This can’t possibly go wrong. FAA recruiting mentally ill people

Good day all. The Federal Aviation Administration’s primary role is to make sure that planes get from their point of departure to the destinations in a safe manner. They have thousands of very highly trained people to manage the air traffic in this country. It is probably one of the most stressful jobs there is outside of the Military.

The position of Air Traffic Controller is so stressful that mandatory retirement is age 56. The FAA has high standards for the people that apply to be ATC’s, or they did until the Biden Maladministration and the arrival of the most inept, incompetent and lazy Secretary of Transportation ever, Pete Buttplug. Now the FAA is actively recruiting people with severe physical, intellectual and psychiatric issues. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) places a priority on hiring people with “severe intellectual disability” as part of its diversity and inclusion initiative.  According to its website, the FAA claims, “Individuals with targeted or ‘severe’ disabilities are the most under-represented segment of the Federal workforce.” 

There is a reason for this you know. It’s called “Public Safety.” Passengers on planes like to think that the person directing air traffic and certifying flight worthiness is the best qualified person available, not some “Diversity” hire.

Under its People with Disabilities Program, the agency says it “actively recruits, hires, promotes, retains, develops and advances people with disabilities.” The FAA targets the following disabilities as a matter of policy: “Hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

So, you want someone who can’t see the radar screens, can’t hear the pilots calling in for instructions, who may be insane and have the IQ of box of rocks?

The FAA told Fox News that it “seeks qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position.”

Now I’m interested in what other positions they have in mind? Not everyone becomes an Air Traffic Controller. Some handle plane inspections, pilot training, and other things. However, a lot of this is hands on and you need to able to do the job.

Its website reveals that those with disabilities or those who have a veteran status can also be hired via the non-competitive, “on-the-spot” process as long as a manager files the proper paperwork, thus giving them preferential treatment in the hiring process. 

No one has any issued with giving a Vet preferential treatment, especially those who have been wounded. However, they do need to be able to do the job. If “Allowances” have to be made, then they aren’t qualified. We just need to find them something useful and productive for them.

In a post on X, tech mogul Elon Musk asked, “Do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritize DEI hiring over your safety?” He added, “That is actually happening.” 

I think that a firm and very loud “HELL NO!” would be the general response.

Musk’s comments came in response to a report that revealed in 2022 that Boeing began prioritizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as part of its hiring process in 2022. 

The recent incident with the Alaska Airlines 737 MAX that had a panel blow out might just be a result of hiring someone because they filled in some check boxes and not because they’re the best person for the job. The 737 MAX already has a bad reputation because of Boeing’s bean counters not listening to the engineers. Now we might have something else to be worried about. (I understand that particular aircraft is about a year old or less)

The Alaskan Airlines situation came on the heels of a shocking report in December, which showed there were 19 instances where planes nearly crashed into each other at airports in the first ten months of 2023. 

This was the highest number since 2016. The report noted that the FAA has struggled to hire more air traffic controllers, and as the number of flights a day has gone up, the number of fully certified air traffic controllers is down 1,000 people from ten years ago.

If the FAA has been turning down qualified applicants because they are white, heterosexual, males and prioritizing filling the DEI check boxes, then it’s no wonder they’re having trouble filling the slots. You also have the problem of the stupidity of the Biden Maladministration and their orders to federal employees that they will get the Clot Shot, (Covid Vaccines), or lose their jobs. Has anyone in Congress started looking to see how many were let go?

Each and every day we are seeing the utter destruction being wrought on the United States by the worst President in American History. The next president, (Probably Donald Trump), is going to have to use virtual nuclear weapons on the agencies to clean out the mess. Step one will be firing anyone who has anything to do with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I think one of the first agencies should be the FAA.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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