Secret Service offered drones, but refused them

Good day all. The fallout from the attempted assassination of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump continues. One of the questions being asked was why the Secret Service didn’t have any drones over the venue. A drone would have spotted the criminal and President Trump either wouldn’t have been allowed on the stage, or quickly hustled off the stage while the criminal was dealt with.

No answer had been provided as to why the Secret Service didn’t bring a couple of drones with them to the venue. Now a report has come out that the Secret Service details was offered drones by local police and suppliers, but refused them. Here are the details from Newsmax:

The U.S. Secret Service refused offers to use drones at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania before the failed assassination attempt there, a whistleblower told Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo.

Then-Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told House members Monday that she was awaiting an investigation to determine whether the service did use drones to help secure the rally site in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Cheatle damn well knew that the local Secret Service team didn’t use drones. The question that should be asked is why? It looks like Senator Hawley has a source that has some information and isn’t happy at what has been happening with what is supposed to be the premier protective service on Earth.

“NEW – Whistleblower tells me local law enforcement partners & suppliers offered drones to Secret Service BEFORE the rally – but Secret Service declined,” Hawley posted on X with an image of a letter he sent to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

In the immortal words of every infomercial ever, “But wait! There’s more!”

While it appears the Secret Service did not rely on drones to help secure the site, FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the alleged shooter successfully flew his own drone around the venue two hours before opening fire.

I’m not in any way knowledgeable in how security like this is supposed to work. I would think they would be very interested in someone flying a drone over the area they are in the process of securing. Apparently not. The Secret Service was so uninterested that when offered drones, they said no.

“According to one whistleblower, the night before the rally, U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally,” Hawley wrote Mayorkas.

“This means that the technology was both available to USSS and able to be deployed to secure the site. Secret Service said no. The whistleblower further alleges that after the shooting took place, USSS changed course and asked the local partner to deploy the drone technology to surveil the site in the aftermath of the attack.”

Talk about locking the door after the horse took the shot, missed and was put down.

Hawley adds “it is hard to understand why USSS would decline to use drones when they were offered, particularly given the fact the USS permitted the shooter to overfly the rally area with his own drone mere hours before the event.”

We are rapidly moving into conspiracy theory territory. The levels of incompetence seen in this incident is starting to make people think this was not stupidity but a flat out plan to open a hole to allow someone to get close enough to take a shot at President Trump. What hasn’t been covered all that much is that Iran was planning to try and assassinate President Trump.

Mayorkis definitely knew that the Iranians were planning something. Has the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, he would be one of the first people notified. However, Mayorkis has been working since day one to undermine this country’s security, starting with not enforcing immigration laws and securing the border. He also hates President Trump

The Secret Service is under the Department of Homeland Security and Cheatle reported to him. Cheatle spent hours basically tap dancing around direct questions from the congressional oversight committees and was finely forced to resign from office. Now the conspiracy theory. Since Mayorkis knew about the Iranian assassination plot, did he conspire with others in the Biden Maladministration to open that hole in the security hoping that an Iranian Quds terrorist would get in and kill President Trump?

Granted, this is all just wild speculation and a perfect conspiracy theory. There is no way that the Biden Maladministration would do something so egregious as to allow a foreign terrorist hit team to get into position to murder a political rival. That’s just crazy talk after all.

The senator further says the drones offered to USSS “had the capability not only to identify active shooters but also to help neutralize them.”

Pretty much any drone available, military or civilian could have spotted and stopped the criminal. A civilian drone could have been directed to fly right in front of the criminal, blocking his shot or even crashing into him. Other drones could have more forcefully stopped him

Hawley gave Mayorkas a week to supply all records and communications concerning the availability of drone usage at the July 13 rally.

Good luck with that. Mayorkis will do what he always does. Ignore congress. Frankly, I expect the Maladministration to continue stonewalling the oversight committees. However, this attempt on President Trump’s life has also scared the crap out of a lot of Democrats as well as angered the Republicans. Even the notoriously stupid Alexandria Occasional-Cortex was scared smart for a few minutes.

I have a feeling that finding out what happened and why will have to wait for the next, (Trump), administration. Then the they can break out the virtual thumb screws and finally get to the bottom of the last 4 years of weaponization of the justice system and the attempt on President Trump’s life. Best, (Or worst case depending on your point of view), a lot of the current members of this maladministration are going to be brought up on actual charges. We shall see of course.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Secret Service offered drones, but refused them

  1. We are rapidly approaching the point where incompetence no longer suffices as an explanation


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