Illegal Aliens issue a list of demands

Good day all. Hopefully, a year from now, we will be watching the mass roundup and deportment of the millions of criminals that have invaded the United States under the Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden. Until then, we are forced to deal with these criminals who, like all Democrats, think the world owes them.

Over the last few years, states like Texas and Florida have been shipping all the criminals released by the Biden Maladministration into their states to Democrat controlled “Sanctuary” cities and states. This is being under the concept, “You want them? You got them! Enjoy!” Denver, Colorado is one of the cities that has been receiving these “Gifts” and like all of the hypocritical liberal areas, has been overwhelmed. This hasn’t stopped the criminals from issuing a list of demands for free stuff. Here are the details from Fox News:

A group of illegal immigrants in Denver is refusing to leave encampments until the city meets its demands.

Refusing to leave? How about ICE comes in and drags their collective asses out and ships them back to the third world hellholes they came from?

The migrants published a document with 13 specific demands before they acquiesce to Denver Human Services’ request to leave the encampments and move to more permanent shelters funded by the city. 

Demands? Who do these criminals think they are? Columbia student Nazis demonstrating their antisemitism?

The list sent to Mayor Mike Johnston included requests for provisions of “fresh, culturally appropriate” food, no time limits on showers and free immigration lawyers, the outlet reported.

The migrants insisted that if these are not met, they will not leave their tent community.

Oh really? You know, if all those tents should, you know, catch fire, I suspect you will leave.

Further details of the demands read, “Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever… Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed.”

These criminals are also demanding jobs and lawyers. First, they are criminals and anyone hiring an illegal alien is also committing a crime, including tax evasion. (They can’t legally have a social security card or Tax ID) Also, any permission to work is a federal responsibility. If that idiot mayor were to say “Sure! Go get jobs!: he would be committing a crime. The next demand is even funnier.

Additionally, the migrants demanded privacy within the shelter once moved there and, “No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such.”

I got news for you. You are criminals. You committed a crime crossing the border illegally. Without question, you have committed other crimes. You have no rights and your demands are meaningless. The problem here is the same with every single Democrat run city and state. These “Leaders” are flat out incompetent and are only concerned with looking good.

The Denver mayor has been under pressure from the city’s ongoing migrant crisis, making headlines and receiving stiff backlash earlier this year for proposing budget cuts to the city’s government, including cuts to the city’s police force, to fund more money for dealing with the city’s migrant crisis.

To the citizens of Denver, Colorado. You voted for this. You voted for this incompetent idiot. You voted for Biden, You asked for this. I have only one thing to say to you.

Now with regards to all these demands, I want to know who actually wrote them up. There is no way a bunch of, well call them what they are, illiterate peasants, came up with these demands. We need to find out who is actually backing these invaders and land on them like a collapsing building.

Transporting all these illegals from literally all over the world costs money and a lot of it. Some of these illegals probably did raise the money, however, I suspect most didn’t. As for those who actively aiding and abetting this invasion? Prosecution is called for. As for these “Migrants” in Denver? Hand them over to ICE and deport them. While you’re at it, deport the lawyers “assisting” them as well. You may as well ship out that idiot mayor too.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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