In a twist, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is hit with an ethics charge

Good day all. Ever since the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, with some, reluctant assistance from Brainfreeze McConnell, flipped the Supreme Court from a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, the Democrats have been flinging charges at the Constitutionalist justices like a monkey flinging crap.

It now looks like the shoe is on the other foot. An ethics complaint has been filed against Biden appointee Ketanji Brown Jackson. Here are the details from Fox News:

A conservative policy group has filed an ethics complaint against Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson for “willfully” omitting required income disclosures for years while serving on the federal bench.

Well, this should be interesting. I think that the Democrats have tried to use this against Justice Clarence Thomas with no effect. Of course, for the Democrats, their usual methods are “Ready, Fire! Aim? What is this aim thing?” The Republicans have a nasty habit of actually doing their homework and having this thing called “Evidence.”

The Center for Renewing America, a think tank led by former senior Trump White House official Russ Vought, sent a letter to the Judicial Conference with allegations that Jackson “willfully failed to disclose” required information about her husband’s malpractice consulting income for more than a decade.

The letter suggests that the Judicial Conference should refer Jackson’s possible ethics violations to Attorney General Merrick Garland for investigation and possible civil enforcement.

Oh that’s amusing. Garland will do nothing other then send a raid team to the offices of the Center for Renewing America on some bogus, made up charge.

The letter notes that federal judges are legally required to disclose the “source of items of earned income earned by a spouse from any person which exceed $1,000…except…if the spouse is self-employed in business or a profession, only the nature of such business or profession needs be reported.”

As part of her nomination to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Jackson disclosed the names of two legal medical malpractice consulting clients who paid her husband, Dr. Patrick Jackson, more than $1,000 for the year 2011, the letter notes.

I don’t know anything about Brown Jackson’s husband so I did a quick search. He is a surgeon and has a practice and appears to be just your basic doctor with some specialization. Basically, nothing to write home about.

In subsequent filings, however, Jackson “repeatedly failed to disclose that her husband received income from medical malpractice consulting fees,” the letter reads.

“We know this by Justice Jackson’s own admission in her amended disclosure form for 2020, filed when she was nominated to the Supreme Court, that ‘some of my previously filed reports inadvertently omitted’ her husband’s income from ‘consulting on medical malpractice cases,’” the letter says.

So he is a paid consultant in malpractice suits? Ok. I assume he made the connections with lawyers through his wife, the lawyer. I’m not going to bother with his consulting. He appears to have made a few dollars from it. Now the questions here is, just how much did Justice Jackson Brown know about it? Obviously she was aware he was doing it, but may have kept herself distant professionally. I suspect that they also had separate accounts for their earnings. She might not have known what he had in the bank.

Vought, who headed up the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Trump, argues that Dr. Jackson’s income does not qualify for the “self-employment” exception. The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (EIGA) requires Justice Jackson to identify the “source of items of earned income earned by a spouse from any person which exceeds $1,000.”

I think this may be a stretch, but what do I know? Apparently Vought does know.

The former OMB chief argues that since Jackson was aware of the requirements in 2012 enough to list the specific sources of income for her first disclosure filing but not in subsequent filings, apart from admitting that she left off some of her husband’s income, her actions amount to “willful” violation of the law.

Well, we’ll see. It’s going to take a lot more, in my unschooled opinion, to force Brown Jackson from the court. Now I am not in any way defending Justice Brown Jackson. I would like nothing better to see her forced off the bench and disbarred in utter disgrace. I just don’t think that this is going to do it. Still, I could be wrong.

It’s possible that Brown Jackson, who was only put on the bench to trash the Constitution and help the Democrats wreck the country, may have deliberately hid her husband’s other income. I think a simple, small investigation can figure all this out. We just won’t be seeing even that, at least until Dementia Joe and the Democrats are out of office and Trump is back.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to In a twist, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is hit with an ethics charge

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Just another crooked-ass democrat, who can’t define what a woman is.


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