Texas rejects USSC decision, will continue deploying razor wire on Border

Good day all. The other day the three Progressive and two apparent Statists rejected Texas’s plea to keep the Biden Maladministration from cutting the razor wire they’ve been deploying along the border. Texas Governor Abbott has responded with a classic “You’ve issued your decision, good luck enforcing it.” response.

Texas has been the Front Line in Biden and the Democrat’s War on America. Since the first day of his maladministration, Biden has opened the borders and allowed a flat out invasion to occur. Texas as well as other states have gone to court, both as the plaintiffs and the defendants, trying to get the maladministration to actually do their job.

Texas finally started taking action, first with deploying razor wire along the border and then putting barriers into the river. The first thing the Biden Maladministration did was order the wire to be cut so it wouldn’t impede the invasion. Texas sued and the Supreme Court sided with the worst most corrupt administration in American History. Now Texas has declared war, literally. Here are the details from Fox News:

As Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continues to tout the state’s right to self-defend itself from a migrant invasion, some Democratic lawmakers are calling on President Biden to take control of the state’s National Guard. Abbott issued a lengthy statement Wednesday, saying the federal government broke the compact between the U.S. and the individual states.

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting states, including immigration laws on the books right now,” Abbott said. “President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them.”

There is no question that Joe Biden is guilty of dereliction of duty, and that is an impeachable offense. Of course, the Democrats won’t even consider removing that senile hair sniffing pedophile. Speaking of Democrats, they are now demanding that Biden federalize the Texas National Guard to prevent them from being used by Texas to defend Texas.

While Abbott issues statements about the Biden administration overstepping its authority, Democratic lawmakers like Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, is accusing the governor of taking a play out of former President Trump’s playbook.

“Greg Abbott has continued to use political stunts and inflammatory language to advance his own agenda, violating the Constitution and endangering both U.S. citizens and asylum seekers,” Casar posted on X. “Abbott is following the Donald Trump playbook: making immigration harder and more dangerous, so asylum seekers are pushed into the hands of cartels and the system remains broken.”

Casar continued with a string of posts, saying he agreed with Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, who on Tuesday tweeted Biden should seize control of the Texas National Guard.

Cesar is, of course, a Democrat in Texas. He is in his first term in a district that was created due to Texas picking up a new seat in the House of Representatives. He is basically a Communist and supports the destruction of the United States invasion of the United States by millions of illegal aliens. Anything that might interrupt this is something he opposes, hence his call to federalize the National Guard. Like all Progressive Liberal Democrats, he doesn’t have a firm grasp on reality either.

“Governor Greg Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border,” Castro posted to X on Tuesday. “If Abbott is defying yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling, @POTUS needs to establish sole federal control of the Texas National Guard now.”

This idiot isn’t the only one. It seems that the entire Texas Democrat establishment is opposed to Governor Abbott trying to defend the state from the invasion. Rep. Joaquin Castro is also demanding that Biden federalize the National Guard. Then you have the official Texas Soi Boi, Beta male O’Rourke.

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, who is running for governor in the state, also called out Abbott for “using the Texas Guard to defy a Supreme Court ruling.”

“When Gov. Orval Eugene Faubus did this in 1957, [President] Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas Guard to ensure compliance with the law,” O’Rourke tweeted. “Biden must follow this example of bold, decisive leadership to end this crisis before it gets worse.”

Things are very different today then they were back in 1957. To begin with, people respected Eisenhower. Almost no one respects Biden. Second, Biden is the cause of all this. Third, and far more importantly, never give an order that you know won’t be obeyed. If Biden were to try and federalize the Texas National Guard, there is a good chance that the soldiers might refuse the order.

Then there is something else these idiots either don’t know or aren’t considering. That is the Texas State Militia. These are military trained and equipped troops that are not part of the United States military and can not be federalized. Governor Abbott controls them and he could use them in place of the Texas National Guard.

While most of the Democrats are generally backing Biden, the Republicans, especially other governors are standing with Texas and are willing to provide support if needed. Currently, 25 states are backing Texas. Governor Noem has offered to send coils of razor wire to Texas if they need it. Here are a few details from USA Today:

Almost all of the U.S. Republican governors have signed on a statement backing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in his bitter fight against the federal government over border control.

The statement released Thursday on the Republican Governors Association website criticized the Biden Administration and said the state of Texas has the constitutional right to defend itself. This week, Texas officials and the Department of Homeland Security sparred over barbed wire along the Rio Grande. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal agents can cut through the razor wire the state installed to deter people from crossing.

We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border,” the letter, signed by 25 Republican governors. “Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.”

The Supreme Court ruling, reversing the lower court is obviously a John Roberts thing. That incompetent buffoon has proven that he will always tend to bow to the Deep State rather then the Constitution or reality. Texas even gave him an out. They declared that what is happening to be an invasion and that the Federal Government is not doing it’s constitutional duty, so Texas can. Here is the full statement from Governor Abbott. Here is the short version with the relevant sections of the Constitution:

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” reads the statement. “President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”

There is no question that millions of criminals, and yes, they are criminals since they are crossing the border illegally, have, for all intents and purposes, invaded the United States. Now even the blue democrat runs cities and states are demanding that Biden fix the mess he caused. Instead, he’s doubling down. The Maladministration, in this case the DHS, has ordered Texas to let federal agents in to cut the wire in Shelby Park. I believe Texas has refused and is actually adding more barricades and wire.

There is a lot going on, more than can be covered in a single post. As of now, the Maladministration has said they won’t be cutting any wire. The Border patrol has also announced that they won’t cut wire or try to arrest Texas National Guard and militia, going so far as agreeing with the goals of Texas. I wonder if anyone had mutiny in the betting pool? There will be more to come, of that I have no doubt. In the meantime,


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Texas rejects USSC decision, will continue deploying razor wire on Border

  1. Rod says:

    It’s all a bit complicated but Texas gained the right, when it became a state within the union. They are the only state that has a right to have a navy and army separate from the USA control. I am an Australian so don’t know all the ins and outs of the Agreement bringing Texas into the Union of USA. Some historian would be able to enlarge on this. It is the only state that has these agreements in place. Some people in Texas foresaw this type of dispute happening between the Federal Government and Texas way back in the beginning of Statehood.

    • Jason A says:

      If I’m right, the Article, Clause, and Section Gov. Abbott is referencing is in the US Constitution, so it was there LONG before Texas become a state. Arguably, if say, Illinois felt they were being “invaded” in a way similar to Texas, Gov Pritzker COULD in theory invoke the same language.
      Of course, there’s two issues with that:

      1. Illinois has no borders with another country
      2. Pritzker is a leftist / Democrat and would probably stand on the border handing out welcome gifts

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