Mad Maxine Mouth off again with more threats

Good day all. Once again, Mad Maxine has gone off her meds. She’s saying that if the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, is reelected, killings will happen.

Mad Maxine Waters is one of the dumbest and most corrupt members of the House of Representatives. She should have been thrown out years ago and jailed for things she has done, up to and including incitement to riot and threatening people. Now that President Trump is looking more and more likely to regain the White House, Mad Maxine has once again gone completely off her rocker. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) declared over the weekend that if former President Donald Trump wins re-election that “millions” of people will be threatened and “killings” will happen.

Waters made the remarks during a Sunday interview on MSNBC when asked about if she was concerned about her personal safety if Trump were to win.

I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress,” she claimed. “I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets. He threatens about a civil war, and he threatens there’s going to be violence.”

I would say all of this talk is motivational with many of those who are racist, who are sitting at home listening to him, and they are taking him up on his threats even before the elections take place,” she continued. “It is about thousands, maybe millions of people being threatened and being at risk because of Donald Trump and his desire to seek revenge on anything and everybody.”

And there she goes, playing the old race card. I wonder how many of her constituents are now sporting MAGA hats and are looking to vote for Donald Trump?

She claimed that Trump’s words, combined with the January 6 riot, would lead to “more killings” happening.

I think Donald Trump has to take responsibility for what he is saying about blood in the streets and violence if he is not elected to be the president of the United States of America,” she said.

I seem to recall that you were telling people to “Get in the face” of President Trump’s people and were cheering on Antifa and the BLM as they torched cities, looted and murdered during the Summer of Fiery Love. Now you may be at risk if President Trump wins, but it won’t be of violence. There’s enough out there to get you indicted and convicted. (Once the DoJ is cleaned out of course)

The only way there will be violence is if, as usual, your side initiates it. What you may not be considering is that most Americans, regardless of skin color, have had it with the thugs, also regardless of skin color. Now if you Democrats steal the election again, then yes, I do see bad times happening. If, god forbid, the current cold civil war goes hot, yes, people will go after you. Perhaps you should try pulling things back from the edge you load of manure instead of pouring gasoline on the fire.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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