Mad Maxine Waters demands Trump supporters be investigated

Good day all. We haven’t heard from Mad Maxine Waters lately. (Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has been working hard to outstupid her) Of course since her usual routine is screaming that everyone is a racist, people tend to tune her out. Now that it looks like President Trump may win in November, even with the bogus conviction on fake crimes, Waters decided to attack all his supporters.

Maxine Waters is a Democrat from Kalifornistan and about as crooked as they come. During the first administration of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, she took to calling on her supporters to physically attack Republicans. (I think her exact term was “Get in their face) Now she is demanding that all of President Trumps supporters should be investigated as domestic terrorists. Here are the details from Fox News:

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., claimed former President Trump was instigating violence in the U.S. and suggested that his supporters were “domestic terrorists” who should be investigated for possibly preparing for a “civil war.”

“I’m worried that he’s so divisive and that he’s talking about retribution, and they’re talking about revenge and I think that that’s dangerous. He’s even mentioned civil war at one point, talked about there would be bloodshed,” Waters said on MSNBC Sunday, referring to Trump’s rhetoric.

What we have here, is a classic case of projection. All you need to do is review all the rantings and ravings by Mad Maxine Waters after President Trump won in 2016 to see that she, like all Liberal Democrats, is accusing everyone else of what she’s been doing.

During the media appearance, the congresswoman vowed that she would ask the “criminal justice system” to find out what is “going on with the domestic terrorists,” seeming to refer to the presumptive Republican nominee’s supporters. 

“Are they preparing a civil war against us?” she continued. “Should we be concerned about our safety? What is [Trump] doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous.” 

Interesting. Notice how she used the phrase “against us” in that sentence? Just who is “Us?” I suspect she’s talking about all the Progressive Liberal Democrats that think they should be in charge of all aspects of American life. She certainly isn’t referring to anyone that she might not agree with. (Which is almost everyone apparently)

“This is not good for this country,” Waters added, “but he does not care about democracy, he does not care about the Constitution of the United States. He’s in love with Putin and Russia and Kim Jong-un and North Korea.” 

“How far is this going to go?” Waters asked. “Are they going to be attacking? Whom are they going to attack? What are we going to do? We’re trying to get an investigation going about that.”

Waters is, of course paranoid. She is also projecting everything that her side has done on President Trump, the Republican Party and the Deplorable Ultra MAGA Trump supporters. She’s also one of those kooks who keeps saying that the January 6th protest was an attempted insurrection.

Waters also referenced a social media post she made attacking Trump after his historic conviction in New York. 

“Trump shut your mouth!” Waters wrote on X Thursday. “You talk about saving the Constitution? You’re the one who has disrespected the Constitution and you have supporters who believe we should get rid of the Constitution! Just shut your mouth, you’re convicted on all counts!”

I read that rant and ignored it as the ravings of a crazed lunatic. A large majority of Americans have looked at that Kangaroo case along with all the other Lawfare cases against President Trump and anyone who works with him or supports him and understand who the real threat to the Rule of Law and the Constitution of the United States is, and it isn’t President Donald Trump.

Waters previously claimed in May that right-wing organizations connected to Trump are “training” to attack if Biden wins the election in November.

“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to ask the Justice Department, and I am going to ask the president to tell us what they are going to do to protect this country against violence if [Biden] loses,” she remarked. 

“I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that [Trump] is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they are going to attack. We need to know now, given that he is telling us there is going to be violence if he loses. We need to know what his plan is and how we are going to be protected,” Waters said.

I will be more then happy to tell you, you barking moonbat. If things were to actually go sideways, which no one in their right mind wants to see happen, (Which leaves you and most of the Liberals, Progressives and Democrats out), you aren’t going to see a “Trump Army” descending on cities. You are going to see very competent lone wolves and small groups who are going to target specific individual, such as yourself.

Now, of course, this is all way out there and won’t be happening, unless the Democrats do something really stupid such as steal the election again or murder President Trump. The people Mad Maxine loves to attack and accuse of planning to overthrow the ever so benevolent rule of the Democrat Party, know what a civil war would do and don’t want to kick it off.

Now what could and should happen in 2025, is the new Trump Attorney General, (Perhaps Ken Paxton), cleans out the DoJ and brings in people who believe in the Rule of Law, Innocent until proven guilty and the Constitution of the United States. Then they start with looking into all the criminal activities of one Maxine Waters and the rest of the Democrat Party.

That’s what you really need to be afraid of Mad Maxine. It’s not some guy, (Or girl as the case may be), in a MAGA hat coming for you. It’s some U.S. Marshals with a valid warrant for your arrest. There are Republicans, middle of the road and who weren’t Trump supporters who, thanks to you and the other Democrats, are furious. Now they are looking to get even and that means doing unto the Democrats what you have been doing unto everyone else.

You’re demand that anyone supporting President Trump needs to be investigated and potentially rounded up shows everyone that you are the actual threat to the Republic. I hope that you end up getting arrested and in the end, thrown into a cell with your fellow Democrat and liar, Adam Schiffhead. After a trial of course with all the rights and due process you have been providing to President Trump.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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