Laugh! Russia claims Israel’s bombing of Gaza violates international law

Good day all. As of this post, it looks like Israel has started sending in ground forces to destroy Hamas and it’s supporters in Gaza. For the last few weeks, Israel has been bombing suspect munitions depots and other support facilities in preparation for the ground assault. This has upset the Russians. They are saying bombing Hamas’s supplies and support systems violate international law.

For almost two years now, Russia has been indiscriminately bombing the crap out of the Ukraine. They aren’t even trying to avoid collateral damage. Israel, on the other hand, has been avoiding hitting targets that could injure or kill noncombatants. Hamas, on the gripping hand, have been launching rockets into Israel with the intention of maximizing civilian casualties. Israel has actually not hit targets that are legitimate because they are hospitals or might house children.

Russia, which isn’t doing well in the Ukraine, doesn’t seem to see this as a double standard, or even a triple standard. (Hamas bombs hospitals, Russia bombs hospitals, Israel doesn’t) They are accusing Israel of violating international standards. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Israel’s bombardment of Gaza runs counter to international law and risks creating a catastrophe that could last decades.

“While we condemn terrorism, we categorically disagree that you can respond to terrorism by violating the norms of international humanitarian law, including indiscriminately using force against targets where civilians are known to be present, including hostages that have been taken,” said Lavrov.

“While we condemn terrorism, we categorically disagree that you can respond to terrorism by violating the norms of international humanitarian law, including indiscriminately using force against targets where civilians are known to be present, including hostages that have been taken,” said Lavrov.

And there is a problem with this? I’d say that most people who aren’t Nazi-like antisemites are fine with reducing Gaza to a pile of rubble, much as Russia has done to several areas in the Ukraine. Oh, don’t forget that the Russians started the war with Ukraine where Israel is responding to a 911/Pearl Harbor attack on them.

“If Gaza is destroyed and 2 million inhabitants are expelled, as some politicians in Israel and abroad propose, this will create a catastrophe for many decades, if not centuries,” warned Lavrov.

So? Count me as one of those who have decided that the time is right to drive the Palestinians in Gaza into the Sinai and let the Arab world deal with them. Besides, most of the residents are all in on supporting Hamas, unlike people in Russia with regards to the  Ukraine. So Lavrov, are you still having issues with all your “Recruits” for the Russia-Ukraine war running for the borders and asking for asylum?

It is necessary to stop and to announce humanitarian programs to save the population under blockade.”

Health authorities in Hamas-run Gaza said on Friday that 7,326 Palestinians had been killed since Israel’s bombardment began.

Does this include the 500 people killed when a rocket fired by Hamas fell short and blew up a hospital parking lot and didn’t actually do any damage to the hospital in question, or actually injure anyone?

That followed a raid on Oct. 7 by Hamas militants, who Israel said had killed 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians. Hamas also took more than 200 hostages.

The sheer savagery of the Hamas attack makes the what Russia has been doing in the Ukraine pale in comparison and that’s saying something. Israel has had enough and it looks like they’ve made a few tough decisions.

Russia, which backs an immediate cease-fire and a two-state solution, has angered Israel by inviting a Hamas delegation to Moscow, a decision it defended on Friday. 

Russia has chosen sides, which isn’t surprising. For those of you who study history, especially World War II, you may recall that when the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto rose up against the Nazis, they thought that the Red Army would “Ride in” to help them free the city. Instead, the Russians pulled up and waited until the Nazis had crushed the Jews and shipped the survivors off to the death camps.

Lavrov said Russia was in close contact with Israel, too.

“We remain in full contact with Israel, and our ambassador is regularly in touch with them,” said Lavrov.

I suspect that if they are talking with Israel, it’s to tell them that they are backing Hamas and Iran.

“We are sending signals about the need to seek a peaceful solution and not to follow through with this announced ‘scorched earth’ strategy.”

Israel pulled out of Gaza almost 20 years ago with the idea of actually coming up with some sort of peaceful solution, even a so called Two-state solution. The problem was the Palestinians and their historical ability to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. They’ve been attacking Israel ever since. The October 7th attack was the final straw.

Israel isn’t going to make the mistakes the United States did in Afghanistan. There will be no nation building. Israel has decided to plow the earth with salt, if that’s what it takes. As for Russia’s accusations against Israel? I suspect the Israeli response is going to be something like this.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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