The Colorado court judges that banned Trump. What happens to them if he wins?

Good day all. I was responding to a comment in my post on the Colorado State Supreme Court, without any due process, banning the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, from the ballot when I had a thought. What could happen to the 4 judges who issued this ruling if/when Donald Trump is reelected?

The response to the 4 judges ruling has been surprisingly uniform. You do have the most incompetent and corrupt president* in American history saying the court was right, along with the hard left Democrats and not a few Never Trump RINO’s. However, I’ve been seeing a lot more people including President Trump’s opponents in the Republican primary saying that this ruling was a load of horse manure.

Furthermore, from what I’ve been hearing and reading from actual lawyers, it appears that the four moonbat judges also think the ruling will be overturned by the United States Supreme Court. This was one of the reasons they stayed the decision until early next year. So my question, along with many others, why the Hell did you issue a ruling that you appear to know was illegal and unconstitutional?

I think we know the reason of course. These judges are virtue signaling and hoping that the Supreme Court won’t smash them upside the head with a virtual 2×4 and open the door to other states booting President Trump from the ballot.

That would be a literal disaster, not just for President Trump, but for the nation as a whole. You would see courts throwing anyone off the ballot who protested anything, all saying that it was an insurrection. That way would very quickly lead to a shooting civil war. While this possibility may be in the back of the minds of the Supreme Court justices, that won’t be the reason they slap down the Colorado court.

The State Supreme court basically ignored due process and usurped the role of Congress in declaring that President Trump engaged in an Insurrection. They basically said that Donald Trump was guilty with no trial, no actual charges, no defense and no jury. It all boils down to “We don’t like Trump and will do whatever we can to keep him from winning in 2024.”

This flat out tearing up of most of the Bill of Rights, among other things, caused me to wonder what could be done legally to these four corrupt moonbat judges? Of course, impeachment and removal by the Colorado state legislature would be one way, but the Democrats pretty much control the state government so impeaching and removing these idiots won’t happen.

So my question for those who are educated in the law and constitution, assuming that President Trump wins reelection and appoints an Attorney General who is not a Deep State uniparty plant, could federal criminal charges be brought against these four fools?

In my obviously unschooled opinion, you would have civil rights violations in declaring President Trump guilty of what amounts to Treason with no actual trial. You might also have election interference. There is one person I know who loves to throw around Seditious Conspiracy/Sedition, and trying to rig an election by preventing a person who has a good chance of winning the office of President might qualify. I would also think that a conspiracy charge could be added to the mix since these four would have talked among themselves before issuing this joke of a ruling.

Now there are those who will say that the four judges can’t be charged with anything due to immunity. That isn’t accurate. We are talking about criminal charges, not a civil lawsuit. Even federal judges can be arrested and removed from the bench without being impeached if they are charged with actual crimes. (Impeachment comes later if they don’t resign)

The Democrats have noticed that Joe Biden isn’t doing very well in the polls. They are worried that President Trump will win again in 2024, and he will be coming into office with revenge on his mind. With that, they have started saying that “President Trump will start locking people up! He is going to be a dictator and ignore the constitution!” Basically they are saying that President Trump will do to them what they’ve been trying to do to him and his supporters.

They, the Democrats, are projecting of course. They think that because this is what they do, that everyone else will do it too. While I have no doubt that a second Trump administration is going to unleash Hell on the Democrats, RINO’s and TransRepublicans, it will be in a constitutional and law abiding manner.

Even before looking at indicting those four moonbats, a new Trump AG would have to do some very serious and deep house cleaning at the DoJ. I’m thinking that FBI Director Wray will be quickly shown the door, along with most if not all of his senior staff. Merrick Garland might actually end up facing a jury. There might be a few federal judges who may have stepped over a few lines that might face a grand jury. If any of this should happen, I have little doubt that a few state judges might be thinking about legal representation in 2025 or 2026.

So, what do you think? Could these four judges be criminally charged? If so, should they be charged and put on trial? Add your thoughts to the comments, especially if you are a lawyer.

Should the four Colorado state supreme court judges be criminally charged?

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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to The Colorado court judges that banned Trump. What happens to them if he wins?

  1. If taking a Capitol Police guided tour can amount to “obstructing an official proceeding,” what does that make actual obstruction of a POTUS election under color of law? IMHO, violation of our voting rights would seem the biggest crime these alleged judges have committed.


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