Deadly Force Authorized on Mar-a-lago panty raid

Good day all. Another interesting bit of information has come out regarding the panty raid by the FBI on Melania Trump’s underwear drawer at Mar-a-lago. The FBI was told they could shoot anyone that looked at them sideways. (For all intents and purposes)

We all remember the FBI stormtroopers who raided President Trump’s home in Florida of course. Even today, it is considered one of the more disgraceful acts by Merrick Garland and the FBI. It now looks like the FBI agents, who, if I recall correctly, came out of Washington and did not involve the Florida office, waited until President Trump and his family were elsewhere. As it was, there were several Secret Service agents on site, and there is at least one picture of an agent in armor, holding a rifle and not looking to happy about what was going on.

Now we are finding out that the FBI agents were authorized the use of lethal force during their raid. Here are the details from the New York Post:

The Department of Justice authorized “the use of deadly force” when FBI agents swarmed former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022 looking for classified documents, according to court filings Tuesday.

Agents in the Aug. 8 raid were tasked with seizing “classified information, [National Defense Information], and US Government records,” reads to an operations order revealed in evidence as part of Trump’s criminal case involving the allegedly mishandled documents in Florida.

The authorities also were told to conceal their “law enforcement equipment” and come armed with “ammo,” “handcuffs” and “medium and large sized bolt cutters,” notes the filing by lawyers for the former president.

Were they aware that there were armed Secret Service agents on site? Did the Secret Service know that the FBI was going to do something as stupid as the panty raid has turned out to be? This could have gone sideways very easily with federal agents firing on each other. (I suspect the Secret Service agents may be better shots then the FBI)

The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

The FBI spent 10 hours on site rummaging through Melania’s underwear drawer and trying on her clothes. They found the documents in a secured SCIF, and then promptly tainted all the evidence as has been admitted to by Jack Smith, (Under duress of course. He never wanted any of this to come out. Kudos to Judge Cannon’s ethics)

The government says Trump illegally removed the documents, which include “national defense information,” from the White House, while the former president says he has done nothing illegal.

And that has been blown up in the recent release of the sealed court documents. The GSA were the ones that packed up all the documents and then called President Trump’s people to come get them. Whoever packed up the papers would have seen anything with a classified stamp on it. That they didn’t call in the FBI to help vet the documents before shipping them out stinks to high heaven of a frame job by the Biden Maladministration.

Deputy Assistant Attorney General George Toscas, in a phone call in the days leading up to the raid, allegedly said he “frankly [didn’t] give a damn about the optics” of the recovery operation.

Well, now we know who needs to be fired.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has said he “personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant.”

And this is yet another nail in the proverbial coffin for Garland. He better make sure that before he and Biden leave office, he has that signed pardon in hand.

Evidence in the court filing reveals an earlier back-and-forth between Trump’s lawyer and a prosecutor working for special counsel Jack Smith over retrieving the documents.

This is a bit of an understatement. The court papers recently released, thanks to Judge Cannon, show that the Trump people were handing things over and were talking with the National Archives. Instead of working with Trump’s people, the National Archives people, who hate President Trump, sicced the FBI on him. (More people who need to be fired and potentially criminally charged)

But Steven D’Antuono, the assistant director-in-charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, had told the House Judiciary Committee in an interview last year that he expressed concerns about executing the search warrant without the consent of one of Trump’s lawyers.

It wasn’t just the consent, it was the removal of the lawyers during the search that was problematical. Who knows what evidence they might have planted? We already know they were playing games with the folders with the top secret stamps on them. They spread them out on the floor to make it look like they were lying around in the open. They never were in the open, they were all locked up, unlike the stolen files Biden had strewn all over the east coast.

This case, along with all the other blatantly political cases against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, are blowing apart at the seams. The one underway in NYC is being seen by America as a complete fraud and that the judge is working with the prosecution to rig the case against President Trump. Now it looks like the Biden Maladministration may have actually hoped they could get President Trump and his family killed in an FBI raid.

If a few FBI agents and a few Secret Service agents were killed, oh well. Garland and Biden would have accepted that and probably used it to go after all of Trump’s people and his supporters. Fortunately, President Trump wasn’t on site that day and most of the Secret Service Detail was with him or enjoying some down time. I think the next Attorney General, possibly Ken Paxton, the current Texas AG, is going to be very busy cleaning out the DoJ. We don’t need trash like this looking to start a shooting war in the United States for political reasons.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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