White House is getting Frustrated with Merrick Garland

Good day all. With the report by Special Counsel Robert Hur regarding Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, saying that yes, Biden did break the law, but we can’t prosecute him because his mentally incompetent all hell broke lose.

First you had the Democrats and their shills in the Media saying “See! Biden didn’t break the law!” Then they had to deal with Robert Hur saying that Biden is to incompetent mentally to stand trial. The White House in particular is furious since the whole idea of the Special Counsel was to protect Joe Biden and get President Trump. Since this isn’t what happened, the loony left handling Biden are blaming Merrick Garland. Here are the details from Politico:

Joe Biden has told aides and outside advisers that Attorney General Merrick Garland did not do enough to rein in a special counsel report stating that the president had diminished mental faculties, according to two people close to the president, as White House frustration with the head of the Justice Department grows.

I would like to say that Biden’s blaming Garland is a symptom of his growing dementia, but it isn’t, Biden is a psychopath and blaming others for his wrong doing is something he’s done his entire adult life. (Probably as a child as well)

The report from special counsel Robert Hur ultimately cleared Biden of any charges stemming from his handling of classified documents that were found at Biden’s think tank and his home. But Hur’s explanation for not bringing charges — that Biden would have persuaded the jury that he was a forgetful old man — upended the presidential campaign and infuriated the White House.

Actually, if you read the report, it doesn’t clear Dementia Joe Biden at all. First, Robert Hur made the mistake of looking at intent, which isn’t part of the law dealing with both the actions of Biden and President Trump. Second, Mr. Hur said that Biden willfully mishandled the documents and shared them with others in violation of the law. Hur just doesn’t think he could get a conviction since the earliest he could go to trial would be 2026, and by then Biden will either be so far gone that he will sit there in court drooling and filling his pants, or just be plain old dead.

Biden and his closest advisers believe Hur went well beyond his purview and was gratuitous and misleading in his descriptions, according to those two people, who were granted anonymity to speak freely. And they put part of the blame on Garland, who they say should have demanded edits to Hur’s report, including around the descriptions of Biden’s faltering memory.

In reality, Robert Hur just confirmed what we all know. Joe Biden is a senile idiot and utterly incapable of fulfilling his duties as President* of the United States. What Dementia Joe and his handlers aren’t understanding is that Mr. Hur added that as a way to justify not recommending that Joe Biden be impeached and removed from office and then put on trial.

In White House meetings, aides have questioned why Garland felt the need to appoint a special counsel in the first place, though Biden has publicly said he supported the decision.

Why? The reason is simple. He didn’t have a choice. While Garland would have preferred to keep this “In House” where it could be buried nice and deep, the House and Senate Republicans, who already want Garland’s head, would have ripped him to shreds.

While Biden himself has not weighed in on Garland’s future, most of the president’s senior advisers do not believe that the attorney general would remain in his post for a possible second term, according to the two people.

This has been building for a while,” said one of those people. “No one is happy”

Biden picked Garland as his attorney general with the stated desire to restore a semblance of independence at the Department of Justice that he and others believed was lost under Donald Trump. He announced the nomination the day after the Jan. 6 attacks at the Capital — a backdrop that Biden offered up as proof that someone of Garland’s stature and temperament was needed in the post.

What has actually happened under Garland is the complete weaponization of the Department of Justice. The concerted legal attacks against both Biden and the Democrat’s political enemies started almost as soon as Garland was sworn in and have only gotten worse. Many are very concerned that it’s reaching the stage where we might see full on gun battles between federal agents and citizens with the agents coming out second best.

Your loyalty is not to me,” Biden said. “You won’t work for me. You are not the president or the vice president’s lawyer.

Democrats close to Biden fear Garland has become too consumed by that instruction to appear impartial.

What Democrats do is they bend over backwards not to look partisan, and then they end up hiring people that are partisan but in the other direction,” said a Biden donor, granted anonymity to speak freely about the top law enforcement official in the country. “There’s no question in my mind that the villain here is Merrick Garland.”

Now a caveat. The Politico is basically a propaganda organ for the Democrat Party. Even handed in their writing isn’t even on the radar. They simply “report” what they are told to say by people in the upper reaches of the Democrat Party.

But others say Garland has done a commendable job balancing out extremely thorny legal and political matters while maintaining the DOJ’s credibility.

With the Trump probe already in hands of a special counsel, Garland not appointing a special counsel over the classified Biden documents and simply closing the investigation himself “would not have been credible to the country,” she said.

Here are a few things that Political Politico is skipping over. The investigation railroad job against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, was begun after the classified documents started turning up in Biden’s offices. Garland decided to steamroll President Trump to provide cover for Joe Biden. The problem with this plan is that Joe Biden had absolutely no authority at all to have those documents where President Trump had absolute authority to declassify whatever he wanted to.

Then there is the matter of Jack Smith. The Trump lawyers are now saying that Smith was not properly appointed to his position and that he had no authority to do anything. There is also Smiths long history of abusing his position, and his current attempts to block Trump’s defense team’s access to evidence.

Justice Department officials say Garland has delivered on a number of fronts — many of them closely identified with Biden or his priorities. Soon after arriving, he announced reorganizations and new initiatives aimed at cracking down on a wave of violent crime that beset many cities in the wake of the pandemic. There are signs those efforts are bearing fruit.

Garland and his deputies have also reinvigorated federal law enforcement in areas Republican administrations often downplay: fighting to preserve abortion access in the wake of the Dobbs Supreme Court decision, aggressively investigating claims of civil rights violations by police, and filing a flurry of often successful cases opposing mergers and alleged monopolistic practices.

Yeah, he’s been sending out his goon squads to railroad anyone who stands in the way of the Democrat Party’s agenda. Several cases blew up badly. We have a recent decision, surprisingly upheld by the 9th Circus that an FBI raid on a safe deposit box company violated the 4th amendment rights of hundreds of box owners.

For those who don’t recall, the FBI had a warrant for the offices of the company, but were specifically enjoined in the issued warrant from breaking into the boxes of the depositors. They did it anyway and stole $80 million dollars from people who had nothing to do with the company’s owners, other then renting boxes.

As for Garland being dismissed in a second Biden term, I don’t think he has to worry to much. Biden’s chances, provided there is an honest election, are miserable. Thanks to the Hur report, the Democrats are not thinking the previously unthinkable. How can they get rid of that corrupt, senile incompetent idiot? What Garland needs to be worried about is the next Attorney General who is likely to be appointed by President Trump. Trump has learned from his mistakes and I suspect he’s going to bring in someone who might just indict Merrick Garland.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to White House is getting Frustrated with Merrick Garland

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Do you honestly, in your heart of hearts, believe there will ever be another honest election for any office higher than dog catcher?


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