The Bidens and their royal court

Every president and first lady will have some staffers to assist them with their duties. The president, of course, will have a much larger staff since he will have so much more going on. However, there comes a point when you stop having staffers and start having sycophants and tax payer funded hangers on.

The Obama’s, especially Michelle Obama, were notorious for their large staffs. It was quite common to see a literal parade of staffers trailing Michelle Obama wherever she went. When President Trump came into office, both he and the First Lady, Melania Trump, cut the number of staffers significantly and still got a lot more things accomplished. Then came the installation of the Bidens.

Without question, Dementia Joe requires more people to manage his incompetence, both administratively and mentally. Jill Biden has more then twice the number that Mrs. Trump did. Here are some of the details from the Washington Examiner:

Keeping the trains running at the White House takes a lot of staff and money. And with President Joe Biden as the conductor, it takes more than ever. A White House payroll and staffing review by the group OpenTheBooks found that the White House staff under Biden is the biggest and most expensive in history.

“During President Joe Biden’s first three years, he spent $158.8 million on the largest White House payroll in American history, based on headcount. White House staff for FY2023 collectively cost $52,775,234,” said the report from OpenTheBooks CEO Adam Andrzejewski.

“No White House ever employed 500 staffers until Biden became president. The Biden White House employed 560 in FY2021 and 474 in FY2022. In 2023, the headcount increased by 50, to 524,” he added.

I see that Bidenflation isn’t just about money, but also useless drones as well. Although, I can see that hiring staff who know how to deal with dementia patients, (And fit in an Easter Bunny costume), would require more then the usual numbers. Then there are all the assistants to the assistant and their assistants.

Those are considerably higher than the staffs of former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama. Trump, at this point of his presidency, had 108 less and Obama 70 fewer. Not only did Trump operate with fewer aides, but so did former first lady Melania Trump. She averaged between five to 12 aides.

One thing about the Greatest President of the 21st Century, he does understand payroll and getting the most value from your staff. Value and competence are two things in a Democrat administration that are not on the list of job requirements. Then we have her Royal Highness, Queen Doktor Jill Biden.

In the Biden East Wing, first lady Jill Biden’s staff count is at least 20 and rivals the sizable and much-criticized group that surrounded former first lady Michelle Obama. She had 24 assistants, said the report. What’s more, Jill Biden’s office has more than doubled in size in the past year as she readies to step in more and more for her husband on the campaign trail.

I find it interesting that Democrat First ladies seem to require far more ladies in waiting assistants then Republican First ladies. It must have something to do with their inferiority complexes and their belief in their divine right to rule.

One stand-out issue highlighted by Andrzejewski was the turnover of White House staffers. Andrzejewski found that Biden has a 46% turnover rate, with 220 employees out in 2022.

Last I heard, Vice President Kameltoe Harris has both Bidens beat when it comes to staff turnover. I think she’s running around 250% the last I heard.

Also, Biden employs more women than men, though there is a bit of a salary gap. “Of the 524 White House staffers, 313 are women. Collectively, the women take home $30.9 million in salaries, with an average salary of $98,868. Men make up 207 of the staffers, collecting $21.5 in salaries, with an average salary of $103,801,” said the report.

First, I’m not shocked that the majority are women. After all, Joe Biden is a founding member of “Hair Sniffing for men” and he does like to have fresh new hair to sniff. Then there is predilection of swimming nude in front of female staffers and secret service agents. Finally, considering what he thinks of women, (He makes the worst misogynist look like a militant feminist), the fact that he’s paying them less for more work, (I assume that having your hair sniffed and letting yourself be pawed by the President* is part of the job description), is also par for the course for Dementia Joe Biden.

I wonder if the House oversight committees have the ability to do an audit on the job functions of all these staffers? It would be interesting to see just what all these “Assistants and aides” actually do. I have my suspicions of course.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to The Bidens and their royal court

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Its maddening that he not only gets by with it,but flaunts it in our faces.


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