This is the way to handle a robber

Good day all. Crime under both the Biden Maladministration, the Blue State governors and the Blue City mayors and city councils has exploded over the last three years. In states like Kalifornistan, you have multiple problems for honest people. Soros DA’s and a political class dead set on denying people any tools to defend themselves.

This combination has driven thousands of small “Mom and Pop” business to close their doors. The can’t rely on police, and if an arrest is made, the Soros prosecutors will usually release the criminal and not file charges. Every once in a while, the tables are turned on the criminal class and one of more of them gets the stuffing kicked out of them. Here are the details of such a case from Fox News:

Two 7-Eleven employees found themselves part of a viral video this week after they turned the tables on a man brazenly stealing cigarettes from their California store and beat him with a stick until he began crying for mercy.

In the video, shared by the social media user @yo_folkers with a geotag for the city of Stockton, California, a black man with a blue t-shirt over his face can be seen throwing boxes of cigarettes into a trash can at a 7-Eleven location, Fox Los Angeles reported.

“Just let him go. There ain’t nothing you can do,” the man filming the video can be heard saying, adding that the workers shouldn’t intervene, because insurance will pay for their losses. 

Not for much longer. Insurance companies are starting to pull out of the Progressive Liberal Hell holes created by the Democrat Party.

At one point, the suspect threatened to shoot the people inside. 

Apparently, the stupid criminal brought a pointed finger to a beat down.

The suspect then attempted to squeeze by one of the workers, and the two locked arms and began to scuffle. Then, a second employee with a stick walked up to the suspect and began beating him with it.

After being struck several times with a stick, the suspect is escorted out of the store by the man who filmed the incident.

Several times? This thug was wailed on by a very angry and frustrated store owner. From what I’ve read and what I saw in the video, at least one of the people kinetically explaining to the criminal the error of his ways, was a Sikh. I believe he was the owner of the store.

From what little I know and have seen of Sikhs, they are generally really nice people. Just don’t cross them as this walking diaper stain did.

The video has been viewed tens of millions of times on social media and was re-tweeted by many conservatives who said it is a sign that people across the country are fed up with rampant crime and progressive jurisdictions that have stopped prosecuting certain offenses.

“This is what happens when authorities won’t, or can’t, enforce the law and some citizens decide they’ve had enough,” Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume tweeted.

This is what criminals really need to worry about. People saying “Screw it! We caught these scum in the act. There’s no question they did the crime. Get a rope. We haven’t seen that sort of thing, vigilante justice, in well over a century, simply because it wasn’t needed. Now, thanks to the Democrats, it may be coming back.

In the Fox Story, most of the comments were very positive towards the two mean who beat the snot out of the criminal. There were few that took the criminal’s side of course. These are professional victims at best, or just flat out trolls from Russia at worst. Now, for the final course in this post, the video in question.

There was a third person, (I don’t count the criminal as a person), who filmed the above video. As you can tell, he was a really big help. What he should have done was look for some duct tape so they could secure the criminal for the police to haul off to jail. Oh well. In any case, I think the criminal my be having second thoughts on his life and career choices. The next time, he might end up with a load of buckshot in the face.


First, not unexpectedly, YouTube censored the video. Rumble believes in the 1st Amendment and good entertainment.

Second, again not surprising anyone, the DA is investigating the people who kicked the snot out of the criminal. The backlash against the investigation is growing exponentially.

And, no sooner then I post this, news comes out that the DA has seen the light and won’t be charging the store owner. (H/T Legal Insurrection)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to This is the way to handle a robber

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    A Sikh man wears a curved dagger as a religious symbol (similar to a cross for a Christian). Let me say that again; the man’s God requires him to be armed. He is a unsuitable victim. Honey shoulda known that. 7-11 Sikhs may be the 21st century version of rooftop Koreans.


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