Biden blames Republicans for border mess

Good day all. Since the first day of the Biden maladministration, we have seen how he has done everything he can to destroy the United States. One of these is his refusal to secure the borders against the all out invasion we’re now seeing.

The southern states have been dealing with this invasion for years, and they decided that the best way to fix it was to “Share the pain” with the sanctuary cities and states. Texas and later Florida began shipping busloads of illegal aliens to places like New York City and Martha’s Vineyard. When the illegals started arriving, all the Woke, holier than thou, progressives freaked. Martha’s Vineyard called in the National Guard and had the illegals departed to the mainland so fast the illegals didn’t even have time to get a lobster roll.

Recently, all the Progressive Woke mayors and govno’s have been demanding that their president* Joe Biden, who caused this mess in the first place, do something. Well he has. Using his patented “It’s not my fault, blame <Insert target of blame here>” technique, Dementia Joe has decided that the problems with the waves of illegal aliens entering the United States is all the fault of the “MAGA Republicans.” Here are some of the details from Town Hall:

Since day one, the Biden Administration has undone the progress of former President Trump’s secure border, turning the U.S. into nothing but a playground for illegal aliens. 

However, in proper Democrat form, President Joe Biden spent much of his Thursday night blaming “MAGA Republicans” for the worst border crisis in U.S. history. 

“MAGA Republicans … spent four years gutting the immigration system under my predecessor. They continue to undermine our border security today,” Biden said.

Once again, we have the Worst President* in American history showing why he should be removed from office. (He should have been jailed decades ago, but that is another story) The Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump actually moved to secure the borders and did a fairly good job of it despite the actions of corrupt Obama judges, RINO’s and of course, the Democrats. There is no question we wouldn’t be having these issues if things had gone the way they should have in the Tainted Election of 2020.

This week, Border Patrol agents said they are nearing a “breaking point,” as more than 10,000 migrants illegally crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas, in just 24 hours. 

“We need our colleagues to act,” Biden demanded, adding that immigration reform has “been a bipartisan issue in this country.”

What Joe Hairsniffer wants is to legalize the millions of criminals now in the United States. What most Americans want is the borders secured, with military force if needed, and all those criminals now inside the United States rounded up and shipped back where they came from. Biden could fix a lot of this, since he caused most of it, if he wanted to. He doesn’t. He just wants to blame everyone else for his own incompetence and stupidity.

The House of Representatives is about to begin a formal inquiry to determine if the grounds exist to impeach Joe Biden. Mostly, this is in regards to his bribery, influence pedaling and extortion schemes. I think they can also add his actions with regards to throwing open the borders and allowing millions of illegal aliens, (Screw that “Undocumented Migrants” crap) to cross in.

Of course, even if the House does find overwhelming evidence of High crimes and Misdemeanors, the Senate will never vote to convict and remove Joe Biden. The Democrats will protect him, and the RINO’s don’t actually see a problem with him. (Some are afraid of what Vice President Kameltoe Blowjob Kamala Harris would do as President) If the House impeaches, then we will need to drive home with the Senate that we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more. Putting up fresh candidates for 2024 and grinding the Deep State Uniparty Slimeballs under will be a good start.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Biden blames Republicans for border mess

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    We need to let them know it an “either he goes now or you go next election” and be sure to make it stick


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