Sen. Bob Menendez indicted on bribery charges

Good day all. Last week, Senator Robert “Bob” Menendez, (D-New Jersey), was indicted by the DoJ on bribery charges. Also indicted was his wife. This is the second time that Menendez has been indicted. The last time was ten years ago.

In that case, he went to trial. He wasn’t acquitted of the charges, rather the jury was hung and couldn’t reach a verdict. The Obama DoJ decided not to retry Menendez. Many people thought that the whole case was politically motivated since Menendez had, on several occasions, stood against something that Obama was doing. Friday, September 23rd, the DoJ decided to try again. Here are some of the details from CNBC:

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and his wife were indicted in New York on federal bribery charges for allegedly accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, gold bars, a Mercedes-Benz convertible, home mortgage payments, and more in a “corrupt relationship” with three Garden State businessmen.

The three-count indictment unsealed Friday alleges that Menendez “provided sensitive U.S. Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the government of Egypt,” and pressured a U.S. Agriculture Department official to protect a business monopoly in Egypt for one of the three businessmen.

Prosecutors also accuse the 69-year-old Democrat of using his office and influence to disrupt a criminal probe in New Jersey of a second businessman.

The DoJ searched the Mendendez’s home and safe deposit boxes. The found cash everywhere including in Mr. Menendez’s clothes and they also found gold bars. There was also the Mercedes in the garage that Menendez doesn’t appear to have paid for. Regarding the disruption of a criminal probe, it looks like he asked Dementia Joe to appoint a different U.S. attorney.

And they allege that Menendez recommended that President Joe Biden nominate a certain individual as U.S. Attorney for New Jersey because the senator believed that person could be influenced by Menendez to disrupt the banking crime prosecution of the third businessman, Fred Daibes, a longtime fundraiser for the senator.

This investigation is very much ongoing,” said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Damian Williams at a press conference on the charges against the senator and his wife, Nadine Menendez, 56, as well as against the three other men: Daibes, Wael “Will” Hana, and Jose Uribe.

We are not done,” Williams said.

Yeah, you probably are. You have just wrecked Menendez’s plans for reelection in 2024, which was probably the intent. That does seem to be the modus operandi of the so called Department of Justice these days. Of course, in this case, they’re probably correct and there is more to find.

Menendez is a typical Democrat and probably as dirty as Joe Biden. On the other hand, if he provides receipts and other documentation on the cash, gold and car, this case will blow up in their faces. However, it won’t help Menendez since it’s likely he won’t win reelection, even if he runs.

What I find interesting is that, unlike the Biden Crime Family, this story is being covered by all of the Democrat Propaganda Corps. This differs significantly from the coverage of the Biden crimes. The MSM has been working overtime to bury anything that could lead to the downfall of a Democrat president*.

This begs the question, what’s so different in what the Biden Crime Family has done with what Menendez did? I suspect that the decision was made that Bob Menendez would be a good sacrificial lamb, and that his replacement will probably be a hard left Progressive Totalitarian. Of course, it’s also possible that Chris Christie will finally figure out that no one wants him as President and he does have a chance for the Senate seat. It not like his policies and views are all that different from the Democrats.

Of course, we must presume that Bob Menendez and his wife are innocent until railroaded into prison by a kangaroo court proven guilty by a court of law. Personally, I think he probably is guilty. We shall see if he gets to retire to a federal prison or a beach house in the Bahamas.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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