Once again, the two-tier justice system protects Democrats

Good day all. About a month ago, during some heated debates on a House spending bill, there was a fire alarm pulled and the capitol had to be evacuated. It turned out that the false alarm was pulled by Democrat Jamaal Bowman.

Bowman claimed that he pulled the fire alarm by mistake, but videos of the incident showed he was lying. He pulled the alarm to disrupt the House actions on a government spending bill he didn’t support. He was charged with pulling the alarm last week. What he wasn’t charged with was what hundreds of people were hit with after the January 6th 2021 protest. Instead, this lying sleaze was hit with a misdemeanor charge, which he pleaded guilty to. Here are the details from the Federalist:

New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pled guilty to a single misdemeanor Thursday after he appeared to obstruct a federal proceeding by pulling a fire alarm in a Capitol office building. The disruption forced the occupants to evacuate for 90 minutes as lawmakers scrambled to avoid a government shutdown in September.

Bowman, a far-left “squad” member who smeared demonstrators at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as “violent insurrectionists” whose “terrorist attack” warranted a federal crackdown, will pay a $1,000 fine and serve three months of probation. The fire alarm charge will then be “dismissed from his record under an agreement with prosecutors,” according to the Associated Press.

As usual, the Democrats are protecting one of their own. For anyone else, regardless of the obstruction of congress stuff, would have been hit with a felony charge. The evidence shows that Bowman did this intentionally and that his claim that it was “An accident” is a load of manure.

The two-term lawmaker claimed to reporters on Capitol Hill that he was “in a rush” and pulled the fire alarm after assuming the alert system that says “FIRE” on it would unlock the door.

I tried the door, it didn’t work so I pulled the alarm thinking it would open. That didn’t work, so I went downstairs,” Bowman said. “It was a dumb choice, but you know, it is what it is.”

Bowman isn’t telling the truth. He knew damn well that he was pulling a fire alarm. The videos show him pulling the fire door signs off the door he was allegedly trying to open. He’s also been involved in actual fire drills in the past.

Ginny Gentles, the director of the Education Freedom Center at the Independent Women’s Forum, pointed out on X that Bowman worked in schools before becoming a member of Congress.

He’s from a state that requires TWELVE fire drills per school year,” Gentles wrote. “The man knows exactly how fire alarms work.”

Compare Bowman’s actions with those of the January 6th protest or the more recent Pro-Hamas protests. There are still people arrested for walking into a building, not doing any damage and then leaving who are in jail still waiting to see a judge. The pro-terrorist group that recently took over a section of the capitol have all been slapped on the wrist and sent on their way.

Bowman is one of the Communists in AOC’s little group of scum known as “The Squad.” Rashida Tlaib has been cheer leading Hamas’s actions on October 7th and demanding the cut off of all assistance and support to Israel. (Ilhan Omar is right behind her) The rest of the slobs have all voiced, to one level or another, their antisemitism and pro-terrorist proclivities, and this include Bowman.

How does it happen that a group of armed, violent insurrectionists are able to march into one of the most secure buildings on Earth and force members of Congress to hide under their desks?” Bowman said, proposing the bill two days after the demonstrations.

The videos that were released on Tucker Carlson’s show put the lie to the idea that the protesters were armed or violent. There were a few bad apples, but the only ones armed were the capitol police and they’re the ones who killed unarmed protesters. The videos, which were hidden not only from the public, but from defense attorneys showed that the Capitol Police actually let the protesters in and escorted them around.

Bowman’s assessment of the rioters who showed up to the Capitol to protest the rigged 2020 election stands in stark contrast to his approach to the repeat protests-turned-riots from Black Lives Matter activists throughout the year prior. While campaigning for his first term several months prior, Bowman was defending the Black Lives Matter anti-police protests.

I am Black Lives Matter,” Bowman said that fall.

So he is a violent communist, a racist and a supporter of domestic terrorism as well as Islamic terrorism in Israel? Good to know.

In a June 2020 interview with Mehdi Hasan for The Intercept, Bowman called the deadly demonstrations over George Floyd’s death “the American way.”

You better hope not. You won’t like how the people you vilify react when they are pushed to far. They tend not to leave survivors.

The foundation of America was protesting oppression from a foreign government, which was England,” Bowman said. “American history is rooted in protesting and standing up to a government that’s not meeting our needs and pushing elected officials to do the right thing.”

There is a major difference between protesting and looting, arson and murder you two legged turd. Also, your case being swept under the rug also shows that being one of the Protected Progressive class allows you to commit criminal acts that would get anyone else locked up for a year or more. Is it any wonder that this country is split in ways we haven’t seen since the 1850’s? When people see that the justice system can no longer be counted on, they will consider alternative ways of dealing with things.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Once again, the two-tier justice system protects Democrats

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    We gotta leave some survivors. It takes all the fun out of it if they’re already dead when the trapdoor opens.


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