Forget burning, now Teslas freezing to death

Good day all. Since the Worst, most corrupt President* in American history was installed into office, he and his minions have been trying to force people to give up their internal combustion engine powered vehicles and drive battery powered golf carts.

One of the most popular of the electric cars is the Tesla. However, it has a few problems, such as exploding into flames at a rate that is surpassing the old Ford Pinto Matchback. Another issue is range. It doesn’t have any. Then you have the recharge time. Now we have another issue that the Green New Dealers never considered. Cold weather.

Since we’re in winter, the weather, regardless of what Greta ThudPud says, gets really cold. Now all those Tesla owners are discovering the problem electric cars have with the cold. It becomes impossible to recharge the cars. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Desperate Tesla owners in and around Chicago were seen trying to charge their vehicles with no luck amid frigid temperatures that have gripped the Midwest.

Charging stations have essentially turned into car graveyards in recent days as temperatures have dropped to the negative double digits, Fox Chicago reported. 

“Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent,” Tyler Beard, who had been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook, Illinois, Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon, told the news outlet. “And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday.”

Now as I understand it, when a Tesla/lithium battery drops below a certain temperature, it has to be “Conditioned” before it will accept a charge. Basically, you have to warm it back up. I believe there is a system built into the battery pack that will do that, but you are talking about something that weighs in at around half a ton. That is not going to warm up very quickly, if at all.

Beard and several other Tesla owners were trying to charge their cars amid long lines and abandoned cars at other Tesla charging stations in the Chicago area, the news station reported. 

“This is crazy. It’s a disaster. Seriously,” said Tesla owner Chalis Mizelle.

Mizelle said she abandoned her car and got a ride from a friend after hers would not charge. 

“It’s not plug and go. You have to precondition the battery, meaning that you have to get the battery up to the optimal temperature to accept a fast charge,” said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association.

In Chicago in winter, there are two ways to “Condition” the battery. One is to bring it into a heated structure and let it sit for a day or two. The other? Wait for summer. This is yet another problem with electric cars. They do not perform well in winter. The driving range drops significantly because people have to run the heaters to not freeze to death. Regular cars pull the heat from the engine.

Right now, other then virtue signaling progressives, no one is buying these things. Many car companies have lots full of electric vehicles that they can’t sell. What they are selling are Ford F150’s Toyota Tacoma’s and 4Runners and Honda Civics. Why? Because they work. You start it up and away you go. You take about 5-10 minutes to fill it up and then you go another 250-400 miles and you don’t have to choose between range and heat. If I have the choice between a Tesla and my Ford Bronco, the Bronco wins hands down.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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