DoJ and FBI refuse to call Nashville Nutcase’s crime a “Hate Crime”

Good day all. Last week several pages of the Nashville Nutcases “Manifesto” leaked and were published by Steven Crowder. This set off the Democrat mayor in Nashville and a few others on the political left. The revealed that the criminal was a racist as well and three fries short of a Happy Meal.

The ravings of the Nashville Nutcase showed that she wanted to kill white children. It was full of the left’s favorite term, “White Privilege.” If this had been aimed at black, Asian or Latin American children, it would have been called a hate crime in about 5 seconds. However, the Department of (In)Justice and the Federal Bureau of Idiots refuse to label it as such. Here are the details from the Federalist:

The Department of Justice and FBI pride themselves on being the top federal agencies to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of hate crimes. Their zeal for tracking down racists and targeting Americans based on fabricated white supremacy allegations apparently stops, however, when it comes to classifying the type of anti-white crimes that occurred at Covenant School earlier this year.

Even though the ambush bore several telltale signs of a hate crime, the identity-obsessed ruling class passed on consoling the Christians mourning the slaughter to stand in solidarity with trans-identifying Americans like Hale.

That is the major problem with this and other similar crimes. In every single instances, the criminal is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Instead of getting these people the psychological help they need, the DEI Progressives enable them. The Nashville Nutcase is a case in point. You have the Left blaming the firearms and not blaming the criminal, and they refuse to accept that their policies contributed to this and other incidents.

Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters shortly after the massacre that it was a “targeted attack.” However, MNPD, along with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the FBI, repeatedly refused to release the manifesto detailing Hale’s motives.

And now, we know why. The few pages that were leaked were bad enough. Who knows what the rest of this psycho’s writings revealed? The suspicion is that the Criminals writings blew a large whole in the LGTBQXYZ community as harmless.

It was only this week, more than nearly eight months after the shooting, that conservative media personality Steven Crowder leaked three of the manifesto pages. The publication of the bombshell writings put seven MNPD officers on administrative leave but exposed the reasons Hale decided to shoot up her former school.

I haven’t followed up on the 7 police officers who were suspended. I have a suspicion this was a case of “We don’t know which of you did this so we’re punishing all of you!” I may be wrong of course, or not.

When The Federalist asked the nation’s top federal law enforcement agencies, which had access to the notebook ever since March 27, if either had plans to classify the shooting as an anti-white hate crime or political violence spurred on by the proliferation of left-wing racism in schools and government, the DOJ ignored the request and the FBI claimed it did not have a comment.

I’m not surprised. The DoJ and FBI have long since been politicized to the point that they no longer have any credibility. They have been weaponized by the Democrat Party and are going after anyone who stands in the Democrat’s way. When something like the Nashville Nutcase happens, the turtle up and try to make it go away. (It helps when the criminal(s) are dead)

The DOJ and FBI’s silence on the issue sharply contrasts how both department and agency have treated other race-based shootings.

When a gunman in Buffalo, New York, opened fire in a grocery store, killing 10 in 2022, the DOJ used the shooter’s racist social media posts as justification to deem the act “a hate crime and an act of racially-motivated violent extremism” worthy of several federal hate crime charges. The Justice Department extended the same treatment to Dylann Roof and the Texas mass shooter who killed 23 people at an El Paso Wal-Mart.

Yet when it comes to investigating the Nashville shooting, which was rooted in the shooter’s disdain for people based on their skin color, as a hate crime against white Christians, the DOJ and FBI refuse.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been watching the DoJ and FBI since at least the Obama regime. The first thing Holder did was unleash the DoJ on anyone who opposed Obama. This is why more that half the country thinks the FBI needs to be disbanded.

Then we have the autopsy report on the Criminal. It showed where the police hit her, but they haven’t released the lab tests on the criminal’s blood chemistry. This has people thinking that she may have been on drugs used to transition people such as testosterone and other drugs. These would definitely have screwed up her brain. If she was, then she would have been under a doctors care. (I don’t think Joe the local drug pusher stocks those drugs)

If this was the case, this might be another reason they have been, well, let’s just say it, covering up the details of the incident. If the Nashville Nutcase was under the care of a doctor, and that clown either missed or ignored signs that the Criminal was going to go off the rails? Yes, it wouldn’t be very good for the medical profession, the mental health profession, not to mention the doctor(s) treating the Nashville Nutcase.

Eventually, the “Manifesto” will get out in it’s entirety. When it happens, look for people getting lawyers and going after everyone who was involved with the suppression of the documents, and if there were medical professionals who were treating the Nashville Nutcase, and who ignored warning signs because of a political agenda?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to DoJ and FBI refuse to call Nashville Nutcase’s crime a “Hate Crime”

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Never forget that the Gestapo had Hugo Boss. The poor, deprived FBI isn’t so lucky.

  2. Angry Webmaster says:

    This wasn’t actually meant to be posted today. I hit the wrong damn button.


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