Joe Biden was sad when the sweetheart deal for the First Junkie collapsed

Good day all. Now that the First Junkie, Hoovernose Biden, has been indicted on federal gun charges, news has come out that his daddy, the Hairsniffer in Chief, Joe “The Big Guy” Biden was saddened when original sweetheart deal collapsed due to an honest judge.

We’ve all been watching how the DoJ and FBI have been actively working to protect the Bidens for some time now, even under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump’s administration. It wasn’t that President Trump wasn’t interested in the truth, it’s that the Deep State wanted it suppressed, up to and including trying to Impeach President Trump on bogus charges. (Charges that were actually done by Joe Biden as Vice President)

Finally, after all the attempts by the Democrat Propaganda Corps, the Deep State and Socialist Media platforms to suppress the evidence from Hoovernose’s laptop, the DoJ was finally forced to actually do something, so the David Weiss and Merrick Garland cooked up the Sweetheart Deal that would have given the First Junkie a slap on the wrist and total immunity to all other crimes he committed.

The problem was the judge. She took a look at this and started asking some pointed questions. In short order the whole house of cards collapsed and the Sweetheart Deal had to be canceled. When Dementia Joe heard about all his hard work going down the drain, he became saddened and frustrated. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

President Joe Biden “plunged into sadness and frustration” because of the breakdown of a plea deal between his son, Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department, the New York Times reported Sunday, (September 9th).

More than a dozen people close to the Biden family told the Times that, following the deal’s collapse, conversations between father and son are “tinged with a resignation that was not there before.”

Of course they are resigned. (Sadly, Dementia Joe isn’t resigning from office) The fix they had worked so hard to put in place collapsed due to one of those evil Ultra MAGA Deplorable judges that President Trump put on the bench. If it had been an Obama or Biden judge, this would have been a done deal.

The sweetheart plea deal broke down after the Justice Department and Hunter Biden’s lawyers could not agree on its terms.

No, it broke down when the judge actually did her job and read the agreement. She found some very questionable things, and questioned them.

The judge in the case then refused to accept a revised plea deal that would have offered Biden broad legal immunity.

The immunity deal is what caught the attention of the Judge. She had never seen anything like it before and the prosecutors admitted that there hadn’t been anything like it. When they were forced to pull that, the deal collapsed.

Special Counsel David Weiss has said that the Biden case may now be headed for a criminal trial.

Which it has. The First Junkie has been indicted on the gun charges. I expect those to be broomed soon enough. What isn’t surprising are all the other potential charges regarding tax evasion and other stuff that haven’t been brought.

That possibility left the president “stunned,” according to the Times.

The bond between Joe and Hunter Biden is nonetheless “ironclad,” the Times reported. Biden family confidants said the president has been  “too deferential to his younger son, appearing unwilling to tell him no, despite Hunter’s problems and his long trail of bad decisions.”

Oh please! Hoovernose was Joe’s bagman. Why else was he funneling 10% to the “Big Guy?” As for the crackhead’s bad decisions? The apple didn’t fall far from the tree it seems.

Democrats, though, are circling the wagons as more and more news breaks about Joe Biden’s connections to Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Of course they are. Democrats will always protect Democrats. It doesn’t matter if Joe Biden molests a 12 year old girl on camera in the Rose garden and then murders her. The Democrats will deny it happened. See the utterly corrupt Jamie Raskin.

Even after whistleblowers testified that President Biden’s Justice Department sabotaged its investigation into Hunter Biden, House Oversight Committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) scoffed at Republicans’ probe into the matter.

Raskin, in a Monday statement, said the probe is an “overwhelming failure” and a “wild goose chase.”

Raskin should know about wild goose chases. He spent four years lying through is teeth about the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. He’s number three behind Adam Schiffhead and Jerry No Nads Nadler.

Another committee Democrat, far-left California congressman Ro Khanna, compared whistleblower Gary Shapley to the villain in Les Misérables because Shapley wants to follow the law.

Barking Moonbat

Why am I not surprised that a Hard Left Democrat, (Basically a Communist), is opposed to upholding the laws of this country? These corrupt moonbats are proof that the Democrat Party needs to go the way of the Dinosaurs. There are always a few outliers, Democrats who aren’t protected and are “Sacrificed” for the “Greater Good” of the party. (As I put this post together, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his wife are being indicted for taking bribes)

However, when it comes to the “Big Buy” they will do whatever it takes to protect him. If the Democrats were to actually do the unthinkable, actually uphold the law and if the evidence warrants, remove Biden from office, it would probably sink the party for decades. If they do nothing and protect him and they lose, it will sink the party for decades. As it is, so called “Representatives” such as Raskin need a tough challenger. Make the crook sweat even if he does come from a rotten district.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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