San Francisco Hamas supporters are discovering the meaning of FAFO

Good day all. The Neo-Nazi Hamas supporting antisemites have been screaming, ranting and raving since the October 7th attack into Israel. They’ve really gone bonkers since Israel declared war and went into Gaza with the intention of destroying Hamas and the terrorist infrastructure they’ve created.

Since it is becoming apparent that these pro-genocide Neo-Nazis aren’t getting the support of the general public, they’ve decided to ramp things up and emulate their Eurotrash brothers, sisters and whatevers. They’ve started blocking traffic. This is going over about as well as you would expect. So far none of these idiots has been run over or shot. They are being arrested and charged.


This is what’s happening now in San Francisco. Recently a pack of these losers decided that blocking the Golden Gate Bridge would make people rally to their point of view. It didn’t. Furthermore, their actions blocked and delayed some critical medical transports that were moving organs for transplant. This was the final straw and now all of the terrorist supporters are now being charged. This isn’t sitting well with their buddies and they are demanding that their friends be freed now and all charges dropped. Here are the details from KTVU Fox 2:

A group of protestors gathered to support the 78 people who were arrested after a pro-Palestine demonstration that shut down the Bay Bridge for several hours last month.

Arraignments began on Monday morning for the protestors who were arrested, now referrered to as the “Bay Bridge 78.” A group of at least 50 people gathered outside the San Francisco Hall of Justice. Many people wore keffiyehs and held up Palestinian flags. A large banner read “Biden: Ceasefire now!” behind them as they stood on the steps. 

I really would like to see how that Senile moron in the White House is going to force a cease fire on Israel. They’ve had it and they fully intend to finish off Hamas once and for all. Biden and his pet reindeer, Blinken have been trying to pressure Israel. They are being told, privately, to stay the Hell out of the way. As to dropping the charges? That doesn’t appear to be in the cards for the new District Attorney who replaced the Soros D.A. earlier this year.

Those who gathered are calling for San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins to drop the charges against the protestors and for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

Here response can be summed up as “Not happening.”

So far, the district attorney has charged 17 of them with false imprisonment, unlawful public assembly, and refusing to disperse.

“While we must protect avenues for free speech, the exercise of free speech cannot compromise public safety. The demonstration on the Bay Bridge that snarled traffic for hours had a tremendous impact on those who were stuck on the bridge for hours and required tremendous public resources to resolve,” Jenkins said in a statement. 

Well, that is a good start. How about the rest of the pro-terrorist, antisemitic scum? Also, has the District attorney taken into account the potential harm and loss of life from the medical transports that were delayed by these walking diaper stains?

Members of the coalition Bay Area Labor for Palestine attended Monday’s rally in support of the demonstrators; the rally was organized by a grassroots effort to support the 78 protesters who are facing charges. 

“Bay Area Labor for Palestine is a coalition of union members and staff that have come together for three demands: a ceasefire, an end to U.S. military aid to Israel and an end to the occupation of Palestinian lands,” an organizer with the group said. “In the labor movement we live by the principal that an injury to one is an injury to all.”

I love this! These morons think that Israel belongs to them. Historically, there has never been a Palestine. The “Palestinians” are, in fact, just plain old Arabs, nothing more. Technically, they are the occupiers, not the Jews of Israel. They have been there for something like 4000 years.

The demonstration that earned the protestors their name caused a full closure of the Bay Bridge during rush hour traffic during the week of the APEC summit. In what the California Highway Patrol called a “well-planned effort,” the protestors drove out into the middle of the bridge before chaining themselves together and tossing their keys into the bay waters. 

What should have been done was cutting the chains and then sending the protesters over the railing to join the keys.

Some drivers behind the protest ended up trapped on the bridge in their cars for hours with nowhere to go. The demonstrators were eventually detained and placed on buses to be cited and released.

We’re are reaching the point where people will not stand for this sort of crap and decide that if the police won’t do anything, they will. It’s already happening in other countries with at least one case of an over the top reaction.

As for those already charged? I understand Folsum Prison and Pelican Bay has facilities available for those who like being chained up. They should go there and spend a few dozen years availing themselves of the facilities hospitality.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
4 months ago

The Rock is just sitting there all empty and such