AOC in full panic mode Freaks out over second Trump administration

Good day all. Once again, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has opened her mouth and swallowed both feet. She is panicking of the idea that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, might win reelection.

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is not known for her intelligence or grasp on reality. She likes to say that she was terrified that she would be murdered during the January 6th protest even though she was in an entirely different building that only Police went into. Now she is horrified that President is running and may well win reelection in November. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) appeared utterly distraught over the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president again.

The far-left congresswoman argued that Trump returning to the White House would ensure the end of Democracy, adding, “It’s not a joke.”

We need to understand what we are staring down in this country,” AOC began.

If Donald Trump is elected president of the United States, we do not know if there will be a verifiable next election that has integrity,” she said.

Well, the last one had some serious issues and remains very questionable.

He already tried to, we saw on January 6th, he tried to overturn the results of a presidential election by force, by inciting a riot.”

And that’s a lie. Everyone saw just how questionable the results were. (Flat out unbelievable in many cases), with ballots showing up with no way to verify them, issues with voting machines and how millions of ballots supposedly mailed in had no folds in them as you would expect if it had been actually put in an envelope and mailed in.

He also didn’t incite a riot. President Trump’s exact words were “Peacefully and lawfully” head down to the congress and protest. If you like, we can also go into the probability that the actual incitement was done by the FBI and the Democrats.

And I, you know, I think we need to be very, very realistic about the grave, grave impacts of a Donald Trump election. It is not a joke.”

It is not a game. It is not a game.”

There is a video of AOC’s mental breakdown on the Daily Fetched. If you would care to waste some time watching the bucktoothed bimbo melt down, please do. In the meantime, the Daily Fetched continues with some quotes from the ever so easily panicked Comrade Alexandria.

We need to protect our democracy and ideally it’s going to be on progressive values,” the “squad” Democrat continued.

I love how Progressives, Socialists and this idiot throw around the phrase “Protecting our democracy.” The United States isn’t a democracy. We are a Republic. We select out representatives to manage and administer the country. The founders know what a pure democracy was. Two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. There is also the fact that AOC doesn’t actually want people to have any say in how things are done.

AOC was asked about the obvious mental collapse of the Worst President* in American History, Dementia Joe Biden. She ignored the question and continued ranting about President Trump.

When asked about the voter’s concerns, AOC deflected the question back onto Trump.

I mean, I think right now, when it comes to the President’s age, folks are talking about how he’s 81 But we have to look at first of all, Donald Trump is around the same age of 77 years old, they could have gone to high school together,” she said.

And beyond that, Donald Trump has 91 indictments.”

Those indictments are generally accepted to be politically motivated, and they are also starting to collapse. The two civil cases were so egregiously rigged by the judges that they will be overturned on appeal. The problem with Alexandria Occasio-Cortez is simple she’s totally obsessed with President Trump. As to the real reason why?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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