The EU wants to tell American Companies how to conduct business around the world

Good day all. This seems to have slipped under the radar. It looks like the European Union intends to pass a law forcing companies to go Woke globally or else.

The Eurotrash Communist elites running the EU have been trying for years to force the United States to basically surrender to their authority. First we had the Paris Agreement that Obama signed that would have let the Europeans loot and pillage the United States while doing noting about actual polluters such as China and India.

When President Trump won the 2016 election to the surprise and shock of the Eurotrash elites they assumed that they would be able to control the Greatest President of the 21st Century. President Trump very quickly disabused them if that idea when he told Europe that the time was long past for them to pony up for their own defense.

As one of his first actions, President Trump tore up the Paris Agreement that Barack Obama considered part of his legacy.

Now that we have the worst president* in American history in office, who is senile, the European Union has decided this would be a good time to try again to impose their will on the United States and American businesses. Here are the details from Fox News:

In May, officials in the European Union finalized a sweeping new law that will radically change business activities around the world and, by extension, the societies they operate in. 

The law, formally titled the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), will not only apply to companies that are based in the European Union, but also to businesses headquartered in other countries that provide products and services in the EU. 

Under the law, large businesses will be forced to adopt left-wing environmental and social justice rules. In America, we refer to these as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics, but in Europe, they are commonly called “due diligence.” 

I suspect that many of the Republicans in Congress aren’t aware of this. I’m not certain that President Trump knows about this load of crap the Eurotrash are trying to jam down America’s throats. I think it’s a safe bet that the second Trump Administration will demonstrate the United States unhappiness very loudly.

The law will not only force businesses to adopt Europe’s ESG rules within their own operations but also throughout much of their supply chains, regardless of where the companies in the supply chain are located. That means countless businesses within the United States will be affected by this law. 

The CSDDD mandates that large businesses reduce and reverse biodiversity loss, limit water and land consumption, prohibit certain kinds of “disinformation,” guarantee rights for labor unions, and adopt climate transition plans that phase out fossil fuels, among numerous other requirements. 

Good luck with that. As far as I’m concerned, this is almost a declaration of war against not just the United States but most of the countries around the world.

Large companies will also be forced under the law to adhere to numerous U.N. resolutions, EU regulations and international agreements. 

Without question this will cause American companies to break American law in order to comply, and this they will not do. They might just decide to pull out of Europe completely.

Companies covered under the CSDDD include EU-based businesses with more than 1,000 employees and a net worldwide turnover of more than $489 million. (Net turnover is similar to revenue.)  Non-EU companies, such as those headquartered in the United States, are covered under the mandate if they have a net turnover of $489 million in the European Union. 

The Fox News article goes into detail on just how bad this thing is. It’s not just the actual companies, it also encompasses their supply chains. For instance, consider McDonalds. They would be covered by this “law.” it would also include the ranchers producing the beef and the farmers producing the potatoes.

The new EU supply chain law is so expansive, nearly every medium and large-sized business in America will likely be impacted by its leftist mandates, directly or indirectly. It’s also important to remember that the rules could be changed by EU officials in the future at any time, opening the door to even more radical requirements. 

Which is why, once it becomes widely known, it will fail. Never mind any legal issues, this would bankrupt a huge number of small businesses that supply the big international companies. What’s worse for American and other non-EU businesses, failure to comply will result in fines of up to 5% of a company’s net income.

Make no mistake about it, the CSDDD is a direct assault on America’s sovereignty. The European Union has no right to transform U.S. businesses and American culture. It has no right to tell Americans which labor rules it must comply with, how much land U.S. farmers and ranchers should use, or what kinds of cars we can drive. And yet, that is exactly what the European Union is doing. 

And it should be treated as such. For all intents and purposes this is an attempt by the European Union to end American sovereignty and impose their idea of a totalitarian one world government. As for the Biden Maladministration?

Unsurprisingly, the Biden administration is doing nothing to stop the CSDDD, and it seems at present that most members of Congress are completely unaware that it exists. That’s disturbing, to say the least, considering the scope of the EU law and the huge negative impacts it will inevitably have on the United States. 

I can understand why Congress might not be aware of this. They are looking at domestic issues primarily plus the 2024 election. As for the Biden Maladministration? I doubt that dementia patient is aware or has even been told. Blinken must know, but he’s just fine with this. Even if Dementia Joe does know, as long as he gets his 10 percent, he’s fine with it.

It’s going to take the reelection of President Trump to put a stop to this and it might require flat out threats against the EU in Brussels. To begin with, if the EU won’t reverse this, then we pull out of NATO. That would send the proverbial shot across the bows of the European Union. While the French and Germans might be fine with this, the other countries, especially Poland would go into shock.

I would also work to split Eastern Europe from the EU. We’ve already had Brexit, perhaps it’s time to work to get the rest of the Eastern Nations to walk away. I don’t think it would take much, especially of we put together some really good trade deals with them. Basically, we need to isolate and crush the European Union.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to The EU wants to tell American Companies how to conduct business around the world

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Not one more penny to Europe. No UN, no NATO, no USAID. Let them learn German or Russian whichever suits them best.


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