Kalifornistan slammed again over the 2nd Amendment

Good day all. The People’s Republic of Kalifornistan, like all the Democrat ruled Blue States, wants to confiscate all firearms in private hands. They keep passing laws that ignore the 2nd Amendment and they keep getting slapped down by the courts.

Recently, the Kalifornistan Supreme Soviet passed a law that basically banned carrying guns in places where psycho criminals might show up and start shooting. (Can’t have the sheep having the tools to avoid becoming lamb chops after all) It was challenged almost immediately, and, as expected, a federal court has bitched slapped the state. Here are the detail from Fox News:

A federal judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a California law that would have banned the carrying of firearms in most public places after ruling that it violates the Second Amendment. 

The ruling basically nuked the state legislature, the state attorney General and Govno Hair gel Newsom.

U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney granted a preliminary injunction blocking the law, calling it “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.” He said the law also deprives people the ability to defend themselves and their loved ones. 

“California progressive politicians refuse to accept the Supreme Court’s mandate from the Bruen case and are trying every creative ploy they can imagine to get around it,” the California association’s president, Chuck Michel, said in a statement. “The Court saw through the State’s gambit.”

The law would have made it impossible for a law abiding citizen who was lawfully exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to just drive across town.

Michel said under the law, permit holders “wouldn’t be able to drive across town without passing through a prohibited area and breaking the law.” He argued the ruling makes Californians safer because criminals are deterred when law-abiding citizens can defend themselves.

One of the things that the Democrat rulers are trying to deal with was the recent gun fight between a citizen and several criminals who were trying to rob him and force their way into his house. The video from the security cameras showed the good guy emptying a magazine and dodging return fire basically ruined the day of the Progressive Liberal Democrats and their narrative. Of course, they got even by stripping the heroic father of his ccw permit.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Newsom said Wednesday’s ruling defies common sense. 

Oh this should be good.

“This ruling outrageously calls California’s data-backed gun safety efforts ‘repugnant.’ What is repugnant is this ruling, which greenlights the proliferation of guns in our hospitals, libraries, and children’s playgrounds — spaces, which should be safe for all,” he said. 

These are the exact spots that psycho’s go to when they want to murder people. Why? Because they know that no one will have the means to fight back. Of course, Govno Gavin Newsom, who is the poster child for hair gel addiction, has proposed amending the United States Constitution to basically repeal the 2nd Amendment. Why would he want to do that? So he can send out the goon squads to confiscate guns. (Numbnuts Newsom has never been told that he is the reason the Founders wrote the Second Amendment. He is a state level tyrant)

He said California will keep “fighting to defend our laws and to enshrine a Right to Safety in the Constitution. The lives of our kids depend on it.”

In other words, the Hell with the Constitution and the rights of the people. They have no rights, only privileges that we, the ruling elite will grant them and will remove if we so choose. Newsom’s own words show how little he cares about the document he swore an oath to uphold when he became governor.

“This Second Amendment’s becoming a suicide pact, it feels like,” he said. “California’s 37% lower gun death rate of the rest of the nation, and yet, with all that evidence, no one on the other side seems to give a d–n.”

That statistic is a lie of course, but then Newsom and the Democrats are not able to do anything but lie. The crime rate in California has skyrocketed. What is also starting to happen is people with guns using them to protect themselves. Using a firearm to protect yourself, your family and your neighbors doesn’t always involve pulling the trigger. Just displaying it has stopped many crimes when the criminals crap their pants and run away.

Without question, Kalifornistan will appeal this. I believe the 9th Circus is the next stop. How they rule will depend on what pharmaceuticals they have been ingesting. After that, back to the Supreme Court where they will probably slap down Kalifornistan and potentially blow an even bigger hole in the gun grabbers hopes and dreams. We’re seeing the end game for the Progressive Liberal Democrats and it would make people like Stalin, Hitler, Castro and Mao smile.


The Injunction has been put on hold by the usual suspects on the 9th circus court of appeals. This means that as of January 1st, the Second Amendment in Kalifornistan is all but repealed. Now, if anyone is harmed by criminals who otherwise would have had the means to defend themselves, then criminal charges as well as civil suits should be pressed against each and every member of the state legislature that voted for this as well as Gavin Newsom. It’s long past time that these scum feel the pain they have been inflicting on everyone else.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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