The Bidens are not happy with their poll numbers, yells at aides

Good day all. Joe Biden is running for reelection. However, there is a small issue. His poll numbers are cratering. This has angered the Biden running things, Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden. (What? You thought that the walking disaster, Dementia Joe Biden is actually in charge?) She has instructed Dementia Joe to yell at his senior aides.

It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s polling has been in the toilet since at least the Biden Bug Out from Afghanistan, and has continued downwards as the economy has tanked. The open borders and the flat out invasion from illegal aliens are crossing political lines with people demanding that the maladministration stop it.

Rather then sit down and figure out where they went wrong and looking at how to correct things, the maladministration just doubles and triples down on doing the absolute wrong thing. Now the polls are even worse and the Biden’s are ordering their aides to “Fix this now!” Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden is complaining to close aides as his low approval rating continues to frustrate him and first lady Jill Biden, according to a new media report.

“After pardoning a pair of turkeys, an annual White House tradition, Biden delivered some stern words for the small group assembled: His poll numbers were unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it,” The Washington Post reported.

“He complained that his economic message had done little to move the ball, even as the economy was growing and unemployment was falling, according to people familiar with his comments, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation,” according to The Post, whose headline noted Biden’s “dismal poll numbers.”

The Biden family’s complaints date back months, with Joe and Jill Biden telling “aides and friends they are frustrated by the president’s low approval rating and the polls that show him trailing former president Donald Trump,” the report continued. 

There are a few things here. Joe Biden when his brain is working, which isn’t all that often these days, has never had to deal with people who know what a lying pile of rotting horse manure that he is. He was sheltered, both as a senator and as the VP. Now that he was installed into the Oval Office, people are seeing what a complete failure he has always been.

The Democrat Propaganda Corps has been trying to cover up the failure that is the Biden Maladministration. That isn’t working any longer since Twitter, now known as “X”, has left the Liberal reservation and people can see that Biden is a liar, incompetent, weak and has a “thing” for little girls. The other issue is the economy. It’s bad and getting worse. People believe that we are on the wrong course. They also remember how much better things were under the Greatest president of the 21st Century. Is it any wonder they’re turning on the Worst President in American History?

The president’s sagging numbers against Trump also come as voters gave Biden low approval marks, including only 23% of respondents saying Biden’s policies have helped them personally, compared to 53% who say they have been hurt by the president’s policies. 

Personally, I think the numbers regarding people who have been hurt by Biden’s policies are a bit on the law side. There is also the physical issue. Biden is physically falling apart and has been for a while now. His probable opponent, Donald Trump, is a few years younger then Biden but looks a lot better physically, and mentally runs circles around Biden. (He also runs circles around most people)

The collapsing polls for the Bidens are starting to roll downhill. The Democrat Party is now seen as hostile to the Average American. The invasion of illegal aliens has even Democrats turning against Biden. Add to this the fact that Biden just isn’t “With it” mentally, and I won’t be surprised if the DNC figures out a way to “Retire” Biden and go with another candidate in 2024. Of course, they will have a fight on their hands from Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden. She isn’t going to give up the Oval Office without a fight.

With a small number of Democrats saying that they might consider impeaching Biden if the evidence supports it, (Which it does), we may be seeing the beginnings of the “Dump Biden” movement. If the evidence is as overwhelming as it appears to be, (Or the poll numbers go even further into the dumpster), and the DNC gives a quiet “Get rid of that old senile fool” message, Biden will be off the ticket either by the time of the convention, or bounced off at the convention. After that, the fun begins.

They have no one that is any better then Dementia Joe, just not senile like he is. Kameltoe Harris would expect to be Biden’s replacement, but her poll numbers are even worse. All the potentially decent Democrat candidates have been run out of the party. That leaves who?



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~The Angry Webmaster~


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