Jen Psaki is saddened that Christie, the Great Fat RINO has dropped out of the race

Good day all. Last week, Chris Christie, aka Eater of Donuts, announced that he was suspending his campaign. About the only people who were truly upset were the owners of all the Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme shops. Now it appears there is one other person who is sad to see Christie fail miserably.

That person is former Biden paid liar spokeswoman Jen Psaki. She is sad that Eater of Donuts has called it a day. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

MSNBC anchor and former White House press secretary Jen Psaki lamented the suspension of 2024 presidential candidate Chris Christie’s campaign, noting that he “will be missed” as the election cycle continues.

Psaki added that Christie’s absence means voters are not reminded of “some harsh truths,” specifically regarding how former President Donald Trump is a step closer to becoming the 2024 Republican nominee. The MSNBC anchor noted, however, that Christie could still provide a boost to former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley with an endorsement in the immediate future, who polls currently show is the closest candidate to Trump ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

Christie was rejected by the GOP base for several reasons. First, he is a lying, backstabbing RINO who couldn’t wait to betray the greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Second, he is nothing but a Deep State TransNational Globalist fraud who has nothing but contempt for everyone basically and most of the Republican base specifically. As to being able to provide a boost to that other fraud, Nikki Haley?

So yes, his voice will be missed,” Psaki wrote. “But his endorsement, or lack thereof, is unlikely to have much of an impact after January.”

You are mistaken regarding Fatso’s endorsement. It won’t have any impact at all. In fact, most people have already forgotten Christie. We all know the reason you’re sad that Christie is out. You were hoping that her would be able to “Stop Trump!” Well, that isn’t going to happen and Nikki Haley isn’t going to be the nominee either. She should be flaming out no later then the day after super Tuesday.

As for Jen Psaki? She’s on MSNBC, the network that few and fewer people are watching each day. In the race for the bottom, it’s neck and neck between MCNBC and CNN. I hope you’re putting as much of your salary aside as you can Jenniepoo. You too will soon be forgotten.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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