Police arrest man exercising his 1st amendment rights

Good day all. This one sort of slipped under the radar with all the Trump news. A man was recently arrested for daring to recite bible verses at a transgaygroomer pride event.

As we’ve come to see, anyone daring to oppose the alphabet soup of “Pride” groups needs to be jailed, beaten and killed. The first instance is what happened to Damon Atkins when he stood there and cited the bible at the pervs, sicko’s and mental cases. Here are the details from Fox News:

Charges were dropped against a self-professing Christian “street preacher” who was arrested while citing the Bible in protest of an LGBTQ Pride event in Reading, Pennsylvania, authorities said.

Damon Atkins was arrested June 6 for “disorderly conduct, engaged in fighting,” but the charges were dropped after an official review of video evidence, the Berks County District Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

“The charges were withdrawn after the District Attorney’s Office reviewed the videos of the incident along with applicable case law,” the statement said.

I gather the DA here is not a Soros DA, otherwise they would have charged Mr. Atkins with everything they could think of, including knowing who Donald Trump is. In this case, the DA took one look at the incident and went “Are you idiots out of your freaking minds?”

Berks County Commissioner Christian Leinbach had told the Lancaster Patriot that he believed the arrest of Atkins was “unlawful” and “could open the City of Reading and their police department to legal action.”

A video of Atkins’ encounter with the police officer and his arrest was caught on video by Matthew Wear, a resident of the Pennsylvania city.

Gotta love smartphones and their built in cameras. Before this, the cops may have beaten Mr. Atkins to within an inch of his life and then charged him with assaulting their boots, nightsticks and fists with his chin, ribs and back of his head.

In the YouTube video, Atkins is seen talking with Sgt. Bradley McClure as he cites Bible verses to the attendees of the event, which reportedly included drag queens and children.

It sounds like this police Sargent needs to be busted down to janitor. If he can’t understand how the 1st Amendment works, then he has no business wearing a badge.

“This is public property,” Atkins said in an exchange with McClure, who agreed.

He agreed, he just didn’t care obviously, so out came the cuffs.

Atkins later shouted, “God cares!” the video shows.

But McClure didn’t.

“Let them have their day,” McClure replied, according to the footage.

The officer tells the street preacher he should respect attendees. Atkins held a sign that said “Jesus said go and sin no more.”

Things apparently go down hill from here. It’s obvious that Mr. Atkins was no threat to anyone and was not getting “In the faces” of the moonbats, pervs, groomers and others.

McClure briefly walks away, the video shows, but he looks back at Atkins, who then begins to cite a Bible verse.

“That’s it, you’re done,” the officer says and walks over to handcuff him.

And that is a classic violation of the 1st Amendment. Of course, the scum, groomers, mentally ill and other leftists were just fine with the police state tactics used by what I hope will be a former police Sargent.

Atkins is seen handing over his sign to a fellow protester and is told he cannot give his bag to another man, the video shows. Attendees of the Pride event appear to applaud the arrest.

“I cannot believe I’m watching this,” Wear said on camera.

Next came the lies and false testimony by this stormtrooper.

The officer wrote in an affidavit in the police complaint that Atkins allegedly “began to yell to the people at the event” and McClure “immediately approached him and told him that, while he was free to stand on that side of the street and hold his sign, he could not cross the street nor yell comments intended to disrupt the event. Atkins said he understood.”

McClure added that “less than a minute later he resumed yelling derogatory comments to the people at the event. Because I had already given him a warning, I immediately told him he was being arrested for disorderly conduct.”

I don’t see any mention of Mr. Atkins crossing the street, only exercising his right of free speech and his lungs. The District Attorney agreed and has dismissed the charges. This is a classic case of an out of control cop who should never have been issued a badge. We can’t say enough in support of good cops, such as those in Nashville who charged into that school to stop the Tranny lunatic. However, bad cops, such as the Cowards of Broward and the Thumbsuckers of Uvalde can’t be belittled enough.

I have a suspicion that the DA is hoping that Mr. Atkins won’t sue. He certainly has grounds to do so. False arrest and violation of his civil rights just to get started. McClure has demonstrated he is not able to use good judgment and apparently has no idea what the 1st Amendment says or means. He should be stripped of his gun and assigned a desk inventorying office supplies until he resigns or retires. (He should be fired, but we know how hard that is to do thanks to unions)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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