Jack Smith wants to keep cameras out of the courtroom

Good day all. With the war in the Middle East and the Progressive Liberal Democrats basically rooting for Hamas, the move by the Biden Tyranny to railroad the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, hasn’t been in the news much.

We’ve heard how the corrupt Obama judge, Tanya Chutkan, has been trying to suppress President Trump’s 1st Amendment rights, (Along with all the others). Now the Special Prosecutor is asking Chutkan to keep cameras out of the courtroom during the trial and other court proceedings. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Special counsel Jack Smith urged a federal judge on Friday to bar media outlets from televising the election subversion case against former President Donald Trump in Washington, DC.

Last month, attorneys for a coalition of news organizations, including NBCUniversal, asked United States District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan to make an exception to the longstanding rule that prohibits broadcasting and photographing criminal proceedings in federal courts under the Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure.

Prosecutors are trying to uphold the rule that states, “the court must not permit the taking of photographs in the courtroom during judicial proceedings” or broadcasting those proceedings unless a judge rules otherwise.

Now why would the prosecution want to keep the cameras out of the courtroom? It doesn’t appear that President Trump’s legal team has an issue with the proceeding being broadcast live.

House Democrats have also pushed for live broadcasting of the court proceedings in the criminal cases against Trump. The former president’s defense attorney John Lauro agrees, telling Fox News Sunday in August he “would love to see that.”

I personally would love to see that,” Lauro said. “I’m convinced the Biden administration does not want the American people to see the truth. And they acted on it by filing this protective order, which is an effort to keep important information about this case from the press.”

President Trump’s team has a few days to respond. They don’t have any issue with the cameras in the courtroom, which begs the question, why does Jack Smith want to keep them out? What does he have to hide? Could it be that he doesn’t want the general public to know that he doesn’t have a case and never did?

During the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the cameras showed just how bad the prosecutors were and that the entire case against Rittenhouse was nothing more than a political railroading. The Kyle Rittenhouse incident has to be one of the best documented cases of self defense in decades, if not ever. It took no time for the Jury to acquit him.

The legal assault against President Trump, and what looks like cover ups of the criminal activities of the Biden Crime Family, and before that, Felonia von Pantsuit, is showing people that we do have a two-tier legal system and if you are one of the ruling elites, you will be protected. All the rest? Just ask the January 6th political prisoners and President Trump.

Keeping the cameras out of the courtroom will allow the corrupt judge and prosecutors to rig the trial. Allowing the cameras in will show the nation that the justice system in this country is dead and that there is no hope. On the flip side, it might force Chutkan to actually try something she doesn’t have a lot of familiarity with. Honesty and upholding the Constitution of the United States.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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3 Responses to Jack Smith wants to keep cameras out of the courtroom

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Democrats like other would be tyrants flourish in darkness. This is why, primarily, their ideological ilk was able to rise in Weimar. That doomed republic was too invested in their reputation to admit their errors and kept it all secret.
    “This you may not read, this you may not see, this you may not know. This is tyranny” – Robert Anson Heinlein USN RET.

  2. Diane Guinn says:

    “.. Honesty and upholding the Constitution of the United States” You are absolutely 1000000% correct. She had/has no intention of doing either, after all, she’s just another crooked POS bought and paid for by the democrats.


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