Mike Pence wants to send troops to Ukraine

he did a fairly good job until the 2020 Tainted Election and his refusal to actually consider the possibility that the election was stolen. This has rendered him politically dead to most of the Republican base.

For some reason, Pence decided that running for president was a good idea. He’s showing the GOP that he’s exactly what the Establishment Republicans want. A globalist Neocon tool of the Deep State. Now he’s decided that he should further burnish his Neocon credentials. He’s decided that we should send troops to fight the Russians in the Ukraine. Here are the details from Newsweek:

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday that the United States could find itself sending military troops to fight Vladimir Putin‘s forces if Ukraine loses its war against Russia.

Pence made the comments during an appearance on radio’s Hugh Hewitt Show, where he said that “what’s going on in Ukraine right now is not just war, it’s evil.”

So what else is new? I also have a question that more and more Americans are starting to ask. Why is this our problem? Most people don’t have to much of a problem sending guns and ammo and anti-tank weapons. When it comes to sending in western tanks and aircraft? Yeah, we need to think on that. Pence doesn’t appear to be doing much reflection.

The GOP presidential candidate has been outspoken in his support of Ukraine throughout the war that Russia’s president began in February 2022. Last week, he made a surprise visit to Ukraine, where he met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and toured sites in the country hit by Russian attacks.

“I really left more resolved than ever that it is in our national interest to give the Ukrainian military the support they need to fight and to repel this Russian invasion,” Pence told Hewitt, speaking about his trip.

There is support and then there is putting American boots on the ground. Pretty much all Americans are a hard and fast “Hell NO!” on that.

He added, “I have no doubt that if Vladimir Putin overran Ukraine, it would not be too long, Hugh, before the Russian military crossed a border where we would have to send our fighting men and women to fight against them.”

Pence should review a few things about the Russian performance in the Ukraine. They have sucked dead donkey dicks. Their equipment has proven to be junk, when it worked and their soldiers, outside of groups like the Spetsnaz and a few other units, have been nothing more than cannon fodder. The Ukrainians stunned the world when they were able to blunt the Soviet Russian assault. Putin knows now that if he were to try and cross into NATO territory, the Russian Army would be torn to shreds.

The former vice president, who announced his 2024 presidential campaign in early June, said he draws inspiration for his support for Ukraine from former President Ronald Reagan.

“I’m a guy who believes in that old Reagan doctrine. If you’re willing to fight the enemies in the United States on your soil, we’ll give you the means to fight them there so our men and women in uniform don’t have to fight them,” Pence said. “And I’m going to continue to be a voice for that in this campaign and all across this country.”

The Reagan Doctrine was aimed at the USSR and Communism. The stated goal of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was one world under Soviet Communism. They were an existential threat to the United States. Reagan rebuilt the military into the finest fighting force in world history, all to counter the threat from the USSR. In the early 90’s, the USSR collapsed and broke apart. One of the countries that split away was the Ukraine.

Putin’s Russia may want to restore the old territories of the Russian Empire, (Make no mistake, the USSR was just a follow on to the Russian Empire), but they are no longer an existential threat to the United States, other then with their nuclear forces. (And there are questions regarding their current state of repair) Pence is just another Neocon Globalist warmonger looking to send American troops someplace we don’t need to go. This differs from President Trump. His goal was peace, not war and sometimes all it took to prevent a war was buttering up the opposition.

Pence’s Ukraine support contrasts with the stance taken by Donald Trump, whom Pence served under as vice president. During the early months of the war, Trump made public comments about Putin that were complimentary, though he never condoned the invasion of Ukraine.

During a town hall with CNN in May, Trump would not say who thought should win the conflict, instead stating that he wanted “everybody to stop dying.” The former president also would not commit to providing aid to Ukraine should he win the White House in 2024.

“We’re giving away so much equipment, we don’t have ammunition for ourselves right now,” Trump said at the town hall. “We don’t have ammunition for ourselves, we’re giving away so much.”

That’s another, and much bigger issue. The Biden Maladministration and Congress have emptied our munitions bunkers and sent them to the Ukraine. This normally wouldn’t be an issue except they haven’t restocked them yet, and don’t look like they have any plans to do so.

President Trump’s desire to stop the war is what any sane person wants. That Pence didn’t even discuss how he, as president, might try to end the fighting shows that he wants it to go on. It sounds like his policy will be “We will fight to the last Ukrainian and then send in our soldiers to continue the fight! My response to that is simple.

It looks like President Trump is pulling away from the rest of the herd. If he does win the Nomination again, I have a suspicion his next Vice President won’t be another Pence or Deep State Uniparty flunky. He may bring in someone from the outside to help him burn Washington to the ground, virtually speaking. (We keep asking the British to do it again and they keep saying no)

As for Pence? He can hit the local Dunkin Donuts with his TransRepublican pal Speaker to Donuts, aka The Jersey Whale, aka Govno Chris Christie. Neither one are going to amount to much in the primaries.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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