Rashida Tlaib accuses Biden of Genocide

Good day all. With the air campaign and ground war by Israel against Hamas in full swing, the Democrats are showing their true colors. They are racist antisemites who are backing Hamas and demanding that Israel stop blowing them to pieces. The worst of these scum is Representative Rashida Tlaib. (D-Hamas)

Now that Hamas is finally beginning to face the music, the Left is tearing the hoods off and showing their true beliefs. They also know that eventually, the IDF is going to crush Hamas and end Gaza as a terrorist base of operations. They are desperate to do anything to prevent this. Their most recent “Go To” accusation is that Israel is committing Genocide on the Palestinians and it’s all Dementia Joe Biden’s fault. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., on Friday accused President Joe Biden of endorsing the “genocide of the Palestinian people.”

Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, Tlaib shared a video featuring pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the United States, boasting tens of thousands of participants.

“Mr. President, the American people are not with you on this one. We will remember in 2024,” she said.

So will we, you terrorist bitch. I don’t use that term loosely either. Tlaib is just shy of calling for suicide bombings in the Mall of America. She is also, along with every other Hamas supporter, unclear on what an actual genocide is. That is the rounding up and slaughtering of men, women and children because they are of a specific ethnic group or religion. Jews have experienced this first hand. (One of Hamas’s October 7th victims was a death camp survivor) So have the Armenians as have the Tutsi in Rwanda. This is not happening in Gaza and never will.

In the wake of Hamas’ attack on Israel on Oct. 7, Biden reaffirmed the long-standing strategic and military alliance with Israel. Political disagreements have delayed a new security assistance package, though, as the House on Thursday approved a nearly $14.5 billion military aid package for Israel that is sure to be dead on arrival in the Senate.

Part of the issue is Biden and the Deep State trying to combine both the Ukraine and Israeli aid packages. The House wants two separate bills with safeguards on where the money is actually going. Those safeguards are the last thing the Uniparty in the Senate wants. (Since they’re raking off a chunk of the cash)

While the amount for Israel in the House bill is similar to what Biden sought, the White House said the Republican plan’s failure to include humanitarian assistance for Gaza is a “grave mistake” as the crisis deepens.

The reason for this is simple. Any money sent to Gaza goes straight to Hamas. This is just what the Democrats want of course. With a few exceptions, they are actively aiding and abetting the Hamas terrorists. (Most of them are just more subtle about it then Tlaib)

As a Palestinian-American, Tlaib has emerged as one of the most vocal proponents in Congress for an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East crisis. Last month, Tlaib, along with more than a dozen House Democrats, endorsed a resolution advocating for a ceasefire.

No, she’s actually calling for the surrender of Israel. Any ceasefire only aids Hamas and does nothing for Israel, expect make things tougher and more expensive for them.

Among the Palestinians killed in Gaza are more than 3,900 Palestinian children, the Gaza Health Ministry said, without providing a breakdown of civilians and fighters.

This is the same group that said Israel bombed a hospital and that 500 patients in it were killed 5 minutes after a Hamas rocket malfunctioned and landed in the parking lot. That was something else that Tlaib was and still is lying about. No one believes those numbers any longer other then the terrorist supporters.

More than 1,400 people have died on the Israeli side, mainly civilians killed during Hamas’ initial attack. Twenty-four Israeli soldiers have been killed in Gaza since the start of the ground operation.

Yes, the Progressive Liberal Democrats have completely forgotten about all the men, women and children flat out slaughtered by Hamas on October 7th. Oh, by the way? That is what attempted genocide looks like. Israel is trying to avoid civilian casualties, not that there are all that many innocent bystanders on the Gaza Strip. The problem is with Hamas and their tactics of using human shields, particularly, children.

Biden last week cast doubt on the Palestinian death toll reported by the Gaza Health Ministry, stating, “I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed.”

The Biden maladministration is actually rejecting the “Most Trusted source in Gaza” on actual casualties? How did this happen? Did someone slip him the wrong cue cards?

The House late Wednesday rejected an effort to censure Tlaib, scrapping a Republican attempt to condemn the only Palestinian-American in Congress over her recent rhetoric around the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

That was a mistake for two reasons. It shows that the Uniparty will support the most radical elements in the house. The second reason is that Marjorie Taylor Green should have put forward a bill of expulsion. She is currently rectifying that initial error.

A measure to move forward with a censure resolution of Tlaib, a punishment one step below expulsion from the House, was dismissed with broad bipartisan support as both parties raised concerns about violating First Amendment rights.

I am a militant supporter of the 1st Amendment. Tlaib does have the right to shoot her mouth off. She also has a responsibility as a member of Congress to use good judgment. What she is doing is inciting violence against Jews, both in Israel and in the United States. For that alone, she should be expelled. (They can toss George Santos out for good measure)

I can’t say what will happen on the Gaza strip. The way Hamas has dug in, Israel is looking at a long, hard slog. They are not going to put their forces any further into harms way then they have to. They are also discovering that Hamas has been tunneling all over the place and have undermined building foundations. (Inshallah engineering and quality control at it’s finest)

Several Israeli strikes have dropped building and opened sink holes no where near where they were delivering ordnance. There is a very good chance that the towns and cities may just collapse as sinkholes open up. Would you care to bet who Tlaib will blame for the poor engineering?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Rashida Tlaib accuses Biden of Genocide

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    No such fish as a Palestinian-American born after 1948


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