Truth Social filed $3.78 Billion dollar suit against the Washington ComPost

Good day all. I was swanning along the innerwebtubes when I saw that Trump Media and Technology Group, which owns Truth Social, is suing the Washington ComPost for $3.78 BILLION Dollars.

Truth Social was founded by the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, after Twitter version 1.0 booted him from the Platform. (Since Elon Musk’s takeover and the start of Twitter 2.0, President Trump’s account has been reinstated) Since it’s founding, Truth Social has seen some pretty phenomenal growth as refugees from Twitter flocked to the platform.

Of course, the “Usual Suspects” in the Main Stream Media, aka The Democrat Propaganda Corps, have been attacking Truth Social and President Trump. Now the holding company is firing back at the Washington Compost citing defamation and is seeking almost $4 billion in damages. Here are the details from Fox News:

Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) have filed a defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post for a staggering $3.78 billion. TMTG, the parent company to former President Trump’s Truth Social, accused the Post of running a “years-long crusade” against the company.

“WaPo has been on a years-long crusade against TMTG characterized by the concealment of relevant information in its possession—a bitterly ironic truth for a publication whose motto is ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness,’” the court filing said. 

The suit, filed late Saturday in Sarasota Country, Florida, accused the Post of creating an “existential threat for TMTG, causing enormous loss.” The lawsuit put a spotlight on Will Wilkerson, who was one of TMTG’s first employees but claimed the company violated security laws in an Oct. 2022 Post report. The same report also suggested Trump pressured executives to hand over shares to his wife, and featured internal documents that Wilkerson shared with the paper. 

“Wilkerson knew that WaPo eagerly published false stories about TMTG, its CEO, Devin Nunes (“Nunes”) and, of course, former President Donald Trump. Wilkerson contacted WaPo with a salacious story about a porn-friendly bank and securities fraud. Through a series of meetings and conversations with Wilkerson and his lawyers, WaPo undertook with Wilkerson to publish agreed false and defamatory statements to injure TMTG,” the court filing said. 

I am certainly NOT a lawyer, and flat out don’t make any claims on the validity of this suit. I do recall some of the stories, (Although I don’t read the Compost) and if I recall correctly, they seemed way over the top even for the Washington Compost.

The lawsuit then pointed to a May 2023 Post report headlined, “Trust linked to porn-friendly bank could gain a stake in Trump’s Truth Social,” which TMTG’s legal team blasted as false.

I would normally ask if the Washington Compost journalists bothered to contact TMTG about any of this, but they are journalists, they work for a Fake News organization and they’re not noted for actually doing the work to validate a story.

WaPo was not content with publication of the false Statements to its 2,500,000 subscribers and republication to its 20,000,000 Twitter followers. The primary author of the WaPo Article, Drew Harwell (‘Harwell’), republished the Article to his 48,000 Twitter followers, which included correspondents at CNN, New York Times, NBC News, The Atlantic, Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, Business Insider, and the Guardian,” the lawsuit said. 

“In order to further spread the smear and increase the damage to TMTG, WaPo engaged agents from both within and outside the company to broadly republish the defamation,” the suit continued, scolding other Post reporters who shared the article on social media. 

You would have thought that the ComPost would have learned it’s lesson after the Nick Sandmann debacle. Apparently not. They have learned to shut their mouths regarding the lawsuit of course. (Something Disney’s legal teams need to learn. There are reports that they are talking themselves into potential felony charges for securities fraud, but that’s another story)

The lawsuit accuses the Post of misleading readers into thinking TMTG executives were criminals and painting the company as filled with corporate malfeasance, according to the suit.

“Readers concluded that TMTG and its executives could go to jail because of the non-disclosures described in the WaPo Article,” the document said, claiming that the Post has refused to retract defamatory statements.

“WaPo’s Statements were not published in good faith. The falsity of the Statements is not due to an honest mistake of the facts. There are no reasonable grounds for believing that the Statements are true. Publication of the Statements and republication of the Guardian article was part of a concerted effort to damage TMTG and interfere with its business,” the filing said. 

If the legal team for Trump Media and Technology Group has all it’s ducks in a row, and can prove that both the story was false and that the Washington ComPost editors and publisher knew or suspected it was false, then Bezos is going to get another financial haircut.

I don’t see the Trump Team settling on this one. If the Washington ComPost lawyers do come up with a settlement offer, it’s going to have to be a big one, contain an apology, an admission of wrong doing and no NDA. I can’t see the Compost accepting that one.

TMTG accused the Post of acting “with actual malice and reckless disregard for the truth,” and has asked for compensatory and punitive damages totaling $3.78 billion. 

That’s a lot of moola. (That would be money for those attending universities today) It’s also been filed in Florida, which is interesting. I would have thought this wold have been filed in New York or Washington. Of course, there wold be zero chance of getting a jury in either of those two locals that wasn’t biased against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. As for now, it’s all in the hands of the lawyers and I doubt will hear much about the case for a year or two. That will allow a few crop cycles for growing more popcorn.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Truth Social filed $3.78 Billion dollar suit against the Washington ComPost

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Who cares if a bank is porn friendly? Porn is not a crime, provided of course that there are no minors involved. What if it was a gun friendly bank? More gasping and clutching of pearls? Any infringement of liberties, no matter now good the reason, is an infringement of all liberties.


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