Another Neocon “Conservative” group bites the dust and blames Trump

Good day all. Since President Trump won the Republican nomination in 2016, the rot in the Republican Party came to the forefront for all to see. Many of the group known as
Neocons” turned on the Republican party and announced that they were no longer Republicans.

Some of the better known were columnist George Will, publisher of the new defunct Washington Standard magazine and a number of others as well. Many of these fake Republicans so hated the idea of President Donald Trump and his plans to Make America Great Again, that they actively supported the utterly corrupt Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton.

When President Trump crushed Felonia and won the presidency, the Neocons became absolute Never Trumpers. What they failed to understand was why President Trump won the election. The Republican base had grown tired of the GOP Elites promising one thing and then doing the exact opposite.

Very quickly all the organizations, periodicals and any number of the old Neocons, such as Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg and George Will found themselves on the outside looking in. They became irrelevant. Now another group has gone under and they too are blaming the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump for their collapse. Here are the details from Fox News:

FreedomWorks, the once influential conservative group that helped spur the tea party movement, is reportedly shutting its doors and blaming the influence of Donald Trump for its demise.

FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon told Politico in an exclusive interview published Wednesday that the group has dissolved, “effective immediately.” Wednesday marked the last day for the organization’s roughly two dozen staff members. 

Hoping over to the Politico story:

FreedomWorks’ board of directors voted unanimously on Tuesday, May 7th, to dissolve the organization, Brandon said. Wednesday will be the last workday for the group’s roughly 25 employees, though staffers will continue to receive paychecks and health care benefits for the next few months.

It sucks for the people who are losing their jobs of course, but I’m not really surprised that FreedomWorks collapsed. I’m also not surprised they’re blaming President Trump and his ideas either.

In an exclusive interview with POLITICO Magazine, Brandon said the decision to shut down was driven by the ideological upheaval of the Trump era.

After Trump took control of the conservative movement, Brandon said, a “huge gap” opened up between the libertarian principles of FreedomWorks leadership and the MAGA-style populism of its members.

FreedomWorks leaders, for example, still believed in free trade, small government and a robust merit-based immigration system. Increasingly, however, those positions clashed with a Trump-aligned membership who called for tariffs on imported goods and a wall to keep immigrants out but were willing, in Brandon’s view, to remain silent as Trump’s administration added $8 trillion to the national debt.

What President Trump proposed and implemented was “Fair Trade.” This is different from the “Free Trade” ideas we have been subjected to for a long time. What free trade policies that FreedomWorks and the Chamber of Commerce types were pushing seriously damaged the United States economy.

Basically, high paying manufacturing jobs were shipped out of the country for the promise of access to other nation’s markets. That access never happened. Instead we saw cheap goods being imported that was made, in many cases, by slave and child laborers. When President Trump came in, he put a stop to these unfair deals and things turned around. (We are excluding the Covid Panicdemic)

A lot of our base aged, and so the new activists that have come in [with] Trump, they tend to be much more populist,” Brandon said. “So you look at the base and that just kind of shifted.”

They saw how much better things were under President Trump, especially over the last few years of suffering and incompetence of the Biden Maladministration. They were also tired of the endless wars we weren’t allowed to win and being the world’s policemen. The unsecured borders and illegal immigration also angered most of the Republican base. President Trump made good strides in securing the border and getting illegal immigration under control. Thanks to Dementia Joe, it’s now reached the level of a foreign invasion.

This same split was creating headaches in other parts of the organization as well. “Our staff became divided into MAGA and Never Trump factions,” Brandon said in an internal document reviewed by POLITICO Magazine. It also impacted fundraising.

Now I think donors are saying, ‘What are you doing for Trump today?’” said Paul Beckner, a member of FreedomWorks’ board. “And we’re not for or against Trump. We’re for Trump if he’s doing what we agree with, and we’re against him if he’s not. And so I think we’ve seen an erosion of conservative donors.”

The donors saw that groups like FreedomWorks were, basically, no longer relevant. The old GOP(e) “Conservative” movement was seen as a slightly less incompetent Democrat party. Like the old school Uniparty, they never did what they claimed they would do and instead kept shafting the average Republican voter. The saw Donald Trump as imperfect, but he also did something none of the other Republicans had done before. He did his best to keep his promises.

FreedomWorks has been around for a long time, and grew out of the old Koch funded Citizens for a Sound Economy. Of course, the Koch’s idea of a sound economy turned out to be whatever was sound for the Koch brothers. When President Trump started pulling ahead of the Koch preferred candidate, Jeb “Please Clap” Bush, they went full Never Trumper. They too became irrelevant to the GOP Base. (Only the Democrats still cared about them)

As for the Tea Party, when they were first organizing, they were saying and doing many of the same things that President Trump said he would do and, once in office, began doing. However, the Tea Party was seen as a threat to the GOP Establishment and after taking out a few of the RINO’s, were co-opted and reduced to just another Uniparty group. They became irrelevant as well, which is exactly what people like Cocaine Mitch McConnell and John Fireball McCain wanted. Now FreedomWorks has joined a long list of groups that couldn’t understand that things have changed.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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