WEF Wants to ban Coffee to “Save the Planet!!”

Good day all. Everyone with any common sense has been blasting the World Economic Forum and their recently concluded junket in Davos, Switzerland. I’ve written about Argentina’s new President, Javier Milei and his blasting of the WEF elites as well as WEF founder Klaus Schwab’s declaration that Elections will soon be a thing of the past.

The WEF’s basic goal is a totalitarian state run by the Elites. In this, the WEF shows their actual beliefs match those of some pretty gruesome political parties from the 20th Century. Communists, Fascists and Nazis. The last isn’t at all surprising since Schwab grew up under the Nazis and apparently his father was a confidant of Hitler.

The WEF has issued “Recommendations” that include limiting food and water, ending the eating of meat in favor of bugs, and of course, One World Government, under them. The Progressives, Liberals, Democrats and a lot of RINO’s from the GOP(e) agree with a lot of the garbage the WEF puts out. However, they might have finally taken that one step to far. They want to ban coffee. Here are the details from Fox News:

A video featuring elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, discussing how coffee production contributes to climate change infuriated social media users after going viral. X users besieged the comment section of a video featuring Swiss banker Hubert Keller telling a WEF panel last week how much CO2 coffee production puts into the atmosphere, warning that “they’re coming for your coffee.”

Hinchliffe added, “He’s putting a guilt-trip on coffee drinkers for supporting poor coffee farmers because they don’t know any better in their ‘monoculture’ endeavors. It’s all a power grab to seize land and the means of production to carbon tax you and I to oblivion.”

The Hell he will! Coffee is one of the most popular nonalcoholic beverages in the world with tea right there with it. If that totalitarian slimeball thinks he’s going to take my coffee away from not just me, but billions of others? The WEF may want to rethink that. Nothing will unite people who don’t like each other then telling them they won’t be allowed to drink coffee. The Turks will unite with the Greeks and storm Davos.

Australian politician Malcolm Roberts rebuked Keller and the Davos elites, saying, “Hands off our coffee. The elitists at Davos love to chat about restricting travel while comparing the private jets they flew in on. They push EVs, yet the Davos limos are fuel powered. The forum sessions openly plot to reduce animal farming and fishing, yet they dine on the finest steak and seafood. Where do we draw the line?”

I have a few suggestions on where to draw the line, however I would prefer not to get a visit from the FBI. In any case, this buffoon was roundly and soundly hammered on TwitterX. What wasn’t really mentioned was Tea. I noted that Tea is the second most popular drink in the world. If you don’t think that the WEF won’t go after Tea next, I have a few chests of tea I just pulled from Boston Harbor.

The good news is that the WEF is now in the public eye and the public, in general, has decided that they are a threat, and is making sure they have as little chance as possible to try and catty out their power grab. Of course, in places like Eurostan, at least the western part, it may be to late. There are rumblings from the voters that the ruling elites are starting to suppress.

In the United States, the WEF is tied in tightly with the Democrat Party, (With able assistance from the GOP(e) and Neocon members of the Uniparty), and is being rejected by millions in flyover country. Right off the bat, you’re going to get a large number of programmers and IT people who live on coffee. Then you have the military. If you want to guarantee a mutiny in the ranks, ban coffee.

The old saying of “If you want my coffee, you will have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.” really isn’t applicable. Ban coffee and you will have hundreds of millions of caffeine deprived, very angry people looking to rip the hearts out of the idiots who banned coffee.

This isn’t going anywhere of course, just like the WEF’s decree that people eat bugs and stop using water. Now if you will excuse me, I need more coffee.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
3 months ago

If they keep this up, they are going to piss off the chiefs and sergeants that actually run the world’s military. This would result in a guillotine festival that hasn’t been seen since the French revolution. I really hope they pound that ‘Do Not Press” big red button. The chaos would be delicious.

Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
3 months ago

There are worse hills to die on.

Jon P
Jon P
3 months ago

I’m one of those weirdos who can’t stand coffee and tries to stay away from caffeine in general because I don’t like the headaches I get from caffeine withdrawal. But I have a mother-in-law who lives and dies by her daily coffee intake, and I happen to like her and my father-in-law, so…