Fauci admits social distancing was crap

Good day all. We are slowly learning the real story behind the Great Panicdemic of 2020. We know now that there was an active conspiracy to suppress anything that went against the narratives, We are also finding out that the vaccines were never very effective and apparently not to safe. We’re also seeing peer reviewed studies that are showing that masks not only were worthless, but may have actually caused harm.

At the center of all this was the former head of the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Fauci. Thanks to the hard work of Senator Rand Paul, who is an actual medical doctor, we have found out that the Covid-19 virus was genetically altered to make it more dangerous, and was accidentally released from the lab in China where it was being experimented on. We also know that the Gain of Function research was paid for by the American Taxpayer with funds being provided by Fauci. We know that Fauci flat out lied to President Trump and Congress.

Now Rand Paul has gotten Fauci in front of his committee and is holding Fauci’s feet to the fire. Fauci has been playing the old “I don’t recall” game, however people are now using Fauci’s old testimony against him. (They would like to charge Fauci with lying to Congress, but the Garland DoJ won’t do it)

Two of the most hated mandates that came out of the CDC and NIH were the forced wearing of masks and the 6 foot “Social Distance” requirement. Originally the NIH and CDC claimed “We have Science” about why keeping 6 feet apart was required. Now Fauci is being forced to admit that it was a complete lie. Here are the details from Fox News:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response, told lawmakers this week that the social distancing recommendations forced on Americans “sort of just appeared” and were likely not based on scientific data.

Fauci, 83, made the startling revelation in a closed-door interview with the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic. He also testified that the lab leak hypothesis — which was often suppressed — was not a conspiracy theory and that the policies and mandates he promoted may increase vaccine hesitancy in the future, Committee Chair Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, wrote in a statement Wednesday. 

Wenstrup’s committee has been investigating whether government officials at the time, including Fauci, worked to suppress questions about whether the pandemic was the result of a lab leak in Wuhan, China. 

We know they did and are still trying to. The first hole blown in the dam, as it were, occurred when Elon Musk bought Twitter, now known as “X”, started looking into things and found out just how bad things were. This led to the release of the “Twitter Files” which showed that lower level bureaucrats under the Trump Administration and directly from the White House under the Biden Regime how the government suppressed the 1st amendment rights of anyone going against the Covid Narratives.

Fauci became a politically polarizing figure during the pandemic. He was vilified by those opposed to lockdowns, masking rules and vaccine mandates, while being idolized by those who agreed with the government’s actions.

“Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority,” wrote Wenstrup, a physician of over 30 years.

“It is clear that dissenting opinions were often not considered or suppressed completely. Should a future pandemic arise, America’s response must be guided by scientific facts and conclusive data.”

There were a few people who have looked at Fauci’s entire career as a bureaucrat. He was originally a researcher but switched to administration fairly early in his career. The reasons for this are twofold in my opinion. First, he wanted power, prestige, and money as a manager. Second, it looks like he was just plain old fashioned incompetent in the lab.

One of the things he was always pushing were vaccines. When HIV and AIDS became an issue, Fauci was pushing to create a vaccine rather then find a cure. We saw where that went. With Coronavirus, he was again pushing for vaccines and actively suppressed anything that might have been a potential cure.

Early in the Panicdemic, a French doctor noticed that people who were using an old antimalarial drug called Hydroxychloroquine seemed to recover very quickly or not contract the virus if exposed. Later on, other doctors came up with a cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine, an antibiotic and a zinc supplement that seemed to knock the coronavirus out very quickly.

Rather then investigate these potential therapies, Fauci and the other Medical Bureaucrats along with Big Pharma, actively suppressed any research or discussion of these treatments. Later on when someone talked about something called Invermectin, Fauci and the Biden Maladministration launched all out attacks on anyone who wanted to discuss the drug with threats against doctors who might consider using it as a treatment. This is one of the many reasons people no longer trust the “Medical Elites.”

Then we have the Lockdowns. Originally, this was meant to last for a couple of weeks to allow hospitals to prepare for the expected hundreds of thousands of cases. It very quickly turned into what amounted to global martial law. In the United States, states such as South Dakota flat out refused to lock down and Florida quickly reopened for business. They were attacked by people like Fauci. Now he is admitting that it was all a load of crap.

Many schools across the country were shuttered in order to comply with the six-foot rule of social distancing in an effort to stop the spread of the virus, while it also helped spur lockdowns and restrictions in public spaces as well as bars and restaurants.

However, Fauci, according to Wenstrup, characterized the development of the guidance by stating “it sort of just appeared.”

Sure. It just sort of appeared. If I recall correctly, there was some sort of animation that was put out showing that someone who coughed or sneezed in a supermarket was blasting covid virus all over the place in a 6 foot circle. I have a vague memory that this idea came from some kid in high school in Europe. From that, the United States as well as the world economy were thoroughly trashed.

The Fox story goes on to list other things that Fauci either confirmed or conveniently forgot, such as the origins of the Covid-19 virus and the efficacy of the vaccines that were shoved down our throats. One of the things that came out is that Fauci was paid by Big Pharma for licensing fees from work down in government labs.

Fauci is in his mid-80’s. While he isn’t the physical and mental basket case Dementia Joe Biden is, he probably won’t be around to much longer. Frankly, I am of the opinion that Anthony Fauci should spend the remainder of his life in a maximum security prison for all the damage he has done. Sadly, I don’t see that happening. All we can do is set up an outhouse on his grave when the time comes so we can properly pay him our respects.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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