Biden releases his inner and outer racist

Good day all. Recently Biden’s staffers shot him up with whatever drug cocktail they use to keep him mildly coherent and sent him to Morehouse College May 19th. Biden gave one his usual speeches with the usual results. He showed everyone what an utter moron he has always been.

In this case Dementia Joe once again released his inner racist and insulted pretty much the entire student body and a fair number of the staff. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden’s commencement speech at Morehouse College on Sunday sparked backlash with critics describing one part of the president’s speech as “disgusting” race baiting.

The president spoke at the HBCU’s graduation ceremony on Sunday despite the threat of interrupting anti-Israel protesters. During his speech, he talked about George Floyd and how Black Americans face racism in the country. 

You can just see how this will go with the stupidest president in American History, and it did.

“You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if the ‘democracy’ you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? That Black men are being killed in the street,” Biden said.

“They don’t see you in the future of America. But they’re wrong,” he added.

As usual, Dementia Joe gets it wrong. While the crowd did applaud, people also started thinking about what he actually said. (Or was told to say by his handlers)

Social media users later called out Biden for appearing to frame the United States as racist and demeaning Black students.

“Imagine working hard for years to graduate from college and Joe Biden shows up on your day of celebration to remind you that you’re a victim and America doesn’t love you because you’re black,” Wrong Speak Publishing founder Adam Coleman wrote.

That is the common theme for white progressives, liberals and Democrats. They think that the average American of African decent is basically born a failure and will always be a failure unless white people, specifically, white progressive liberal Democrats “Help” them. All they need to do is exactly what their betters tell them to do.

Next we have a twitter post by the Libs of TikTok. The post went:

“Joe Biden inspires Black graduates at Morehouse College by telling them that they’re victims and America hates them.”

The responses were all fairly similar to this one fro Buzz Patterson.

RedState columnist Buzz Patterson said, “Biggest racist on the planet. Argue with me.”

Why would I argue with you? Biden has always been a deep down racist. He considered Robert Byrd, who was a flat out member and leader of the KKK to be a “Mentor and a friend.” Byrd, when it was politically expedient, Byrd went all in on Civil Rights. Biden, however, has a long history of racist remarks and actions.

Biden had also been accused of using the speech to cater to Black voters. After he was announced as commencement speaker in April, students and professors quickly called on the college to cancel the speech.

They really should have. Hell, Dementia Joe’s handlers should have told Morehouse “Thank you, but unfortunately, President Biden’s schedule precludes him speaking at your fine school.” Instead, they shot him up with something and sent him out. As usual, he made a complete fool of himself.

What I want to know is how may of the students have figured out that the Democrat party and Joe Biden don’t give a damn about them. They see all minorities as nothing more then votes for the Democrats. The last thing they want is any minority who sits down, looks around and starts questioning why things are the way they are. This is why the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, is making inroads into traditional Democrat constituencies. They remember that under Trump, things were a lot better. Biden’s pandering has, as usual, blown up in his face.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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