Hostage families to Joe Biden. STOP HELPING!

Good day all. First a bit of good news that ties into the title. Israel pulled off a raid against the Hamas terrorists and rescued four hostage alive and well. (As well as can be expected of course) There will be another post on that later. In the meantime, hostage families have just about had it with the Biden Maladministration actions with regards to their family member still held by the terrorists.

These people have been watching and listening to that senile moron and the other antisemitic incompetents in Washington as Israel tries to clean out Hamas and save as many of the remaining hostages as they can. They have had it and have basically said “STOP HELPING!” Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

Families of hostages still held captive by Hamas have asked US President Joe Biden to stand down and stop interfering on behalf of the terrorists.

According to a statement posted by The Tikva Forum, which “brings together the families of abductees, works with the goal of assisting the speedy release of all the abductees, down to the last of them – out of national responsibility and trust in the resilience of the State of Israel and the IDF,” the “Biden administration’s continued pressure on the Israeli government’s decision-making during this existential war is unacceptable.”

The problem of course, is Joe Biden and his handlers. Many of the people in the decision making loop, (Which lets out Dementia Joe), are retreads from the Second Worst President in American History, Barack Obama. They are active supporters of Hamas, Iran and are fully on board with their goal of the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews.

On his best day, if he ever had one, the dumbest President Ever was always backing the wrong side in everything, including Israel. Biden in his days as a disgraceful Senator, (When he wasn’t stealing classified documents), moved to stop the Iron Dome project that has protected Israeli citizens for years from Islamic terrorist rockets. As president* in the middle of a shooting war, he tried to prevent Israel from resupplying their Iron Dome systems after the massive attacks on October 7th.

The group posted on X, “The outline proposed by President Biden, ostensibly on behalf of the Israeli government, is a proposal that endangers the future of the State of Israel. We respectfully ask the President to trust our experience and expertise on the Middle East.”

I wrote about that “Cease Fire” plan when it came out. It turned out that it was a variation of the Hamas plan and that Israel had no knowledge of it and never offered it. Netanyahu’s government had to break their sabbath to denounce it.

The group continued, “Hamas must be completely destroyed. Every sign of weakness will empower it to commit the next massacre. The abductees will only be returned if Hamas is totally dismantled and begs for help. If Gazans are allowed to return to the northern Gaza Strip before the release of all the hostages, Israel will lose a key form of pressure. One that can cost our hostages’ lives.”

Please, honorable POTUS, respect the decisions made by Israel’s elected leadership and stand by us as a true ally in this difficult time,” the group concluded.

Well there is a mistake. There is nothing honorable about the Senile Pedophile, Joe Biden. He’s also a psychopath and flat out doesn’t give a damn about you, only what you can do for him.

On Tuesday, CIA director William Burns and White House Mideast Czar Brett McGurk reportedly traveled back to the Middle East for meetings in Doha and Cairo, hoping to advance a hostage deal proposed by Biden last week.

That “Deal” is rightfully dead and buried. No one trusts anything coming out the Maladministration’s mouth. They have been screwing over everyone since day one, both intentionally and through sheer incompetence and stupidity.

Many in Israel had significant issues with the deal, believing that it would allow Hamas to remain in power. Hamas has yet to formally respond to the proposal, but on Tuesday, Hamas official Osama Hamdan indicated that the terrorist organization also had issues with the plan.

First, it will let Hamas survive and rebuild. That is one of the goals of all the Obama scum in the current Maladministration. Second, it doesn’t surprise me that Hamas has a problem with it. The “Deal” allows Israel to continue to exist. The whole point of Hamas is to kill all the Jews and take Israel for themselves.

Over 120 hostages, including 5 Americans, have been held by Hamas since the October 7 attacks on the Jewish state. 

Sadly, it’s unlikely that most of those people are still alive. Yes, we did have that great news that the IDF rescued four hostages, but the reports are that even Hamas doesn’t know where some of them are. (Meaning they killed them and buried them somewhere and forgot where) The American hostages were doomed from day one.

Biden and his pack of scum have sold out every single American in jeopardy since the first day of this nightmare called the Biden Administration. You only have to look back to the Kabul Bugout and all the Americans that slime ball abandoned to know you can’t count on your country when you need them. These were American citizens. For all the Israelis hopefully still alive and held, as far as this maladministration is concerned, they are expendable nonpeople. Hopefully, things will get better once Biden is gone in January.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Hostage families to Joe Biden. STOP HELPING!

  1. Angry Webmaster says:

    Believe it or not, this was blocked on TwitterX


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