AOC told to stay out of the Bronx by residents

Good day all. When President Trump held his rally in the Bronx, a lot of people were surprised at the turnout, including President Trump. While the Greatest President of the 21st century, Donald Trump, along with the GOP, welcomed the ten’s of thousands of residents, the Democrats decided to go full Democrat.

One of the bigger idiots was, as usual, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex. She referred to all the people there as from out of town and not representative of the people she claims to care about. This didn’t sit well with the actual residents. Here are the details from Fox News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came under fire by New Yorkers attending former President Trump’s South Bronx rally after the “Squad” member criticized the event as “trick” that would be attended by many “out-of-towners.”

But “Jesse Watters Primetime” spotlighted a number of attendees, all self-proclaimed locals, who rejected AOC’s agenda and said nothing has changed since she was elected. 

“You need to tell her that she needs to stay out of the Bronx because look at all the people around. Everybody’s here for Trump,” one unidentified man said.

As for her impact, one woman said the Democratic socialist representative has “done nothing” to help the community. Another woman, alternatively, urged AOC to visit and see firsthand the hardships facing their neighborhood.

“Let her come to the Bronx, and let her come among us people that struggle. She doesn’t even know what struggle is,” she said.

No, she doesn’t. In fact, AOC has a long history of wrecking projects that would have brought thousands of high paying jobs to the district. Her basic attitude is that she is smarter than the people in her district and they should just shut up and do as their told. Of course, the reailty is that AOC is one of the dumber members of congress.

The Bronx borough of New York City voted more than 80% for President Biden in the 2020 presidential election. But after four years of the Democrat’s presidency, some residents have made it clear they’re ready for change.

I really hope so, but I’m not expecting President Trump or the Republicans to carry the district. It would be nice, and the fact that President Trump wasn’t just willing, but happy to come into potentially hostile territory had an effect.

Trump’s Thursday night rally drew a larger-than-expected crowd of more than 25,000 people, as he dubbed the event a “love fest” in his speech. Attendees, who waited in the rain for the former president’s arrival, responded with cheers and applause when Trump declared: “We love you.”

This rally happened before the Kangaroo Court came up with their conviction. From what I’ve been reading, a lot of people have been seeing this blatant miscarriage of justice and understand that if this can happen to a former president, it can and does happen to them.

Fox News spoke with a number of attendees who all expressed support for Trump for various reasons. The common thread, however, was a need to return to life under a Trump presidency.

One unidentified man praised Trump for being “for the people.”

Another said “everything was under control” until Biden took office.

“We had low inflation, we had gas under a buck-eighty,” he added. 

These people are remembering how things were four years ago and how things are now. They, like everyone else, are hurting. Most of them voted for Biden and the Democrats because they always did and Orange Man Bad. Now they have figured out what a lot of people have known for years. The Democrats don’t care about them and never stopped considering them to be “Their Property.”

Bronx residents repeatedly voiced concerns about money and “extreme” prices, as well as crime, immigration and housing. 

Biden, many agreed, has not addressed any of the key issues plaguing New York City and minority communities.

Host Jesse Watters noted that the former president spent more than an hour addressing those voters’ very concerns. 

“Biden is not getting the job done for the Bronx,” Trump said. “The minute crooked Joe Biden shuffles out the door, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

When President Trump won in 2016, an interesting thing happened. The economy started picking up even though he wasn’t sworn into office. He had to deal with a lot of crap that no president should have, and yet things were better for a lot more people, especially Black and Hispanic Americans. (Or Americans and I call them)

“The Trump train has left the station. I am telling you, Trump is going to win. Look, he’s bombastic. He’s loud. There’s a lot of things we don’t like about him personally, but he’s a man that will get the job done.”

Yes, that’s the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, on an M1 Tank. I don’t have a train meme of him. (I should find one or see if I can make one) It looks like President Trump is going to win the election. He’s also in the process of putting a major dent into the so called “Minority vote” that the Democrats have had a lock on for decades. There is only one thing that can stop President Trump now, and that is someone saying that Donald Trump has information that can lead to the arrest of the Clintons.

A bit of a joke, yes, but consider the lengths the Biden Maladministration has gone to to Get Trump!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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