Democrat Donors: “Biden can run, we’re just not paying for that basket case”

Good day all. I wrote this just before the assassination attempt on President Trump. Joe Biden has been removed from the race. I considered deleting this, but it does explain some of the reasons the Democrats threw Biden over the side.

The demand that the worst president* in American history, Dementia Joe Biden, step aside and not run for reelection are growing.

While pressure is growing, the determined stubbornness of Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden to keep her imperial fat ass in the White House, and the side effect of senility, denial of reality of Dementia Joe Biden pretty much guarantees that Biden will not step aside.

This has led all the rich Liberal Progressive Elites who hate the average American but love their privilege to come to the conclusion that backing the dementia case is a complete waste of money, so they’re turning opff the money spigot. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Several top donors to the Democratic Party will withhold about $90 million in promised donations unless President Joe Biden steps aside from his reelection campaign, The New York Times reported.

Donors to the pro-Biden super PAC Future Forward are reportedly holding onto tens of millions of dollars in promised donations, including multiple contributions in the eight figures, two sources who spoke under the condition of anonymity told the Times. These sources estimated the total amount of frozen donations to be around or above $90 million.

Well now, I hope these people enjoy the IRS anal exams they’re going to be getting for the next six months.

Multiple prominent donors to the Democratic Party, including Netflix head Reed Hastings, former Zynga chief executive Mark Pincus, and Walmart heiress Christy Walton, have called on Biden to step aside since his widely criticized performance in his debate against former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, last month.

Biden’s response has been “Hell NO!” and then Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden would leave the room, get Joe and take him to the Presidential quarters, change him and tuck him into bed.

Oh! my mistake. Joe would say no and then wonder off looking for some ice cream and a 12 year old’s hair he could sniff.

The Democrats are between a rock and a hard place and they have only themselves to blame. Joe Bide was mentally incompetent back in 2020 and they knew it. They installed him into the White House with the understanding he would be a one term president. They never thought that the Bidens would refuse to leave.

They spent years covering up for the dementia patient. Now Joe Biden’s mental collapse is so blatantly obvious, they have nothing left. All they can do is try to get him to step aside. Now the “Big Money People” are adding their bank accounts to the cause of “Operation Dump Biden.” I don’t think it will work. The Democrats are officially screwed, blued and tatooed.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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