White House colluding with prosecutors to “Get Trump!

Good day all. I’ve mentioned this in the past and other have out in the innerweb tubes as well. The three prosecutors targeting the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, all met with White House aides prior to the indictments.

Currently, we’re watching the Fulton County Soros District Attorney, Fat Ass Fani Willis, self destruct in Georgia. There is a good chance that all the defendants will walk away with the charges dismissed. Willis and her boy toy are the ones who may end up facing criminal charges.

I don’t need to bother with Jack Smith. I’ve written about that criminal several times. Currently, there is a question before the court regarding Smith’s appointment and whether or not it was lawful. (It wasn’t) If the courts rule that Smith wasn’t lawfully appointed, and they should, then the federal cases against President Trump implode.

This leaves Alvin Bragg, yet another bought and paid for Soros District Attorney. His case is a joke for any number of reasons. To begin with, when he first took office, he looked at the investigation and in a fit of honesty, closed it down saying there was nothing there. Then he apparently visited the White House and lo and behold, he manufactured a bogus case. Now it seems that the Biden Maladministration was colluding with these prosecutors persecutors to keep President Trump from running. Here are the details from Breitbart:

Three separate prosecutors reportedly met with White House aides before indicting former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s political opponent.

The reported meetings suggest a coordinated attack against Biden’s 2024 rival. If coordination occurred, it lends credence to Trump’s belief that the indictments are election interference.

It goes without saying that all the court cases, civil and criminal, have been designed to keep President Trump from running and winning reelection. It just that now, things, such as this story, are coming out and making people go, “Hmmm, something doesn’t seem right about this.”

The timing of the indictments are peculiar. After Trump announced a reelection bid against Biden, four indictments hit Trump in four separate jurisdictions, each following revelations about the Biden family business.

Those revelations have been pretty damning for the Biden Crime Family. Corruption, influence peddling, espionage and outright bribery. The Breitbart story then goes on to list the cases brought against President Trump. The first one was by that scumbag Alvin Bragg.

The first indictment occurred on April 4, 2023, the same day that former Biden aide Kathy Chung testified about Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, contradicting Biden’s version of events.

Of course, it isn’t logistically possible for Bragg to gin up an indictment in a matter of hours, and it looks like this was in the planning stages for a month.

On March 17, 2023, Bragg asked for a meeting with federal law enforcement ahead of the Trump indictment Trump, a court source told Fox News. A year earlier, Bragg’s office hired a former senior Department of Justice (DOJ) official Matthew Colangelo, who spent years targeting Trump at the Justice Department. He also attacked Trump in his role in the New York Attorney General’s office.

It was at this point that Bragg came up with his “Novel” approach to the law. Novel is another way of saying “Made up out of whole cloth.” Until Bragg was instructed to hire Colangelo. If that doesn’t smack of election interference, collusion and the weaponization of the Justice system, I don’t know what does.

The other two cases revolve around President Trump’s documents and the call he made to Georgia. With regards to the Document case against President Trump, it started when the first discoveries of stolen classified files were found by Biden’s people in an office he once rented. Then the other documents were found in his garage and home office, with a few stamped Top Secret. (I think they may also have been stamped not for foreign distribution but I’m not sure on that)

This led to the raid on Melania Trump’s underwear draw by the FBI. Unlike Dementia Joe’s obvious and willful theft and mishandling of classified documents, the papers President Trump had were secured in a locked, monitored and guarded SCIF. No one was getting at them that didn’t have authorization. There is also the issue of a president’s absolute right to declassify anything. President Trump had it up to 12PM January 20th, 2021 and the papers had been sent to Mar-a-lago long before that date. Then we have the fiasco in Georgia.

Willis filed the third indictment against Trump on August 14, 2023. The official court website of Fulton County, Georgia, published what appeared to be an indictment against Trump before deleting it.

I remember that and it was, as I recall, published before the grand jury had finished applying the mustard to the baloney sandwich.

Months before the indictment, Willis’ top county prosecutor met twice with  Biden’s White House counsel on May 23 and November 18, 2022, a year before Trump’s August indictment, Breitbart News reported.

That case smacks of many things. Collusion with the White House and DoJ for starters. Since this and the New York City case are supposed to be local, why would the DoJ be involved at all? The simple answer is that the Biden White House and Garland DoJ were working hand in glove with the local DA’s to make it impossible for President Trump to run.

Once again, the timing of the indictment was suspect. Willis indicted Trump on the same day former FBI supervisory special agent confirmed Biden’s 2020 transition team was tipped off about its plan to interview Hunter Biden.

Of course, they didn’t see the current fiasco now occurring in Fulton County with what looks like some serious racketeering by Fat ass Fani Willis with the potential for some nice embezzlement charges brought against her. One of the Defendant’s attorneys apparently stumbled onto the information that Willis was paying Nathan Wade for services other than legal.

Last week, the court held a hearing regarding all this. The Defense team as looking to have Fat Ass Fani and her boy toy Johnny Nathan Wade removed from the case. Fani Willis took the stand and basically destroyed herself and Wade. It looks like they will be removed from the case. If that happens, I’m given to understand that the entire County DA’s office will also be removed and that the case will be taken over by the State’s Attorney General’s office. We shall see about that of course.

All this, granted, anecdotal evidence does seem to indicate that the indictments of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, were politically motivated and are in the great traditions of every third world banana republic out there. They’ve also didn’t have the effect the Biden Maladministration intended. They sought to weaken and destroy President Trump and ensure that the Worst President* in American History, Dementia Joe Biden, would be reelected. Looking at the current polls, it’s having the opposite effect.

I suspect that blind terror is now running through the Deep State Uniparty. When President Trump won in 2016, no one expected it. Many think that even Donald Trump was a bit surprised, and he wasn’t fully prepared to staff his administration. This enabled all the Obama holdover to run amok and we saw the damage they did.

This time, people think that President Trump will be ready to hit the ground running and will quickly get his people in place. We are seeing the first indications by the Biden Maladministration to try and “Trump Proof” the government. What I don’t think they’re considering is what will happen once the new Attorney General is sworn in.

I would be very surprised if President Trump picked another Sleepy Sessions or Backstabber Barr. Whoever he selects has to be, besides a good lawyer, an absolutely ruthless administrator who is willing to both fire and in some cases, arrest both federal agents and DoJ lawyers. With all the information now coming out, there are probably dozens of senior Biden appointees who could be, (And should be) indicted.

Even Dementia Joe himself could be charged for all the crimes he committed prior to his installation as President*, although the Hur Report pretty much shows that Biden is not mentally capable of aiding in his own defense or being president.

The best that the Deep State can hope for is another successful stolen election. That isn’t likely this time for a number of reasons, starting with to many people looking for it and willing to do something really bad if needed. Failing that, they better hope that Biden doesn’t get writers cramp signing all the pardons.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to White House colluding with prosecutors to “Get Trump!

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    November will be the fourth box indicator


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