More shoes dropping on Harvard. Applications are down

Good day all. It would be nice to say that after almost 400 years, Harvard is going out of business. Sadly, they are sitting on so much money, that won’t be happening any time soon. What is happening is enrollment applications are way down.

There was a time that getting into Harvard was a really big deal. It’s still a big deal for the medical and law schools, but a normal bachelors degree isn’t what it once was. With the recent structural racism and antisemitism, parents and High School grads are rethinking applying to Harvard. This has led to a significant drop in applications. Here are the details from the New York Post:

Harvard’s early admission applications have slid to a four-year low as the elite university continues to face backlash for its administration’s unwillingness to condemn antisemitism on campus — while its rivals see gains.

The Ivy League school saw a 17% drop in applications from students applying through early admission, with just 7,921 high school seniors seeking to secure their spot, compared to the 9,553 that did so last year, according to figures released by the university.

The other Ivy League schools have seen an increase in applications. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is, of course, a different kettle of fish since they’ve historically been geared to producing scientists and engineers. The problem with Harvard, aside from degrees that in far to many cases, aren’t worth the parchment they’re printed on, is the safety issue. According to Newsmax:

“That’s possibly one of several reasons, about the concern of safety on the campus,” retired Mamaroneck High School college counselor Bob Sweeney told Bloomberg.

Harvard’s early applications were due Nov. 1, which came before Gay’s problematic House testimony under grilling by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., but there were weeks of protests and antisemitism on campus.

So, what happens with those early applications where the students were accepted? Considering just how bad things are getting at Harvard, I won’t be at all surprised if a lot of those students decide “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m going to a school where I don’t have to worry about being attacked by terrorists.”

With Harvard, you also have the problem of the President, Claudine Gay. She is proving to be manifestly unqualified for the position. She has, apparently, plagiarized several parts of her papers, which should have had her summarily fired even if she had tenure. Instead, the Harvard Boards moved to protect her.

It’s going to take a while, but I think reality is going to his Harvard right in the back of the head with a baseball bat with spikes in it. They are losing donations and endowments, and if the number of applications continues to fall, they will need to start laying off staff. Not because they’re going to go broke, Harvard is sitting on way to much money. They’ll have to let people go because they have no real work for the. Frankly, it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of racist, antisemitic progressive liberal moonbats.

Barking Moonbat


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to More shoes dropping on Harvard. Applications are down

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    As a parent (which I’m not) why do I want my child to attenda school that, while reducing me to penury, would turn my loving offspring into a racist, self hating terrorist sympathizer?
    As a student (which I am no longer) why would I attend a school that would put me in a life long debt wheel while hating me (I am the evil hetero white male) and may grade me not objectively but due to my race and gender..

    • I once interviewed for a job there. (I.T.) I didn’t get it, to which I’m now grateful. I didn’t expect to and was surprised when I was called in for an interview. I was to old, to white and had way to much common sense. Three strikes! 😉


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