David Hogg blames women for gun violence

Good day all. David Hogg rose to fame after the Parkland school shooting by making all sorts of claims that later proved to be inaccurate, such as his even being there in the first place. The little attention whore, being a narcissist, liked being the center of attention and became the Greta Thunberg of gun control.

Hogg used this to get himself a full scholarship to Harvard, where he is majoring in being an asshole or something. He occasionally pops up on MSNBC or other Democrat Propaganda channels demanding that 2nd Amendment be repealed and that all guns be seized from private citizens.

He has also been challenged to a debate on guns by noted Guntuber and attorney at law, Colion Noir. When he found out who he would be facing, Hogg ran for the hills. Now Hogg has showed up again and is showing the world that he is not only a jerk, militant anti-Constitutionalist, and closet fascist, he is also a misogynist. He’s blaming white women for criminals using guns. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

Anti-Second Amendment leftist David Hogg has blamed gun violence on suburban “white women” in another unhinged rant.

In a bizarre post on X, Hogg has now attempted to shift the blame of gun violence from ‘it’s the gun’ to ‘it’s white women in the suburbs.’

We will never end gun violence until white women in the suburbs stop voting for the Republicans who are endangering our schools and communities by flooding them with guns.”

What a tool. Of course, Hogg is stupid. I just didn’t realize he was also a woman hating, misogynistic incel. He’s also dead wrong as well.

Despite Hogg’s claims that “white suburban women” are to blame for gun violence, a recent NYPost poll, citing Wallet Hub data, shows murder rates in Democratic areas city areas are surging.

These include:

Memphis, Tennesse

New Orleans, Louisana

Richmond, Virginia

Washington DC

Detroit, Michigan

These cities are all suffering from long term control by the Democrat party. All are suffering from massive crime rates and in many cases, Soros D.A.’s who will not actually prosecute criminals if they are of a certain ethnic background. Hogg, in his typical fashion, ignored this or how the Democrat policies he espouses have done nothing to curtail violence of any sort.

However, despite Hogg’s strange blame game on white women in suburbia, they still hold the right to use reasonable force to protect their families and themselves against an intruder in their homes.

And they do in ever growing numbers. More and more women, regardless of their skin tone, are coming to realize that the only one’s who are going to protect them, and their families, are themselves.

It’s no surprise Hogg has lost credibility, mainly due to the fact his arguments don’t hold up with facts. Further, his recent shift against New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s gun ban in cities such as Albuquerque suggests he has lost footing within his base.

David Hogg reacted to Grisham’s gun ban order with an X post, saying, “I support gun safety, but there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the US Constitution.”

Hogg wasn’t the only Progressive gun grabber who said that, which caught a lot of people off guard. Of course, Govno Lujan Grisham’s attempt to rule by decree was so over the top that almost no one supported her. A few people think that Lujan Grisham either jumped the gun, so to speak, and tried something that the Biden Maladministration was considering, or she actually was using the limited case as a test to see if she would get away with it, and would then expand it to the entire state.

As for Hogg, that was a “One Off” for him and he’s returned to his usual crap that guns must be banned and that every time a firearm is used in a crime, it’s the guns fault, not the criminal. With the recent incident in Maine, he was once again back on his soap box blaming everyone but the criminal, and as it turns out, the Department of Defense.

The investigation into that mess is still on going but it looks like this guy was going nuts while deployed in New York for training and was committed by the command structure for observation. That is an immediate red flag and should have had his name added to the NICS database.

This isn’t the first time the DOD dropped the ball and innocent people paid for it. A church shooting in Texas was carried out by a criminal who had been dishonorably discharged from the military, but his name was never entered into the NICS system used by gun dealers to check and see if the prospective gun buyer is a prohibited person. That jackal was a prohibited person. Since his name wasn’t in the database, the dealer had no reason to deny him his purchase.

The poor little Incel, David Hogg doesn’t mention these little details since they hurt one of his mantra’s of “Universal Background Checks!” I also know someone personally who has problems when he buys firearms due to identity theft. He gets denied every single time even though he has never been convicted of a crime or been involuntarily committed. He has to go through the state attorney general’s office and carries a letter from them clearing him for purchases. Hogg probably considers that to be a grand idea, blocking innocent people from utilizing their constitutional rights.

Hogg is a little conman and an oxygen thief. I suspect that he’s considering going into politics and if elected, will try to strip people of their 2nd Amendment rights. That isn’t going to happen. The American People have voted and they continue to vote, with their wallets, especially those “Evil White Suburban Women” that little misogynistic twerp is currently blaming for his not getting what he wants. Outright confiscation of all privately held firearms.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to David Hogg blames women for gun violence

  1. TXRed says:

    David Hogg’s 15 minutes of fame expired … 14 minutes after Parkland. He needs to get a job.


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