “have to look at it,” according to Politico.

I’m not surprised that McCarthy appears to be hedging a little bit. He has to due to his position. However, I don’t doubt that privately, Kevin McCarthy would like nothing better then to boot that lying pencil-necked geek’s ass out of the House of Representatives.

Luna said she is working with Republican leadership to decide on the “verbiage” before she introduces her measure on the House floor next week.

“Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars,” Luna tweeted Wednesday. “He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives.”

As expected, Schiffhead demonstrated his complete lack of integrity, honesty or anything else for that matter with his response.

Schiff has responded to Luna’s motion, saying “MAGA” Republicans would “go after anyone who defends the rule of law.”

Schiffhead is even trying to fund raise off of this.

“Nobody stood up to Donald Trump and the extreme MAGA forces more than Adam did, and now MAGA Republicans want payback. As retribution for Adam’s leading the first impeachment of Trump and his prominent role on the January 6th Committee, House Republicans are trying to remove him from Congress altogether,” a fundraiser sent out by Schiff reads.

Schiffhead is looking to replace Dianne Feinstein, who makes Dementia Joe Biden look spritely. Schiffhead doesn’t belong in the house, and certainly not the the Senate. He does belong in prison, preferably on death row. I would love to charge that little twerp with treason, and in pretty much any other country, he would be, but the charge of treason in the United States is constitutionally defined.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Of course, since the Democrats, such as Schiffhead, consider the Constitution to be an antiquated document, perhaps we should charge him with it anyway, execute him and then put him on trial. What’s that you say? Doesn’t that violate the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments? Of course it does, but the Democrats consider those to be voidable as well.

Now, for some reality. Did Schiffhead commit actionable crimes? I don’t know. Did he commit offenses that warrant his expulsion from the House of Representatives? Oh HELL YES! Now the big question. Will he be expelled? Sadly, no. The Democrats, being no better then the Nazis, Communists and Fascists they’ve started to emulate, will protect him. The best that can be done is for McCarthy to do all he can within the law and the rules of the House to make Schiffhead’s existence there an absolute living hell.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Things aren’t looking so good for Adam Schiffhead

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Shitface absolutely must go! He continues to lie insisting the russian collusion is real. He should be arrested for dereliction of duty.


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