Shots fired at Trump rally, Trump appears slightly injured.

This is a breaking story. It appears someone tried to take a shot at President Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania. Videos show that there were some pops and President Trump suddenly slapped slapped his right ear and then went down.

The Secret Service moved instantly to cover President Trump. You could hear president Trump talking along with the Secret Service. Trump was helped up to his feet, still talking, but the videos showed President Trump bleeding over his right ear. President Trump walked off under his own power and as he left, held up a fist and waved to the crowd.

Other closeups of President Trump show his face. He wasn’t showing fear, he looked pissed.

At this moment, we don’t know if it was an actual shot or is someone threw some sort of firework. Obviously the 72 hour rule is now in effect.

Stay Tuned.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to Shots fired at Trump rally, Trump appears slightly injured.

  1. PissedSeabee says:

    The secret service has now earned itself a congressional inquiry for this debacle. More hearings that will probably accomplish little. This government has got to go!!!

  2. Jon P says:

    News outlets have reported it was actual gunfire. There are many questions being asked as to how the shooter got into the position from which fired, considering there ought to have been either Secret Service or police coverage either in that position or able to see the shooter move in. Either way, following the shots being fired, the shooter ran and was taken down.

    • Latest reports and pictures show he was taken out by the Secret Service counter snipers. Apparently a local cop went up to the roof to confront him and the criminal pointed his rifle at him. He ducked and called in but it was to late.


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