Surprising no one, Dementia Joe Biden supports keeping Trump off the ballot

Good day all. As you should know by now, the Colorado State Supreme Court decided that January 6th, 2021 was an insurrection and they have decided that President Trump is guilty of fomenting it. The response in general has been very negative to the State Court. Then we have the worst President* in American history. He’s fine with this.

Joe Biden’s chances of winning reelection in an honest election are dropping rapidly. This has angered President Jill Joe Biden. Everything he has done to “Get Trump!” has backfired. Instead of fading away, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump is growing stronger by the day. Since Dementia Joe can’t beat Donald Trump in a stand up, honest election, he’s fine with the courts preventing President Trump from running in the first place. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

Speaking from Milwaukee on Wednesday morning, Joe Biden said that 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump “certainly supported an insurrection” after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump was disqualified from appearing on the state’s primary ballot due to violations of the 14th Amendment.

When asked whether Trump was an insurrectionist, Biden said, “well I think certain things are self-evident.”

“We saw it all, and whether the 14th Amendment applies I’ll let the court make that decision. But he certainly supported an insurrection. There’s no question about it, none, zero. And he seems to be doubling down on about everything.”

So Biden wants to play that game? Fine. Using Joe Biden’s own standards, He has sold his office’s as senator, vice president and president to hostile foreign powers for money. He has been caught stealing classified documents going back to his time in the Senate. This makes him a traitor and a spy. He should be removed from office, charged with treason and executed. Trial? Due Process? Actual facts? The Constitution? What do those matter?

Now Biden is probably guilty of selling his office, and that is being investigated by the House of Representatives to determine if there are grounds to impeach him. If they find the evidence is sufficient, they will impeach him and send it to the Senate. If the Senate finds the evidence sufficient, they will remove him from office. At that point criminal charges may be filed. This isn’t what happened in Colorado.

The Colorado Supreme ruled 4-3 that Trump should be disqualified from the primary ballot on Tuesday evening. 

An advance sheet headnote on the decision from the state Supreme Court states that “President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,” and that since “he is disqualified, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Colorado Secretary of State to list him as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot.” 

The State Courts flat out do not have jurisdiction in this matter. Even the lower court in Colorado said that they don’t have the legal jurisdiction to remove President Trump from the ballot. This is going to the Supreme Court and they will probably slap the Colorado State Supreme Court down hard. (If they don’t, start stocking up on food, medicine, guns and ammo because this will break the country)

Joe Biden is, as usual, wrong. There was no insurrection. If there had been an actual insurrection, there is a very good chance it would have succeeded and we would be finishing up the second Trump administration. Instead, we had a few bad apples, some of whom may have been federal agents acting as agent provocateurs. The actual security footage now being released, along with the previous releases shows that most of the protesters who entered the building were let in and escorted by the capitol police.

Other were basically acting like tourists. Some people went into offices and one idiot picked up Pelosi’s lectern and walked around with it. There were no weapons. There was minimal damage, especially in comparison to the Antifa/BLM insurrections that burned cities and killed people. That isn’t much of an insurrection.

Dementia Joe Biden wants Donald Trump gone. We have seen the lengths he’s been going to in order to make President Trump disappear. They haven’t worked. While I doubt that Jill Joe Biden had anything to do with this decision in Colorado, he is going to use it to his own benefit. Look for him, or his handlers, to try something to use this to keep President Trump off the ballot. Of course, since he is both stupid and senile, and his handlers are just plain stupid, look for this same tactic to be used against him and many of the down ticket Democrats as well. Then watch him change his tune.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Surprising no one, Dementia Joe Biden supports keeping Trump off the ballot

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    I’m betting pedojo will drop out via a plea bargain for him and his crooked ass son. And I’m also betting Ashely isn’t the only child abused. Perhaps that’s the real reason pedojo jumps through the hoops to protect him. just saying…

    • Good luck getting him indicted. The Democrat Party will pull out all the stops to protect him. What I do expect is that Biden will be hospitalized after the November election if he loses. Not for the reasons you might think, but due to a sprained wrist and carpel tunnel from all the pardons he’ll be signing.


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