Secret Service closes investigation into cocaine in the White House

Good day all. The Secret Service is tasked to protect the President of the United States, along with others, from any threats to their safety. They provide protection to the White House and any place the president happens to be at. They are also a law enforcement agency. Now they appear to be flat out incompetent as well.

Recently a packet of Cocaine was found in the most secure location outside of a nuclear weapons site, the White House. When the story broke, people immediately jumped to the conclusion that the Coke belonged to Hunter, “Hoovernose” Biden. (He is the First Junkie after all) As soon as the story broke things took an interesting turn. Now the Secret Service has closed the investigation saying they can’t identify who the Coke belonged to. Here are some of the laughable details from Fox News:

The Secret Service announced Thursday that it has closed its investigation into the cocaine found at the White House earlier this month and said it is “not able” to “single out a person of interest” because of a lack of physical evidence.

In a statement Thursday, after briefing members of Congress on the matter, the Secret Service said the cocaine was found on July 2 “inside a receptacle used to temporarily store electronic and personal devices prior to entering the West Wing.”

When the story first came out, the location that the cocaine was found in kept changing. Now they are saying it was found in an area that is under heavy physical and video surveillance and they can’t figure out who it belongs to? I’m not buying that and neither is Congress.

The Secret Service said it has been investigating “how this item entered the White House,” including a “methodical review of security systems and protocols.”

“This review included a backwards examination that spanned several days prior to the discovery of the substance and developed an index of several hundred individuals who may have accessed the area where the substance was found,” the Secret Service said. It said investigators developed “a pool of known persons for comparison of forensic evidence gleaned from the FBI’s analysis of the substance’s packaging.”

The Secret Service said it received the FBI’s lab results on Wednesday, and said the effort “did not develop latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons.”

It’s possible they weren’t able to pull prints from the package, however, what about all the cameras that are in that area? Were they all broken?

“There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area,” the Secret Service continued. “Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered.”

It was at this point the Secret Service closed down the investigation. Congress was briefed on this complete failure by the Secret Service, with Representative Lauren Boebert asking a few very interesting questions.

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., told Fox News Digital that, during the briefing, she inquired about specific security measures in place for the lockers where the cocaine was found. Boebert said the Secret Service admitted that the key to the locker in question “is missing.” 

“There are 182 lockers in that foyer and currently… locker number 50 where the cocaine was found, that key is missing,” Boebert said. “There were more than 500 people who went through the West Wing during the weekend of when this substance was found, when the cocaine was found in the White House, and none of those people who have come through are classified as suspects.” 

Well, they must have logs and videos of the lockers and images of who was using them, don’t they?

Boebert also told Fox News that she learned “there are no logs of the lockers. There’s no video surveillance of the lockers.” 

“The only thing that the Secret Service did was conduct background searches for past drug use or conviction of the over 500 individuals that came through that weekend,” Boebert said. “They did not go further back in time, nor did their investigation produce any results to flag an individual person.” 

This is a major security breach of one of the most important facilities in the United States. If this had happened where they secure nuclear weapons, and they didn’t find who did this, heads would already be rolling. Suppose, instead of a Cocaine delivery for Hoovernose, it was a biological weapon of some sort?

I think it’s time for Congress to start looking into how this happened and why they aren’t able to discover who brought the Coke in. There may need to be a revamp of the Secret Service. Over the years, there have been a number of screw ups, mistakes and in a few cases, criminal behaviors by members of the “Detail.” It may be time for a full on tear down and rebuild of the Secret Service. This fiasco is not giving people warm and fuzzies about the those who allegedly protect the Presidents, (And Joe Biden), from harm. Perhaps President Trump can do something in 2025. 😀


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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3 Responses to Secret Service closes investigation into cocaine in the White House

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    I’m not surprised. The mission of the Secret Service is to protect the president and his family. It is no stretch to include protection from public disgrace in this mission. They are infamous for acting as procurers of female entertainment during the Clinton administration. Is this that much different?

    • Then the Secret Service needs to be stripped of any law enforcement authority whatsoever. If they commit criminal actions then they need to be prosecuted. They don’t need badges to be bullet catchers.

  2. Diane Guinn says:

    I’m sticking with the first EMS story that the substance was found in the library. The EMS had NO reason to lie, but the administration “doctors” stories/events every day to suit their crooked agenda.


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