Happy New Year 2024!

Good day all. We have said good bye to 2023 and have welcomed 2024. I don’t think many people are going to be sad that 2023 is over. It was a very bad year. We have seen the complete weaponization of the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland and the end of justice for all in the United States.

This has led to the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump, being indicted on flat out fake crimes, yet we have seen hard evidence of the corruption of the Biden Crime Family led by Don Dementia.

We had Chinese spy balloons floating over the United States and the maladministration trying to cover it up instead of putting a stop to it. It took a highly trained pilot to finally take it down.

The war in the Ukraine continues and we now have a new war in the Middle East. Israel is currently destroying Hamas and digging them out of the Gaza strip. This has led to the facade of alleged tolerance being torn off Colleges and Universities, especially the Ivy League schools. They are now being seen for what they are. Racist and antisemitic organizations.

The refusal of the Biden Maladministration to secure the borders has finally started to affect the Democrat controlled sanctuary cities. They are starting, albeit in fits and starts, to turn on Joe Biden and demand his maladministration “Do something.” The Red states are actually trying to do something and the maladministration is trying to stop them. As it is, tens of millions of illegal aliens have entered the United States and are sucking up resources that should be going to American Citizens.

One thing that has happened that isn’t really political is the apparent Fall of the House of Mouse, aka Disney Corporation. When Florida passed the The Parental Rights in Education Act, Disney went after Ron DeSantis and Florida, calling the law the “Don’t Say Gay” Law. This and a few other things finally drove Florida to act and they dissolved the Reedy Creek Improvement District that had been set up back in the 1960’s to give Disney some special privileges to build Epcot and Disney World. In it’s place they created a new district, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.

The new district then brought in an auditing team to review what was going on under the old RDIC. What they found has never been seen in the United States. Basically, Disney Corporation had captured the RDIC government and was running it as a part of Disney. The short version of all this is that Disney appears to have committed multiple felonies, everything from violating various governmental reporting requirements up to bribery and securities fraud.

People in the know believe that the State of Florida will be filing criminal charges against a whole bunch of people and that Disney could be charged as a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and hit with RICO charges. Even the Federal Government will have to investigate what the audit has found, so far. Add to this that Disney films have dropped more bombs then the 8th Air Force did on Germany in World War Two and Disney is hurting.

The list of everything that has happened would take a year to mention. Instead, what can we expect, (I’m not gong to say look forward to) in 2024? To begin with, it’s the start of election season. The Primaries and caucuses will be starting up in the next few weeks. Currently, Donald Trump is way ahead of the other Candidates and barring something unanticipated, will be the nominee for the Republican Party.

For the Democrats, things are a bit up in the air. The Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden, has announced that he is running for reelection. The reality is that it’s probably Jill “Call me DOCTOR Damn IT!” Biden who is pushing Dementia Joe to run. The problem is that more and more Democrats are coming to the conclusion that Joe Biden has been an epic disaster as President. (Like no one could see That coming. Oh wait! I did!) The question then is, who would replace him?

Kamala Harris might think she should be president, but the only way that will happen is if Biden is removed from office under the 25th Amendment, impeachment and conviction or simply drops dead. She is facing a real risk of being dropped from the ticket at the Democrat Convention.

If the decision is made at the convention to push Biden out the door, this will open yet another can of worms. Who will replace him? There are several governors who could be “Drafted.” Gavin Newsom from Kalifornistan, although he claims he isn’t running.

Another might be Gretchen Whitmer from Michigan. There are a couple of Senators who might also be looked at, but they all have a problem. They’re almost as old as Biden and aren’t that well known. The other issue is that the Democrats are so big on DEI and Virtue Signaling that putting a white male on the ticket might anger their base. Even a white woman might not help.

There is another problem. Newsom has run Kalifornistan right into the ground and Whitmer is working to duplicate this in Michigan. In fact, all the Democrat Governors have problems in their states. They’re generally broke, and have taxed and regulated people and businesses to the breaking point. Those same businesses and people have been voting with their feet and have fled.


With regards to President Trump, the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to keep him from running. We have the court cases ongoing, and the various state and federal prosecutors are trying to tie President Trump down in court so he can’t campaign. You also have a lot of Blue States trying to keep President Trump off the ballot by using the 14th Amendment. That one is also blowing up in their faces and it looks like the Supreme Court will have to get involved to shut them down hard.

The economy is bad of course with inflation wrecking everyone’s bank accounts. The Maladministration has tried to claim “Bidenomics” as their own, attempting to emulate the success of the Republicans in taking ownership of insults thrown at them by the Democrats. Much like Biden’s economic policies, this has failed miserably.

Normally we would hope that things would be better in the new year, but I don’t see how it can be. The only way things might start improving is if the election blows out the Democrats and puts Donald Trump back in the White House, along with large majorities in the House and Senate, and many states flipping as well. If that does happen, it will be interesting to see how the lame duck maladministration reacts. I suspect it won’t be well. In any case, happy new year.

Now start drinking heavily.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Happy New Year 2024!

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    least we not forget Michael err Michelle. She could do some serious damage. She plays on (weak) woman’s sympathy & emotions and has them in her palm! Imagine Obama getting a 4th term!

    • Ugh.
      This country will not survive another 4 years of Democrat rule, and that’s what it is. Rule. Not administration, not governance. Michelle Obama is flat out unqualified to be elected dog catcher and would tear this country apart at the seams.


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